Bagh O Bahar | Page 5

Mir Amman of Dihli
filled with tears, and he heaved a deep sigh,
and then said to himself, "Alas! thou hast wasted thy years to no
purpose, and for earthly advantages thou hast overturned the world.
And all the countries thou hast conquered, what advantage are they to
thee? Some other race will in the end squander these riches.
Death hath already sent thee a messenger; [55] and even if thou livest a
few years, the strength of thy body will be less. Hence, it appears
clearly from this circumstance, that it is not my destiny to have an heir
to my canopy and throne. I must one day die, and leave everything
behind me; so it is better for me to quit them now, and dedicate the rest
of my days to the adoration of my Maker."
Having in his heart made this resolve, he descended to his lower garden.
[56] Having dismissed his courtiers, he ordered that no one should
approach him in future, but that all should attend the Public Hall of
Audience, [57] and continue occupied in their respective duties. After
this speech the king retired to a private apartment, spread the carpet of
prayer, [58] and began to occupy himself in devotion: he did nothing
but weep and sigh. Thus the king, Azud Bakhht passed many days; in
the evening he broke his fast with a date and three mouthfuls of water,
and lay all day and night on the carpet of prayer. Those circumstances
became public, and by degrees the intelligence spread over the whole

empire, that the king having withdrawn his hand from public affairs,
had become a recluse. In every quarter enemies and rebels raised their
heads, and stepped beyond the bounds [of obedience]; whoever wished
it, encroached on the kingdom, and rebelled; wherever there were
governors, in their jurisdictions great disturbance took place; and
complaints of mal-administration arrived at court from every province.
All the courtiers and nobles assembled, and began to confer and
At last it was agreed, "that as his Highness the Wazir is wise and
intelligent, and in the king's intimacy and confidence, and is first in
dignity, we ought to go before him, and hear what he thinks proper to
say on the occasion," All the nobles went to his Highness the Wazir,
and said: "Such is the state of the king and such the condition of the
kingdom, that if more delay takes place, this empire, which has been
acquired with such trouble, will be lost for nothing, and will not be
easily regained." The Wazir was an old, faithful servant, and wise; his
name was Khiradmand, a name self-significant. [59] He replied,
"Though the king has forbidden us to come into his presence, yet go
you: I will also go--may it please God that the king be inclined to call
me to his presence." After saying this, the Wazir brought them all along
with him as far as the Public Hall of Audience, and leaving them there,
he went into the Private Hall of Audience, [60] and sent word by the
eunuch [61] to the royal presence, saying, "this old slave is in waiting,
and for many days has not beheld the royal countenance; he is in hopes
that, after one look, he may kiss the royal feet, then his mind will be at
ease." The king heard this request of his Wazir, and inasmuch as his
majesty knew his length of services, his zeal, his talents, and his
devotedness, and had often followed his advice, after some
consideration, he said, "call in Khiradmand." As soon as permission
was obtained, the Wazir appeared in the royal presence, made his
obeisance, and stood with crossed arms. [62] He saw the king's strange
and altered appearance, that from extreme weeping and emaciation his
eyes were sunk in their sockets, [63] and his visage was pale.
Khiradmand could no longer restrain himself, but without choice, ran
and threw himself at [the king's] feet. His majesty lifted up the Wazir's

head with his hands, and said, "There, thou hast at last seen me; art
thou satisfied? Now go away, and do not disturb me more--do thou
govern the empire." Khiradmand, on hearing this, gnashing his teeth,
wept said, "This slave, by your favour and welfare, can always possess
a kingdom; but ruin is spread over the empire from your majesty's such
sudden seclusion, and the end of it will not be prosperous. What strange
fancy has possessed the royal mind! If to this hereditary vassal your
majesty will condescend to explain yourself, it will be for the best--that
I may unfold whatever occurs to my imperfect judgment on the
occasion. If you have bestowed honours on your slaves, it is for this
exigency, that your majesty may enjoy yourself at your ease, and your
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