An Eye for an Eye | Page 6

Anthony Trollope
great changes were to
be effected,--and it was felt also that the young man on whose behalf
all this was to be permitted, could not but be elated by his position. Of

such elation, however, there were not many signs. To his uncle, Fred
Neville was, as has been said, modest and submissive; to his aunt he
was gentle but not submissive. The rest of the household he treated
civilly, but with none of that awe which was perhaps expected from
him. As for shooting, he had come direct from his friend Carnaby's
moor. Carnaby had forest as well as moor, and Fred thought but little of
partridges,--little of such old-fashioned partridge-shooting as was
prepared for him at Scroope,--after grouse and deer. As for hunting in
Dorsetshire, if his uncle wished it,--why in that case he would think of
it. According to his ideas, Dorsetshire was not the best county in
England for hunting. Last year his regiment had been at Bristol and he
had ridden with the Duke's hounds. This winter he was to be stationed
in Ireland, and he had an idea that Irish hunting was good. If he found
that his uncle made a point of it, he would bring his horses to Scroope
for a month at Christmas. Thus he spoke to the head groom,--and thus
he spoke also to his aunt, who felt some surprise when he talked of
Scotland and his horses. She had thought that only men of large
fortunes shot deer and kept studs,--and perhaps conceived that the
officers of the 20th Hussars were generally engaged in looking after the
affairs of their regiment, and in preparation for meeting the enemy.
Fred now remained a month at Scroope, and during that time there was
but little personal intercourse between him and his uncle in spite of the
affectionate greeting with which their acquaintance had been
commenced. The old man's habits of life were so confirmed that he
could not bring himself to alter them. Throughout the entire morning he
would sit in his own room alone. He would then be visited by his
steward, his groom, and his butler;--and would think that he gave his
orders, submitting, however, in almost every thing to them. His wife
would sometimes sit with him for half an hour, holding his hand, in
moments of tenderness unseen and unsuspected by all the world around
them. Sometimes the clergyman of the parish would come to him, so
that he might know the wants of the people. He would have the
newspaper in his hands for a while, and would daily read the Bible for
an hour. Then he would slowly write some letter, almost measuring
every point which his pen made,--thinking that thus he was performing
his duty as a man of business. Few men perhaps did less,--but what he

did do was good; and of self-indulgence there was surely none.
Between such a one and the young man who had now come to his
house there could be but little real connexion.
Between Fred Neville and Lady Scroope there arose a much closer
intimacy. A woman can get nearer to a young man than can any old
man;--can learn more of his ways, and better understand his wishes.
From the very first there arose between them a matter of difference, as
to which there was no quarrel, but very much of argument. In that
argument Lady Scroope was unable to prevail. She was very anxious
that the heir should at once abandon his profession and sell out of the
army. Of what use could it be to him now to run after his regiment to
Ireland, seeing that undoubtedly the great duties of his life all centred at
Scroope? There were many discussions on the subject, but Fred would
not give way in regard to the next year. He would have this year, he
said, to himself;--and after that he would come and settle himself at
Scroope. Yes; no doubt he would marry as soon as he could find a
fitting wife. Of course it would be right that he should marry. He fully
understood the responsibilities of his position;--so he said, in answer to
his aunt's eager, scrutinising, beseeching questions. But as he had
joined his regiment, he thought it would be good for him to remain with
it one year longer. He particularly desired to see something of Ireland,
and if he did not do so now, he would never have the opportunity. Lady
Scroope, understanding well that he was pleading for a year of grace
from the dulness of the Manor, explained to him that his uncle would
by no means expect that he should remain always at Scroope. If he
would marry, the old London house should be prepared for him and his
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