An Account of the Extraordinary Medicinal Fluid, called Aether. | Page 2

Matthew Turner
of these two
Substances is very remarkable, one being the heaviest solid Body we
know, the other the lightest Liquid.
The AETHER is remarkably cold, when dropped upon the Hand, and it
affects the thermometer in an extraordinary Manner; for if the Ball of
either a Mercurial or Spirituous Thermometer be immersed in it, the
Spirit or Mercury immediately sinks considerably, tho' both the
AETHER and the Thermometer have stood a sufficient Time together
to be brought to the temperature of the Room, before the Experiment
was made. The Thermometers dipt into Water, or Spirit of Wine, in the
same Manner, suffer not the least Alteration.
They who chuse to see a further Account of the singular Effects which

this curious Fluid produces, may peruse what Doctor _Frobenius_, a
German Chemist, has published concerning it, in the Philosophic
Transactions for the Years 1733 and 1741.
But the most valuable Qualities of the AETHER are it's medicinal ones;
it having been found by repeated Experience to be an excellent Remedy
in most _nervous Diseases_; particularly in FITS of all sorts, whether
_Epileptic, Convulsive, Hysteric, Hypochondriac, or Paralytic_: In
and DEAFNESS, all which Diseases have, in a singular Manner, been
removed by it; and that the Publisher may contribute all the Assistance
he can in extending the use of this Medicine, the following Methods of
applying, it are given, which have been attended with Success.

Particular Directions for using the AETHER.
In the HEAD-ACH.
A fit of the Head-ach is almost instantly removed by applying the
AETHER externally to the Forehead, by means of a bit of Linen Rag,
in the Manner hereafter directed for it's external Application. Or it may
be applied to any other Part of the Head where the Pain lies, being first
shaved, if necessary. If the Pain is violent, a Dose of it should be also
taken inwardly. In stubborn Cases it will likewise be serviceable to
snuff a little of the AETHER up the Nostrils, either alone or mixed with
equal Parts of Lavender Water, Hungary Water, or Brandy; or it may
be more convenient to apply a bit of Linen Rag, wetted with AETHER,
up the Nostrils. Any of these Means, or all of them, must be repeated if
the Pain is so urgent as to require it. To cure this Disorder radically,
when it is of long standing, and to prevent it's Return, the Medicine
must be taken inwardly for a considerable Time every Night at
Bed-time, or in violent Cases, every Night and Morning in a small
Draught of cold Water, according to the General Direction for taking it
inwardly, given p. 11. In some particular Cases, Vomits are very


A Vertigo, Giddiness, or Swimming in the Head, will generally be
removed by proceeding in the same Manner as for the Head-ach.

No Disease is more difficult to cure than the Epilepsy or Falling-
Sickness; yet several Instances have occurred where the most violent
Degrees of it, have been cured, even in grown Persons, by taking a
Dose of this Medicine regularly every Night and Morning for a
considerable Time. The Dose must be regulated according to the Age
of the Patient, as mentioned in the General Direction, Page 11. If a Pain
is felt in any Part of the Head, the AETHER must be applied to that
Part occasionally, and it must be previously shaved, if necessary. It will
be proper to give a small Dose of _Tinctura Sacra_, or of the _Pill.
Rufi_, at proper Intervals, as once a Week or Fortnight. It will also, in
most Cases, be necessary to give now and then a Vomit. If it be
suspected that the Patient has Worms, proper Medicines to destroy
them ought also to be given.

In Convulsions, or Convulsive Disorders, give the AETHER inwardly,
a Dose two three Times a Day, or oftener, according to the exigence of
the Case; and it should also be applied externally to the Forehead, or
any other Part of the Head, during the Fit. If the Patient is full of blood,
bleeding is necessary, and if Costive, a Dose of _Manna, Senna,_ or
any gentle Laxative, or a Clyster, should be given.

Hysteric and Hypochondriac DISORDERS.
This Medicine has excellent Effect in _Hysteric Fits_, and in all that
Train of Symptoms which Hysteric and Hypochondriac Persons are
subject to; such as Risings in the Throat threatning Suffocation,
difficult Breathing, Flutterings and Palpitations of the Heart, frequent
Fainting, Lowness of Spirits, violent Pains in the Head, Languor of the
whole Body, Dullness of the Mind and Senses, with constant Anxieties
and Inquietude, &c. The Dose
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