with idolatrous worshipping of the creatures,
and their Images: and out of their Churches with Epicurelike
belly-cheere, reuelling, & idlenesse) _turn againe to the beggarly
rudiments and fashions of the world_: But the festiuals of England
(celebrated according to the doctrine and Iniunctions of our Church) are
verie farre from these and all other kindes of superstition. [cu]For then
is God truly worshipped in the publike congregation, I say the true God
is truly praised in his true Saints; on our holie daies the sacraments are
rightly ministred, the Scriptures are fruitfully read, the Word is
faithfully preached; all which are maine meanes to withdraw men not
only from superstition and idolatrie, but also from all sortes of error
and impietie whatsoeuer.
[Sidenote cm: _Philip 2. 15._]
[Sidenote cn: _Dan. 12. 3._]
[Sidenote co: _Illiric. in Galat. 4._]
[Sidenote cp: _See Sir Christop. Heydons answer to Mr. Chambers, pag.
368. and how the fathers answere this. Bellarmin. de sanct. Cultu, cap.
[Sidenote cq: _English glosse._]
[Sidenote cr: _Galat. 3. 3._]
[Sidenote cs: _See Ambrose in Galat. 4. & August. epist. 119. cap. 7._]
[Sidenote ct: _Dr. Fulke in Galat. 4. 10._]
[Sidenote cu: _See Dr. Whitgifts defence of his answere to the admonit.
fol. 538. 539._]
Yea, but the words of the Commandement are, _sixe daies shalt thou
labour_: Ergo, there should be no holie day besides the Lords day.
[cx]Protestant Diuines answere that the clause (_sixe daies shalt thou
labour_) is a permission, or a remission of Gods right, who might
chalenge to himselfe all our time for his worke, and not a restraint for
any man from seruing of God on any day. For the Iewes beside the
Sabbath had diuers other feasts; as Easter, the feast of vnleauened
bread, the feast of first fruits, Whitsuntide, the feast of blowing
Trumpets, _the feast of Tabernacles_; all which (as we reade Leuiticus
23) they kept by Gods appointment holie, notwithstanding these words
of the law, sixe daies shalt thou labour. And so the Christian Church in
all ages hath vpon iust occasions separated some weeke daies vnto the
praising of the Lord, and rest from labour. Ioel 2. 15. _Blow the
trumpet in Sion, sanctifie a fast, call a solemne assemblie._ [cy]Daies
of publike fasting for some great iudgement, daies of publike reioycing
for some great benefit, are not vnlawfull, but exceeding commendable,
yea necessarie. Whosoeuer doubts of the Churches libertie herein, or of
the practise of this libertie, may peruse the ninth chapter of Ester, in
which it will appeare, that Gods people by the commandement of
Mordecai, did euery yeare solemnize and keepe holy the fourteenth and
fifteenth day of the moneth Adar, in remembrance of their great
deliuerie from the Treason of Haman. Vpon these grounds the last euer
renouned Parliament enacted, That wee should for euer spend the prime
part of this present fifth of Nouember in praying and praising the Lord,
for his vnspeakable goodnesse in deliuering our King, Queene, Prince
and States of this realme from that hellish, horrible, bloody, barbarous
intended massacre by Gunpowder. Now that I may for my part execute
the will of the Parliament (sparing the Nouelists, and referring such as
desire to bee further satisfied in this argument of holy dayes, vnto the
iudicious writings of my most honoured and honourable maister,
Archbishop Whitgift, in the [cz]defence of his answere to the
Admonition) I proceede in the text, _praise him in his noble acts, praise
him according to his excellent greatnesse_.
[Sidenote cx: _B. Babington in 4. com. Caluins Cat. Dr. Whitgift vbi
supra fol. 542. & 553. six daies thou maiest labour._]
[Sidenote cy: _Perkins aur. Cat. cap. 23._]
[Sidenote cz: _From pag. 538. to 555._]
[da]Some reade _Laudate eum in [db]virtutibus eius_, praise him in his
_powers_: [dc]other ob fortitudinem eius, praise him in his _power_;
and according to these two diuerse translations, I find two different
expositions; one construing it of Gods glorious [dd]Angels, and the
other applying it to Gods glorious acts: For the first it is euident in holy
writ, that there bee certaine distinctions and degrees of Angels in the
quier of Heauen, there be Seraphins, Esay 6. 2. Cherubins, Gen. 3. 24.
_Thrones, Dominions, Principalities, and Powers_, Colloss. 1. 16. in all
which and for all which God is to be praised, as being his
[de]ministring spirits for the good of such as shall be heires of saluation;
as long as wee serue God, all these serue vs, euen the Cherubins, and
Seraphins, Angels, and Archangels. I say, so long as we serue the Lord,
these pages of his honour and parts of his courts attend vs, and pitch
their tents about vs: a doctrine very profitable, very comfortable, yet for
as much as I hold it lesse pertinent to the present
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