Arthur | Page 8

Marquis of Bath
The [th]rydde day folowyng
The_n_ coom nywe tydynge, 192
[Th]e whyle [th]ey sete at [th]e Mete
To the feasters Messagers were In ylete;?came messengers Well_e_ arayd forso[th]e [th]ey come,?from the & send fram cite of Rome 196
[Lucius's Message to Arthur.]
Roman Emperor, Wy[th] lettres of [th]e Emperoures?lucius. Whas name was Lucies.
[Th]es lettres were opened & vnfold,
And [th]e tydyng_e_ to alle men told, 200
Whas sentence, yf y ne lye,
Was after [th]_a_t y can aspye:
Litera Lucii [P] Luci_u_s [th]e grete Emperour
im_p_er_at_oris. To hys Enemy Arthour:-- 204
We woundere[th] of [th]i wodeness
And also of [th]y Madnesse!
How darst [th]ow any wyse
saying, that to A[gh]enst the Emper_o_ur [th]_u_s aryse, 208 have invaded And ryde on Remes on eche wey,?France, etc., and And make kynge[gh] to [th]e obey??made kings, [Th]u art wood on [th]e Nolle!?Arthur must be [Th]u hast scley owre cosyn frolle; 212 mad in his noll; [Th]u schalt be taw[gh]t at a schort day [Fol. 44,
for to make such_e_ aray. col. 1.]
Oure cosyn Iulius cesar
So_m_me tyme conquered [th]ar; 216
that he must pay To Rome [th]u owest hys trybut;?his tribute, We charge[th] [th]e to paye vs hyt.
Thy pryde we woll_e_ alaye
[Th]at makest so gret aray: 220
We co_m_mande[th] [th]e on haste
To paye owre trybut faste;
[Th]u hast scley frolle in frau_n_ce
[Th]at hadde vnder vs [th]ere_ gou_er_nau_nce, 224
And wy[th]holdest oure tribute [th]erto:
[Th]u schalt be taw[gh]t [th]u hast mysdo:
We co_m_mande[th] [th]e in haste soone
and come to [Th]at [th]u come to vs at Rome 228
Rome to be To vnder_fang our_e_ ordynau_nce?punished for For [th]y dysobediau_n_ce;?his disobedience. As [th]u wold nat leze
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