American Missionary | Page 8

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teachers had
taken a special interest in him laboring with him and praying for him,
that he might come into the light He was induced to attend these
meetings, and was finally led to believe that these things are so and to
accept of the Saviour. He has gone earnestly to work to bring in other
young men, teaches in the Sunday-school and is ready for any Christian
The other is that of a brawny brick mason, a great sinner, who, while
earning excellent wages, often failed to bring home sufficient to feed
and clothe his children; and when remonstrated with by his wife, would
answer; "They are your children, you take care of them." All is changed
now. He gets up early Sunday mornings, assists in getting the children

ready for church, where the family, all neatly dressed, can be seen
regularly every Sunday; and in the prayer meeting his voice is usually
As a further result of this revival, the church has been greatly
quickened, the members have been brought closer together in brotherly
love, and God has given a fresh outpouring of his spirit.
On Easter morning, when a special communion service was held,
twenty-nine of the new converts were received into our church, amidst
the most touching and impressive services. But the revival has not
stopped with the special meetings. After every Sunday evening service,
an after-meeting has been held, in which several have been led to give
their hearts to God. All of these meetings have been marked by the
earnestness with which the church has labored for the salvation of those
who were yet without, and more fervent prayers never ascended to the
throne of grace.
* * * * *
The opening of the New Year saw manifestations of the Holy Spirit in
our midst, and during the week of prayer there appeared to be a deep
interest among the pupils. Our prayers seemed to take a new meaning,
and we felt that they were about to be answered.
Nothing but God's Spirit could have laid the burden of souls upon so
many hearts at once, or have bidden us speak to different ones, while
our movements were almost unknown to one another.
In the meetings that were held in the different rooms, and those
conducted in the High School, which were attended by some of the
pupils from other grades, a large number expressed a desire to become
Christians; and there were about sixty who gave their hearts to Christ.
We rejoice greatly over the work of the Spirit, and have the assurance
that "there is joy in the presence of the angels of God."
The study of the Bible is an important feature in the school work. One
hour each week is set apart for it. A visitor, passing from the lower
grades up, on Friday afternoon, would find Bible work going on in
every room. The work of the little ones is largely memorizing. The
older ones have a systematic course. The outlines of Bible history are
first carefully studied, then the more important events and characters in
detail. Work in map-drawing is done in connection with all the lessons.

A short time ago, a middle-aged woman applied for admission to our
school. She had been teaching for several years, but wanted to prepare
herself for the teachers' examination by taking a short course of study.
She was permitted to try the sixth grade examination and failed; then
the fifth with like results; finally she was placed in the fourth grade,
where it was discovered that she did not know the multiplication tables,
and evidently had never heard of division. Her knowledge of spelling
would not exceed that of an average third grade pupil, and she is called
one of the best colored teachers in the county from which she came.
In the Industrial Department nearly two hundred and fifty girls sew
from a half hour to an hour every day. Excellent work is being done
and they are very much interested, some of them begging for the
privilege of sewing at other times than those designated for that
purpose. The industrial teacher finds difficulty in keeping the supply of
work equal to the demand.
Friends have kindly sent us donations of work, and much more will be
acceptable. Sheets, pillow cases, underclothing or patchwork, basted
ready for sewing, will be very thankfully received. The work in the
sewing classes includes patchwork, the making of dresses, all kinds of
other garments, and quilting.--_From the Ballard Record._
* * * * *
The country is low and flat, with here and there a small elevation on
which is a house or log cabin. For
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