Arms and the Man | Page 9

George Bernard Shaw

conscious of her nightgown, instinctively shrinks and gathers it more
closely about her. He watches her, and adds, pitilessly) It's rather scanty,
eh? (She turns to the ottoman. He raises his pistol instantly, and cries)
Stop! (She stops.) Where are you going?
RAINA (with dignified patience). Only to get my cloak.
MAN (darting to the ottoman and snatching the cloak). A good idea.
No: I'll keep the cloak: and you will take care that nobody comes in and
sees you without it. This is a better weapon than the pistol. (He throws
the pistol down on the ottoman.)
RAINA (revolted). It is not the weapon of a gentleman!
MAN. It's good enough for a man with only you to stand between him
and death. (As they look at one another for a moment, Raina hardly
able to believe that even a Servian officer can be so cynically and
selfishly unchivalrous, they are startled by a sharp fusillade in the street.
The chill of imminent death hushes the man's voice as he adds) Do you
hear? If you are going to bring those scoundrels in on me you shall
receive them as you are. (Raina meets his eye with unflinching scorn.
Suddenly he starts, listening. There is a step outside. Someone tries the
door, and then knocks hurriedly and urgently at it. Raina looks at the
man, breathless. He throws up his head with the gesture of a man who
sees that it is all over with him, and, dropping the manner which he has
been assuming to intimidate her, flings the cloak to her, exclaiming,
sincerely and kindly) No use: I'm done for. Quick! wrap yourself up:

they're coming!
RAINA (catching the cloak eagerly). Oh, thank you. (She wraps herself
up with great relief. He draws his sabre and turns to the door, waiting.)
LOUKA (outside, knocking). My lady, my lady! Get up, quick, and
open the door.
RAINA (anxiously). What will you do?
MAN (grimly). Never mind. Keep out of the way. It will not last long.
RAINA (impulsively). I'll help you. Hide yourself, oh, hide yourself,
quick, behind the curtain. (She seizes him by a torn strip of his sleeve,
and pulls him towards the window.)
MAN (yielding to her). There is just half a chance, if you keep your
head. Remember: nine soldiers out of ten are born fools. (He hides
behind the curtain, looking out for a moment to say, finally) If they find
me, I promise you a fight--a devil of a fight! (He disappears. Raina
takes of the cloak and throws it across the foot of the bed. Then with a
sleepy, disturbed air, she opens the door. Louka enters excitedly.)
LOUKA. A man has been seen climbing up the water-pipe to your
balcony--a Servian. The soldiers want to search for him; and they are so
wild and drunk and furious. My lady says you are to dress at once.
RAINA (as if annoyed at being disturbed). They shall not search here.
Why have they been let in?
CATHERINE (coming in hastily). Raina, darling, are you safe? Have
you seen anyone or heard anything?
RAINA. I heard the shooting. Surely the soldiers will not dare come in
CATHERINE. I have found a Russian officer, thank Heaven: he knows
Sergius. (Speaking through the door to someone outside.) Sir, will you
come in now! My daughter is ready.
(A young Russian officer, in Bulgarian uniform, enters, sword in hand.)
THE OFFICER. (with soft, feline politeness and stiff military carriage).
Good evening, gracious lady; I am sorry to intrude, but there is a
fugitive hiding on the balcony. Will you and the gracious lady your
mother please to withdraw whilst we search?
RAINA (petulantly). Nonsense, sir, you can see that there is no one on
the balcony. (She throws the shutters wide open and stands with her
back to the curtain where the man is hidden, pointing to the moonlit
balcony. A couple of shots are fired right under the window, and a

bullet shatters the glass opposite Raina, who winks and gasps, but
stands her ground, whilst Catherine screams, and the officer rushes to
the balcony.)
THE OFFICER. (on the balcony, shouting savagely down to the street).
Cease firing there, you fools: do you hear? Cease firing, damn you. (He
glares down for a moment; then turns to Raina, trying to resume his
polite manner.) Could anyone have got in without your knowledge?
Were you asleep?
RAINA. No, I have not been to bed.
THE OFFICER. (impatiently, coming back into the room). Your
neighbours have their heads so full of runaway Servians that they see
them everywhere. (Politely.) Gracious lady, a thousand pardons.
Good-night. (Military bow, which Raina returns coldly. Another to
Catherine, who follows him out. Raina closes the shutters. She turns
and sees Louka, who
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