American Fairy Tales | Page 9

L. Frank Baum
So he spoke to the housekeeper and the housekeeper mentioned the
matter to the steward and the steward consulted the chef and the chef
kissed the lady's maid and sent her to see the stranger. Thus are the
very wealthy hedged around with ceremony, even when dying.
When the lady's maid heard from the glass-blower that he had a
medicine which would cure her mistress, she said:
"I'm glad you came."
"But," said he, "if I restore your mistress to health she must marry me."

"I'll make inquiries and see if she's willing," answered the maid, and
went at once to consult Miss Mydas.
The young lady did not hesitate an instant.
"I'd marry any old thing rather than die!" she cried. "Bring him here at
So the glass-blower came, poured the magic drop into a little water,
gave it to the patient, and the next minute Miss Mydas was as well as
she had ever been in her life.
"Dear me!" she exclaimed; "I've an engagement at the Fritters'
reception to-night. Bring my pearl-colored silk, Marie, and I will begin
my toilet at once. And don't forget to cancel the order for the funeral
flowers and your mourning gown."
"But, Miss Mydas," remonstrated the glass-blower, who stood by, "you
promised to marry me if I cured you."
"I know," said the young lady, "but we must have time to make proper
announcement in the society papers and have the wedding cards
engraved. Call to-morrow and we'll talk it over."
The glass-blower had not impressed her favorably as a husband, and
she was glad to find an excuse for getting rid of him for a time. And
she did not want to miss the Fritters' reception.
Yet the man went home filled with joy; for he thought his stratagem
had succeeded and he was about to marry a rich wife who would keep
him in luxury forever afterward.
The first thing he did on reaching his room was to smash his
glass-blowing tools and throw them out of the window.
He then sat down to figure out ways of spending his wife's money.
The following day he called upon Miss Mydas, who was reading a
novel and eating chocolate creams as happily as if she had never been

ill in her life.
"Where did you get the magic compound that cured me?" she asked.
"From a learned wizard," said he; and then, thinking it would interest
her, he told how he had made the glass dog for the wizard, and how it
barked and kept everybody from bothering him.
"How delightful!" she said. "I've always wanted a glass dog that could
"But there is only one in the world," he answered, "and it belongs to the
"You must buy it for me," said the lady.
"The wizard cares nothing for money," replied the glass-blower.
"Then you must steal it for me," she retorted. "I can never live happily
another day unless I have a glass dog that can bark."
The glass-blower was much distressed at this, but said he would see
what he could do. For a man should always try to please his wife, and
Miss Mydas has promised to marry him within a week.
On his way home he purchased a heavy sack, and when he passed the
wizard's door and the pink glass dog ran out to bark at him he threw the
sack over the dog, tied the opening with a piece of twine, and carried
him away to his own room.
The next day he sent the sack by a messenger boy to Miss Mydas, with
his compliments, and later in the afternoon he called upon her in person,
feeling quite sure he would be received with gratitude for stealing the
dog she so greatly desired.
But when he came to the door and the butler opened it, what was his
amazement to see the glass dog rush out and begin barking at him

"Call off your dog," he shouted, in terror.
"I can't, sir," answered the butler. "My young lady has ordered the glass
dog to bark whenever you call here. You'd better look out, sir," he
added, "for if it bites you, you may have glassophobia!"
This so frightened the poor glass-blower that he went away hurriedly.
But he stopped at a drug store and put his last dime in the telephone
box so he could talk to Miss Mydas without being bitten by the dog.
"Give me Pelf 6742!" he called.
"Hello! What is it?" said a voice.
"I want to speak with Miss Mydas," said the glass-blower.
Presently a sweet voice said: "This is Miss Mydas. What is it?"
"Why have you treated me so cruelly and set the glass dog on me?"
asked the poor fellow.
"Well, to
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