Ali Pacha | Page 8

Alexandre Dumas, père

to my dishonour."
Ali, in whom this sight and this story had aroused, sanguinary passions,
promised a vengeance proportioned to the outrage, and worked with all
his might to place himself in a position to keep his word. A worthy son
of his father, he had commenced life in the fashion of the heroes of
ancient Greece, stealing sheep and goats, and from the age of fourteen
years he had acquired an equal reputation to that earned by the son of
Jupiter and Maia. When he grew to manhood, he extended his
operations. At the time of which we are speaking, he had long practised
open pillage. His plundering expeditions added to his mother's savings,
who since her return from Kardiki had altogether withdrawn from
public life, and devoted herself to household duties, enabled him to
collect a considerable force for am expedition against Kormovo, one of
the two towns he had sworn to destroy. He marched against it at the

head of his banditti, but found himself vigorously opposed, lost part of
his force, and was obliged to save himself and the rest by flight. He did
not stop till he reached Tepelen, where he had a warm reception from
Kamco, whose thirst for vengeance had been disappointed by his defeat.
"Go!" said she, "go, coward! go spin with the women in the harem! The
distaff is a better weapon for you than the scimitar! "The young man
answered not a word, but, deeply wounded by these reproaches, retired
to hide his humiliation in the bosom of his old friend the mountain. The
popular legend, always thirsting for the marvellous in the adventures of
heroes, has it that he found in the ruins of a church a treasure which
enabled him to reconstitute his party. But he himself has contradicted
this story, stating that it was by the ordinary methods of rapine and
plunder that he replenished his finances. He selected from his old band
of brigands thirty palikars, and entered, as their bouloubachi, or leader
of the group, into the service of the Pacha of Negropont. But he soon
tired of the methodical life he was obliged to lead, and passed into
Thessaly, where, following the example of his father Veli, he employed
his time in brigandage on the highways. Thence he raided the Pindus
chain of mountains, plundered a great number of villages, and returned
to Tepelen, richer and consequently more esteemed than ever.
He employed his fortune and influence in collecting a formidable
guerilla force, and resumed his plundering operations. Kurd Pacha soon
found himself compelled, by the universal outcry of the province, to
take active measures against this young brigand. He sent against him a
division of troops, which defeated him and brought him prisoner with
his men to Berat, the capital of Central Albania and residence of the
governor. The country flattered itself that at length it was freed from its
scourge. The whole body of bandits was condemned to death; but Ali
was not the man to surrender his life so easily. Whilst they were
hanging his comrades, he threw himself at the feet of the pacha and
begged for mercy in the name of his parents, excusing himself on
account of his youth, and promising a lasting reform. The pacha, seeing
at his feet a comely youth, with fair hair and blue eyes, a persuasive
voice, and eloquent tongue, and in whose veins flowed the same blood
as his own, was moved with pity and pardoned him. Ali got off with a
mild captivity in the palace of his powerful relative, who heaped

benefits upon him, and did all he could to lead him into the paths of
probity. He appeared amenable to these good influences, and bitterly to
repent his past errors. After some years, believing in his reformation,
and moved by the prayers of Kamco, who incessantly implored the
restitution of her dear son, the generous pacha restored him his liberty,
only giving him to under stand that he had no more mercy to expect if
he again disturbed the public peace. Ali taking the threat seriously; did
not run the risk of braving it, and, on the contrary, did all he could to
conciliate the man whose anger he dared not kindle. Not only did he
keep the promise he had made to live quietly, but by his good conduct
he caused his, former escapades to be forgotten, putting under
obligation all his neighbours, and attaching to himself, through the
services he rendered them, a great number of friendly disposed persons.
In this manner he soon assumed a distinguished and honourable rank
among the beys of the country, and being of marriageable age, he
sought and formed an alliance with the daughter of Capelan Tigre,
Pacha of Delvino, who resided at
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