An Account of the Extraordinary Medicinal Fluid, called Aether. | Page 5

Matthew Turner
is converted into Vapour by a much less Heat
than the common Animal One; so that being swallowed, it can hardly
subsist in any Part of the human Body under any Form but that of an
extremely penetrating volatiliz'd Vapour; and it is perceptible by it's
Smell, as it passes thro' the Pores of the Skin, several Hours, after
taking; so that it's stay in the Body is longer, and, it's Effects there more
durable, than might be expected from such a subtle Substance.

Notwithstanding the extreme Subtlety of the AETHER, it is perfectly
innocent and safe to take, as it contains nothing that is acrimonious or
corrosive; so that it may be given even to the youngest Children
without Hesitation. It neither purges nor vomits; nor does it encrease
any of the sensible Evacuations, except that of Urine, and sometimes
that of Sweat, if taken when in Bed; but as it is so distinctly perceived
by the smell passing thro' the cutaneous Pores of those who take it, it is
probable that it encreases insensible Perspiration. Another observable
Property in this Medicine is, that it does not coagulate or thicken the
Serum of the Blood, but thins it; and therefore has direct contrary
Effects to all the common Spirituous Compositions, when either taken
inwardly, or externally applied, and is essentially different from the
most subtiliz'd Vinous Spirits; for tho' Spirit of Wine is used in making
it, yet it is so far decomposed by the Process, that it's Nature is entirely
changed. In consequence of this Quality in the AETHER, the Publisher
has successfully dissolved some particular obstinate Tumours, by
applying it to them, when other Means have failed.----This Hint He
hopes will not pass unnoticed by the Gentlemen of the Faculty, as it is
evident no Application whatever can equal it in Subtlety and
Dissolving Power.
The Medicine so much celebrated in _Germany_, and so frequently
commended and used in Practice by the late famous Professor
_Hoffman_, under the Title of his _Liquor Mineralis Anodynus_, was
nearly of the same Nature with the AETHER, but not so powerful, nor
so highly subtilized.
Repeated Experience has confirmed the Efficacy of this Medicine in all
the Diseases before mentioned; and from the Consideration of it's
uncommon Qualities, it may be presumed to be an excellent Remedy in
many others, if judiciously given: Hence it seems surprising that so
valuable an Addition, to the Materia Medica as the AETHER doubtless
is, should have been so much neglected, or so little known; but the
Reasons are, that the Process whereby it was made was kept secret by
some who rated the Preparation at a very extravagant Price, and not
sufficiently attended to by others, who consider'd it only as a Chemical
Curiosity, not as a Medicine. The chief Merit the Publisher of this
Account pretends to, is, _the ascertaining the Medicinal Virtues of this
curious Preparation_, by several Years Experience, and making them

more publickly known; _the reducing it's Price_, which has hitherto
been so extravagant that had it's Virtues and Properties been known,
only a small number of the afflicted could have enjoy'd the Benefit of it;
and, _the bringing it to a greater Degree of Perfection than any hitherto
sold_; what he offers being a perfectly rectified Vitriolic AETHER.
It may not be improper to give the Marks by which good AETHER
may be known. It is perfectly colourless, except it has receiv'd some
accidental Tinge from the Cork of the Phial in which it has been kept;
and so volatile as to strike the Nose very powerfully. It's Smell is more
or less sulphureous, according to the management of some Part of the
Process. Wetting the Finger with it, or dropping a little upon the Hand,
it vanishes instantly, and leaves no Moisture behind; so that the Part
scarcely seems to have been wet. Half a Dozen Drops, dropped together
upon a Table will disappear in a few Seconds of a Minute, and leave
only the Appearance of a large oily Ring behind; but if it leaves the
least Watery or Spirituous Moisture, or does not evaporate in much less
than a Minute, it is not good. The best AETHER will dissolve in, or
mix with, a certain Quantity of Water; and that is the best which
requires the largest Quantity of Water to dissolve it: If, therefore, to fix
Tea Spoonsful of Water in a small Phial, you add one of the AETHER
to be examined, cork up the Phial, and shake them very well together,
and upon standing a little while some part of the AETHER appears at
Top, in form of Oil, sufficient to cover the surface of the Mixture, it
may be pronounced good (provided it also answers, in the other
Methods of Trial) and the more
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