Arthur | Page 3

Marquis of Bath
to alle puple verrament; 32
Beaute, My[gh]t, amyable chere
To alle Men ferre and neere;
Hys port (;) hys [gh]yftes gentyll_e_
is loved of all, Maked hym y-loved wyll_e_; 36
Ech mon was glad of hys presence,
And drade to do hym dysplesau_n_ce;
is strong A stronger Man of hys honde
was neuer founde on any londe, 40
and courteous. As courteys as any Mayde:--
[Th]us wryte[th] of hym [th]_a_t
hym a-sayde. [Fol. 42_b_,
At Cayrlyone_, wyt_houte fable, col. 2.]
He makes the he let make [th]e Rou_n_de table: 44
Round Table, And why [th]_a_t he maked hyt [th]us,
[Th]is was [th]e resou_n_ y-wyss,--
that all at it [Th]at no man schulde sytt aboue other,?might be equal. ne haue indignaciou_n_ of hys bro[th]er; 48
And alle hadde (.)oo(.) seruyse,
For no pryde scholde aryse
For any degree of syttynge,
O[th]er for any seruynge:-- 52
[Th]us he kept [th]e table Rou_n_de
Whyle he leuyd on [th]e grou_n_de.
After his first After he hadde conquered skotlond
conquests yrland & Gotland, 56

[He Fights Frollo for France.]
he lives twelve _[Th]an_ leuyd he at [th]e best?years in peace, twelf [gh]eeris on all_e_ reste
Wy[th]oute werre (:) tyll_e_ at [th]e laste
he [th]ou[gh]t to make (.)a(.) nywe conqueste. 60
and then invades Into Frau_n_ce wy[th] gode cou_n_ceyle
France. he wolde weende (:) & hyt assayle,
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