Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Socrates | Page 7

matter, either now or hereafter, you will find
it to be so.
11. With respect, then, to the charges which my first accusers have
alleged against me, let this be a sufficient apology to you. To Melitus,
that good and patriotic man, as he says, and to my later accusers, I will
next endeavor to give an answer; and here, again, as there are different
accusers, let us take up their deposition. It is pretty much as follows:
"Socrates," it says, "acts unjustly in corrupting the youth, and in not
believing in those gods in whom the city believes, but in other strange
divinities." Such is the accusation; let us examine each particular of it.
It says that I act unjustly in corrupting the youth. But I, O Athenians!
say that Melitus acts unjustly, because he jests on serious subjects,
rashly putting men upon trial, under pretense of being zealous and
solicitous about things in which he never at any time took any concern.
But that this is the case I will endeavor to prove to you.
12. Come, then, Melitus, tell me, do you not consider it of the greatest
importance that the youth should be made as virtuous as possible?
Mel. I do.
Socr. Well, now, tell the judges who it is that makes them better, for it
is evident that you know, since it concerns you so much; for, having
detected me in corrupting them, as you say, you have cited me here,
and accused me: come, then, say, and inform the judges who it is that
makes them better. Do you see, Melitus, that you are silent, and have
nothing to say? But does it not appear to you to be disgraceful, and a
sufficient proof of what I say, that you never took any concern about
the matter? But tell me, friend, who makes them better?
Mel. The laws.
Socr. I do not ask this, most excellent sir, but what man, who surely
must first know this very thing, the laws?
Mel. These, Socrates, the judges.

Socr. How say you, Melitus? Are these able to instruct the youth, and
make them better?
Mel. Certainly.
Socr. Whether all, or some of them, and others not?
Mel. All.
Socr. You say well, by Juno! and have found a great abundance of
those that confer benefit. But what further? Can these hearers make
them better, or not?
Mel. They, too, can.
Socr. And what of the senators?
Mel. The senators, also.
Socr. But, Melitus, do those who attend the public assemblies corrupt
the younger men? or do they all make them better?
Mel. They too.
Socr. All the Athenians, therefore, as it seems, make them honorable
and good, except me; but I alone corrupt them. Do you say so?
Mel. I do assert this very thing.
Socr. You charge me with great ill-fortune. But answer me: does it
appear to you to be the same, with respect to horses? Do all men make
them better, and is there only some one that spoils them? or does quite
the contrary of this take place? Is there some one person who can make
them better, or very few; that is, the trainers? But if the generality of
men should meddle with and make use of horses, do they spoil them? Is
not this the case, Melitus, both with respect to horses and all other
animals? It certainly is so, whether you and Anytus deny it or not. For
it would be a great good-fortune for the youth if only one person
corrupted, and the rest benefited them. However, Melitus, you have

sufficiently shown that you never bestowed any care upon youth; and
you clearly evince your own negligence, in that you have never paid
any attention to the things with respect to which you accuse me.
13. Tell us further, Melitus, in the name of Jupiter, whether is it better
to dwell with good or bad citizens? Answer, my friend; for I ask you
nothing difficult. Do not the bad work some evil to those that are
continually near them, but the good some good?
Mel. Certainly.
Socr. Is there any one that wishes to be injured rather than benefited by
his associates? Answer, good man; for the law requires you to answer.
Is there any one who wishes to be injured?
Mel. No, surely.
Socr. Come, then, whether do you accuse me here, as one that corrupts
the youth, and makes them more depraved, designedly or
Mel. Designedly, I say.
Socr. What, then, Melitus, are you at your time of life so much wiser
than I at my time of life, as to know that the evil are always working
some evil to those that are most near to them, and the good some good;
but I have arrived at
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