Adventures in New Guinea | Page 4

James Chalmers

commercially, or has not yet made money out of her governing; and
why should she now? She does not want New Guinea. Why should she
go to the expense of governing? Her colonies may be unsafe with a
country of splendid harbours so near in the hands of a foreign power,
and the people of that country need a strong, friendly, and just power
over them, to save them from themselves and from the white
man--whose gods are gold and land, and to whom the black man is a
nuisance to be got rid of as soon as possible. Let Britain for these
reasons annex, and from the day of annexation New Guinea will pay all
her own expenses; the expenses of the first three years to be paid with
compound interest at the end of that period.
"Let us begin by recognizing all native rights, and letting it be distinctly
understood that we govern for the native races, not the white men, that
we are determined to civilize and raise to a higher level of humanity
those whom we govern, that our aim will be to do all to defend them
and save them from extermination by just humanitarian laws--not the
laws of the British nation--but the laws suited for them. It will not take
long for the natives to learn that not only are we great and powerful, but
we are just and merciful, and we seek their good.
"That established, I would suggest appointing officers in every district,
whose duty it would be to govern through the native chief, and see that
every native attended to plantations. A native planting tea, sugar, coffee,
maize, cinchona, etc., to be allowed a bounty, and when returns arrived

to be allowed so much per pound sterling. All these things to be
superintended by the said officer.
"Traders would soon swarm, but no one should be allowed to trade
with natives directly, but only through the Government.
"All unoccupied land to belong to the Government, and to be leased to
those wishing land. No native should be allowed to part with land, and
if desirous to sell, then only to the Government, who would allow him
a reasonable price. Every land transaction to be made through
Government; no land to be sold, only leased.
"The land revenue will be immense, and after paying all expenses, will
leave much for improvements and the education of the people.
Stringent laws passed directly annexation takes place to prevent
importation of arms and spirits will be a true safeguard for the natives.
"As a nation, let Britain, in the zenith of her power and greatness, think
kindly of the native races, and now for once in her history rule this
great island for right and righteousness, in justice and mercy, and not
for self and pelf in unrighteousness, blood, and falsehood. It is to be
hoped that future generations of New Guinea natives will not rise up to
condemn her, as the New Zealanders have done, and to claim their
ancient rights with tears now unheeded. I can see along the vista of the
future, truth and righteousness in Britain's hands, and the inhabitants of
New Guinea yet unborn blessing her for her rule; if otherwise, God
help the British meanness, for they will rise to pronounce a curse on her
for ever!"
In 1883, the Queensland Government did formally annex their huge
neighbour; but this act was subsequently repudiated by the Home
Government. Towards the end of 1884, it was decided to announce a
formal protectorate over a large portion of the southern shores of New
[Boevagi. Chief of Port Moresby: 19.jpg]
The official ceremony took place on Nov. 6th, 1884, at Port Moresby.

Five ships of war at once gave dignity to the proceeding by their
presence, and astonished the natives by their salutes. About fifty chiefs
were brought on board the Commodore's ship, the Nelson, by the Rev.
W. G. Lawes. To Boevagi, the chief of the Port Moresby tribe, was
entrusted the responsibility of upholding the authority and dignity of
England in the island. He was presented with an ebony stick, into the
top of which had been let a florin, with the Queen's head uppermost.
Mr. Lawes conveyed to Boevagi the meaning of the Commodore's
words when he gave the stick. "I present you with this stick, which is to
be an emblem of your authority; and all the tribes who are represented
by the chiefs here are to look to the holder of this stick. Boevagi, this
stick represents the Queen of England, and if at any time any of the
people of these tribes have any grievance or anything to say, they are,
through the holder of this stick, to make it known to the Queen's
officers, in order
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