Another World | Page 3

Benjamin Lumley
degraded--Animals not corrected by blows--Example--Pupil not
corrected by the imposition of tasks--Child encouraged to regard study as a
privilege--Correction effected by gentleness--Time, labour, &c., bestowed
unsparingly--Even when fault seems eradicated fresh tests applied--Adult
offenders--Child of genius watched with reference to superior refinement--Economy of
sparing nothing in educating the future man--Lists of faults occupying attention of the
Character-divers--Results--Small beginnings lead to incurable vices and disease
Secondary position of Tutors in former times--Now honoured--Aid given by the
Character-divers, &c., to Narrator--Young men of special aptitude educated for the
office--Their astuteness--Example--Subjects of tesselated pavements--Zolea--Early
evidence of artistic talent often deceptive--Narrator's early talent indicating him as a
harpist--Guided to other studies
Power of the Sun--Colours and forms in the sky--Situation of Montalluyah--External
World Cities--Reasons for uniting them-- Peculiarities--Straight lines--Variety of colour,
&c.--Subterranean seas--Great cataract and water-lifts form background of palaces and
statues--Hanging bridges--Health studied--Baths--Violet streams--
Trees--Birds--Artificial nests--Perfumes--Harmonious sounds--Chariot wheels and
horse's hoofs noiseless--Red light--City full of animation--Recurring change of scene
Elevation of tides immense--The aerial mountain--Electric agencies--Sea carries away the
heart of the mountain--Receding waters leave upper part suspended--Mountain arm
stretches out through the air over land below and over the sea--THE GREAT
CATARACT--Upper City built on Suspended Mountain--The Middle and Lower Cities
built on indent and foot of mountain--PAST CATASTROPHES--Threatened
dangers--Terrible consequences--Principle of preventing evils--Stupendous work
undertaken--The wonder of Montalluyah
Dimensions--Thickness of walls--Interior area--How utilised--Means of ascending and

descending--Stages constructed at different heights to facilitate works during
progress--Materials, provisions, &c., raised by electric power--HUGE HEAVY BLOCKS
LIGHTENED BY ELECTRICITY--Ornamentation of the
Tower--Ravine-metal--Episodes of the Narrator's reign--Ascent and descent--Great
difference of atmosphere above and below--Peculiarity in Electric Telegraph--Colour of
atmosphere at different heights--Animalculae and ova--Grandeur of the Mountain
Supporter---Curious effect when viewed from a distance
Important facts formerly unknown--One electricity only supposed to exist--Not then
utilised for locomotion, &c.--Paucity of contrivance for collecting electricities--How the
scientific men supported their theory--Like causes produce like effects--Many kinds of
electricity--Means of drawing out and concentrating electricities discovered--Man, beasts,
birds, &c., possess an electricity of their own--All differ--Huge fish--Docks for extracting
electricity from--Electric store-house--Non-conducting pouches--The attracting
electricity adapted to each body is well known--MODE OF CATCHING WILD BIRDS
Means formerly employed--Vivisection and surgical operations painless--Nerves of
sensation only, affected by the luller--Energy of the functions considered
essential--Pain-luller, how discovered--The Nebo bird and the child--The broken limbs
and absence of pain--Discovery
Properties of optical instruments increased by electricity-- CONCENTRATED
LIGHT--The illuminated worm--Light attracted by the enticer-machine--Concentrated
light in Music--Human voice and musical instruments--Union between the soul and
perishable portions of man--Concentrated light within us--Similarity of terms applied to
the brain and to vision--Strength to the intellectual powers--EXPERIMENT ON LIVING
MAN--Electrical currents in brain--How agitated--Rarity of the experiments--Serious
consequences to patient--Conditions imposed, and advantages secured, to him--Not
allowed to marry
High rank of Physicians--Former and present duties--Periodical
visitations--Microscopes--Perspiration indicating disease--Exact nature of disease not
shown--Example--Ordinary appearance of perspiration--Lung disease and
consumption--Lung dew--"The Scraper"--The breath
Minute divisions of brain examined by microscope--Former neglect--Early indications
rarely noticed--Supposed lunatics often wiser than their keepers--An instance--The man's
statements laughed at--World believe him a confirmed madman--Madness not now

assumed from seeming absurdities--Thoughts formerly scoffed at, now acknowledged
facts--Minute divisions of brain responding to trains of thought--Effectual remedies for
earliest symptoms--Cure of developed madness--Former error which prevented cure--The
disease does not exist in the overworked portion of the brain
Insects contain valuable electricities--Whole crops destroyed by them--Mode of capturing,
&c.--Impurities removed by insects--The DEATH SOLACE
Special precautions against excessive heat in the extreme season--Internal cities built in
galleries--Their advantages--How light admitted--Flowers--Beauty and odours increased
by electricity--Communication between the palaces in the External and Internal
World--Narrator's summer-palace--The pictures representing principal events of his
reign--Sun power utilised--Sunshine: how fixed on the canvas
Subjects of some of the pictures in the Narrator's "Internal World" Palace
Tendency of her education--Happy and contented--Marked difference in education of the
two sexes--Beauty aided by early care--Former practices and consequences--Ravages of
time--Women now lovely in age as in youth--Beauty regarded as a precious gift from
Heaven--Cosmetics for its "preservation"--Wrinkles--Skin and complexion--Hands and
feet--CHOOSING BY HAND--How effected--CHOOSING BY FOOT--Expedients used
when hand or foot inclined to coarseness--GIRL'S
DORMITORIES--Cleanliness--Separate sleeping-rooms--Reasons--Communication with
night-watchers--Precautions--Mode adopted to ensure early rising-- Prayer not till after
repast--Reason why old custom changed--Careful discipline until marriage--Luxurious
habits permitted to married ladies--Instance of the elastic "frame" cushion--The
self-acting fan
Means taken to secure congenial husband--Marriage councils--Choice of husband, how
arranged--Maiden's right to nominate--The thirty-one evenings--The girl, how
distinguished--Gentlemen who wish their pretensions to be favourably viewed--The
unwilling--Efforts of pretenders--Agitation on the thirty-first evening--How the maiden
proclaims her choice--The presentation of flowers--Subsequent meeting of the
parties--Betrothal--Consequence of maiden failing to declare preference--Second
meeting--Third meeting rare

Trust reposed in marriage councils
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