American Missionary | Page 2

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work._ There are represented in this list, teachers of theology, teachers of language, of history, of philosophy and of science. There are teachers of "common branches" and "higher branches." There are teachers of industries for men and women, house-makers and home-makers. There are preachers to organized churches and preachers at large whose work is to gather churches. They are all alike missionaries.
Notice, also, what a large proportion of our missionary work is being done by Christian women. Well did Secretary Hiatt say, "The history of this Association is a grand and splendid eulogy of woman." "Our sisters who went South while the sky was yet heavy with the clouds of war from the homes of refinement and culture and religion," are many of them remaining until now, and they are continually re-enforced from our best institutions of learning in the East and in the West. There is a common fidelity on the shores of the Gulf, in the mountains of the South and among the tribes of the plains. These men and women in our churches and schools who have given themselves in consecration and sacrifice to this service are leading those who have been crushed by oppressions and wrongs of men, and who have been degraded in ignorance and in sin, to rise into a new life, and into new habits of thought and feeling.
They are working to rescue millions from the woful inheritances of the pitiless centuries. They are teaching those who are to be the teachers of their people. They are preparing those who shall lead their own peoples. It is not a work of a score of years, nor of half a century. It is a part of the work of Christianity, whatever time it may take, and we ask those who pray "_Thy kingdom come_" to remember these missionary teachers and preachers before God that they may be of good courage, faithful and patient in their ministering.
_Thirdly._--_These pages represent also the faith and sacrifices of Christians by which this service of Jesus Christ goes on._ Brethren and sisters, you who contribute to this work, read in these names assurances to gladden your hearts and cheer your faith. See what solid regiments of the Master's army are in the land where slavery has perished, but where the problems which follow it are larger than ever before. Look up the locations of these missionaries on the map, and see where they are, in the valleys and on the mountains of the South, in plains of the far West, and on the shores of the Pacific sea. They report cheering tidings. Their schools are overflowing. Converts are being added to their churches. Our institutions are in harmony and zealous emulation. The year has opened auspiciously, "And the best of all is, God is with us."
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The Rev. Frank E. Jenkins, who succeeded the Rev. C.J. Ryder as a Field Superintendent, and who has served the Association since that time with an untiring devotion and with signal ability, has at his own urgent request been transferred from this general work to a specific part of the field.
He has accepted the pastorate of the Congregational Church of New Decatur, Ala., with which we are in co-operation. Our consent to this change would have been the more reluctant but for the fact that we are in heartiest sympathy with the missionary purposes contemplated in this exchange of service.
We congratulate the New Decatur church upon its entrance into its tasteful edifice--recently dedicated,--with a pastor whom we relinquish from the relationships of Field Superintendent only upon his own repeated convictions of duty, and in view of his preference for this particular work.
The "sleeper" had been transformed into a parlor car, which was used that day chiefly by the colored porter and myself. The "paper-boy" came through and offered me a New York _Illustrated Weekly_, adorned on the first page with the portrait of Jefferson Davis, for whom the South was then mourning with great abundance of white and black cotton cloth.
After I had declined with thanks to invest in this picture, I turned to the colored porter who was travelling in the white man's car in apparent "social equality" and casually remarked, "Your people should feel very grateful to Jefferson Davis for what he did for you. You ought to have that picture." With a surprise that he could not conceal, he intimated that he did not understand me. He "didn't care for it," and "didn't know what Jeff Davis had done for his people."
Time being at some discount, I undertook to tell him that "Jefferson Davis did more than any other person to take the South out of the Union. He was chief among the secessionists. Then, as President, he made so many mistakes, he
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