Baby Chatterbox | Page 3

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Rose when presented,?Is a sign of favor.
[Illustration: S]
Strawberries in dish,?With sugar and cream.
[Illustration: T]
Tomatoes as fine?As ever were seen.
The name of the bear is Jack. I fetched?him from the West India Import Dock?on the 5th of November, 1870. He was running?about with another bear on board ship,?but the job was to catch him. After many?attempts we at last put a strong collar round?his neck, to which was attached a long chain,?and then we got him into a large barrel and?fastened the head on with hoop-iron, lowered?him over the side of the vessel into a?boat, and then pulled to the quay, and hauled?him up into a cart. For a time the little fellow?was quiet enough, but he got very inquisitive?when being driven towards the?city, and wanted to have a look round. I?managed to quiet him by giving him pieces?of lump-sugar. He arrived safely at the Crystal?Palace, and has lived in an aviary till the?beginning of last month, when he was put?into his new bear-pit. The little fellow has?grown twice the size he was when he first?came. He is very playful, but sometimes?he shows his teeth when he is teased.
The lessons are learned, and now we?all join hands, and march to the play-ground.?And a nice play-ground we have,?and every day when it is fine we enjoy?ourselves very much. Some like to swing?round the great pole, others join hands and?form a large ring, and then we try to see?which side of the ring can pull the hardest.?Others like to run a race, and try who will?run three times round the play-ground first.?When it is wet we march round our large?school-room, keeping time with our feet.?And then we have such splendid fun?playing "Tag," first one, and then the?other, racing round over benches, and?under and around the desks, until we are?fairly tired out. Then we hear the bell?ring, and we march in, two by two, to?commence our lessons again.
[Illustration: U]
Unicorn root,?Good at times for the health.
[Illustration: V]
A beautiful Vine,?All alone by itself.
[Illustration: W]
Wheat in the field,?Gently waved by the wind.
[Illustration: X]
Xanthic flowers, which?Are a bright yellow kind.
Topsy had four kittens, but as it was?settled that we could not keep more?than one, and little Milly Knight wanting?one, the other two had to be drowned. So?Milly came one day and selected a nice little?black and white one. We were very sorry?when Tom took the little creatures and put?them in the pond at the bottom of the?garden. As they were very young and?could not feel much, we thought Topsy?would soon forget them. Well, on the?evening that they were drowned, while the?cook was in her pantry, with the window?open, she saw something come rushing?along, and, in another minute, Topsy leaped?through the window, carrying in her mouth?one of the kittens, dripping wet, which she?laid on the mat and began to lick with all?her might. And how she licked it! Over?and over, and over again, till, as the cook?said, she "licked it into life." The little?kitten got well, and became, owing to its?narrow escape, and the love displayed, a?great pet ever afterward.
The copies and the lessons?Are finished for to-day,?And out the happy children?At "horses" come to play.
Conny, and Frank, and Archie,?With doggie "Trim," are there;?Conny and Frank are harnessed,?And Archie drives the pair.
Away, away they scamper,?Across the breezy park;?And doggie runs beside them?With merry, happy bark.
For breath they pause a minute,?Then off they start again,?For they pretend they're going?To meet papa's down train.
[Illustration: Y]
To find these bright flags,?In the marsh you must hunt.
[Illustration: Z]
A Zigadenus flower,?Changing color each month.
This stands?Firm, and strong?Another one?We'll build hereon.
Keep away,?Now we'll see,?If 'twill hold?A number three.
Try another,?One more,?Raise it to?A fourth floor.
Yet another;?Oh, what fun!?That's too many--?Down they come.
Rat-tat at the door! Rat-tat at the door!
Here are valentines one, two, three;?There is one for Harry, and one for Will,
And a big one for girlie, see!?Wildly she flies o'er the nursery floor,
Never was girlie so happy before,?As she shouts in her baby glee--?"Oh! I've got a valentine, all come, look!?As big as the sheet of a picture book!?Now, don't you wish you all, like me,?Had a great big heart painted red, you see?"
All day long--now in, now out--?Now up, now down--she wanders about?Showing her treasure; 'tis fast getting torn,?But paper, we all know, is very soon worn.?"Who do you think can love me the most?To buy this, and send it alone by the post??Do look again, you must like to see,?'Tis a great big heart, and it 'longs to me,?And please to read me the written line?That says, 'God bless your sweet valentine!'"
A very interesting story is told by Mr.?Youatt: "I wanted, one day, to go?through a tall iron gate, from one part of?my premises to another, but just within?it lay a poor lame puppy, and I could not?get in without perhaps seriously
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