Arthur | Page 9

Frederick J. Furnivall [editor]
We co_m_mande[th] [th]e on haste
To paye owre trybut faste;
[Th]u hast scley frolle in frau_n_ce
[Th]at hadde vnder vs [th]ere_ gou_er_nau_nce, 224
And wy[th]holdest oure tribute [th]erto:
[Th]u schalt be taw[gh]t [th]u hast mysdo:
We co_m_mande[th] [th]e in haste soone
and come to [Th]at [th]u come to vs at Rome 228

Rome to be To vnder_fang our_e_ ordynau_nce?punished for For [th]y dysobediau_n_ce;?his disobedience. As [th]u wold nat leze [th]y lyf,
Fulfylle [th]ys wy_t_houte stryff." 232
[Arthur's Answer to Lucius.]
The Britons When [th]is lettre was open & rad;?purpose to kill [Th]e bretoun_s & all_e_ men wer_e mad, the messengers, And wolde [th]e messager scle:--?but Arthur "Nay," seyd Arthour, "per de, 236 forbids it, That were a[gh]enst alle kynde,
A messager to bete or bynde;
y charge alle men here
for to make ham good chere." 240
And after Mete sanz fayl
Wy[th] hys lordes he hadde cou_n_sayl;
And alle asented [th]er to,
and resolves to Arthour to Rome scholde go; 244
invade Rome. And [th]ey ne wolde in hys trauayle
Wy[th] strenk[th] & good neuer fayle.
Than Arthour_ wroot to Rome a l_ettre,
Was sentence was som_m-what bytter_e, 248
And sayde i_n_ [th]is manere
As [gh]e may hure here:--

L_ite_ra Reg_is "Knowe[th] well_e_ [gh]e of Romayne,?Arthuri._ Y am kyng Arthour of Bretayne. 252 Arthur's answer Frau_n_ce, y haue conquered hyt,?to the Emperor Y schall_e_ defende & kepe hyt [Gh]ut, [Fol. 44,
Lucius, Y come to Rome, as y am tryw, col. 2.]
claiming tribute To take my trybut (.) to me dywe, 256
from him. But noon [th]ere-for to paye,
By my werk [gh]e schall_e_ asay;
For [th]e Emperour Constantyne
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