An Analysis of the Lever Escapement | Page 5

H.R. Playtner
find the amount of drop; 8.5?��?3.1416?��?360?��?1.5?=?.1413?mm., or .1413?-?.0983?=?.043?mm., more drop than the smaller wheel, if we take the same angle. This is a waste of force. The angular drop should, therefore, be proportioned according to the size of the wheel. We wish it to be understood that common sense must always be our guide. When the horological student once arrives at this standpoint, he can intelligently apply himself to his calling.
The Draw.--The draw or draft angle was added to the pallets in order to draw the fork back against the bankings and the guard point from the roller whenever the safety action had performed its function.
[Illustration: Fig.?5.]
Pallets with draw are more difficult to unlock than those without it, this is in the nature of a fault, but whenever there are two faults we must choose the less. The rate of the watch will suffer less on account of the recoil introduced than it would were the locking faces arcs of circles struck from the pallet center, in which case the guard point would often remain against the roller. The draw should be as light as possible consistent with safety of action; some writers allow 15�� on the engaging and 12�� on the disengaging pallet; others again allow 12�� on each, which we deem sufficient. The draw is measured from the locking edges M and N, Fig.?5. The locking planes when locked are inclined 12�� from EB, and FB. In the case of the engaging pallet it inclines toward the center A. The draw is produced on account of MA being longer than RA, consequently, when power is applied to the scape tooth S, the pallet is drawn into the wheel. The disengaging pallet inclines in the same direction but away from the center A; the reason is obvious from the former explanation. Some people imagine that the greater the incline on the locking edge of the escape teeth, the stronger the draw would be. This is not the case, but it is certainly necessary that the point of the tooth alone should touch the pallet. From this it follows that the angle on the teeth must be greater than on the pallets; examine the disengaging pallet in Fig.?5, as it is from this pallet that the inclination of the teeth must be determined, as in the case of the engaging pallet the motion is toward the line of centers AB, and therefore away from the tooth, which partially explains why some people advocate 15�� draw for this pallet. As illustrated in the case of the disengaging pallet, however, the motion is also towards the line of centers AB, and towards the tooth as well, all of which will be seen by the dotted circles MM2 and NN2, representing the paths of the pallets. It will be noticed that UNF and BNB are opposite and equal angles of 12��. For practical reasons, from a manufacturing standpoint, the angle on the tooth is made just twice the amount, namely 24��; we could make it a little less or a little more. If we made it less than 20�� too great a surface would be in contact with the jewel, involving greater friction in unlocking and an inefficient draw, but in the case of an English lever with such an arrangement we could do with less drop, which advantage would be too dearly bought; or if the angle is made over 28��, the point or locking edge of the tooth would rapidly become worn in case of a brass wheel. Also in an English lever more drop would be required.
The Lock.--What we have said in regard to drop also applies to the lock, which should be as small as possible, consistent with perfect safety. The greater the drop the deeper must be the lock; 1?�� is the angle generally allowed for the lock, but it is obvious that in a large escapement it can be less.
[Illustration: Fig.?6.]
The Run.--The run or, as it is sometimes called, "the slide," should also be as light as possible; from ?�� to ?�� is sufficient. It follows then, the bankings should be as close together as possible, consistent with requisite freedom for escaping. Anything more than this increases the angular connection of the balance with the escapement, which directly violates the theory under which it is constructed; also, a greater amount of work will be imposed upon the balance to meet the increased unlocking resistance, resulting in a poor motion and accurate time will be out of the question. It will be seen that those workmen who make a practice of opening the banks, "to give the escapement more freedom" simply jump from the frying pan into the fire. The bankings should be as far removed from the pallet center as possible, as the further away they are
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