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Catherine E. Beecher and Harriet Beecher Stowe
the writer learned not only to
perform in the most approved manner all the manual employments of
domestic life, but to honor and enjoy these duties.
At twenty-three, she commenced the institution which ever since has
flourished as "The Hartford Female Seminary," where, at the age of
twelve, the sister now united with her in the authorship of this work
became her pupil, and, after a few years, her associate. The removal of
the family to the West, and failure of health, ended a connection with

the Hartford Seminary, and originated a similar one in Cincinnati, of
which the younger authoress of this work was associate principal till
her marriage.
At this time, the work on Domestic Economy, of which this volume
may be called an enlarged edition, although a great portion of it is
entirely new, embodying the latest results of science, was prepared by
the writer as a part of the Massachusetts School Library, and has since
been extensively introduced as a text-book into public schools and
higher female seminaries. It was followed by its sequel, _The Domestic
Receipt-Book_, widely circulated by the Harpers in every State of the
These two works have been entirely remodeled, former topics rewritten,
and many new ones introduced, so as to include all that is properly
embraced in a complete Encyclopedia of Domestic Economy.
In addition to the opportunities mentioned, the elder sister, for many
years, has been studying the causes and the remedies for the decay of
constitution and loss of health so increasingly prevalent among
American women, aiming to promote the establishment of endowed
institutions, in which women shall be properly trained for their
profession, as both housekeepers and health-keepers. What advantages
have thus been received and the results thus obtained will appear in
succeeding pages.
During the upward progress of the age, and the advance of a more
enlightened Christianity, the writers of this volume have gained more
elevated views of the true mission of woman--of the dignity and
importance of her distinctive duties, and of the true happiness which
will be the reward of a right appreciation of this mission, and a proper
performance of these duties.
There is at the present time an increasing agitation of the public mind,
evolving many theories and some crude speculations as to woman's
rights and duties. That there is a great social and moral power in her
keeping, which is now seeking expression by organization, is manifest,
and that resulting plans and efforts will involve some mistakes, some
collisions, and some failures, all must expect.
But to intelligent, reflecting, and benevolent women--whose faith rests
on the character and teachings of Jesus Christ--there are great
principles revealed by Him, which in the end will secure the grand

result which He taught and suffered to achieve. It is hoped that in the
following pages these principles will be so exhibited and illustrated as
to aid in securing those rights and advantages which Christ's religion
aims to provide for all, and especially for the most weak and
defenseless of His children.

It is the aim of this volume to elevate both the honor and the
remuneration of all employments that sustain the many difficult and
varied duties of the family state, and thus to render each department of
woman's profession as much desired and respected as are the most
honored professions of men.
What, then, is the end designed by the family state which Jesus Christ
came into this world to secure?
It is to provide for the training of our race to the highest possible
intelligence, virtue, and happiness, by means of the self-sacrificing
labors of the wise and good, and this with chief reference to a future
immortal existence. The distinctive feature of the family is
self-sacrificing labor of the stronger and wiser members to raise the
weaker and more ignorant to equal advantages. The father undergoes
toil and self-denial to provide a home, and then the mother becomes a
self-sacrificing laborer to train its inmates. The useless, troublesome
infant is served in the humblest offices; while both parents unite in
training it to an equality with themselves in every advantage. Soon the
older children become helpers to raise the younger to a level with their
own. When any are sick, those who are well become self-sacrificing
ministers. When the parents are old and useless, the children become
their self-sacrificing servants.
Thus the discipline of the family state is one of daily self-devotion of

the stronger and wiser to elevate and support the weaker members.
Nothing could be more contrary to its first principles than for the older
and more capable children to combine to secure to themselves the
highest advantages, enforcing the drudgeries on the younger, at the
sacrifice of their equal culture.
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