Adventure of a Kite | Page 4

Harriet Myrtle
on the waves, and every now
and then dipped down quite under, and then came up again at a little
distance. On went the great steam-ship, and soon their papa told them
that the land they now saw was Scotland.
Presently they came to some very fine rocks, higher than any they had
seen, and then they passed some rocky islands. Now they began to see a
great many large white birds flying about, stretching out their long
necks, and their papa told them that these were called Solan geese, and
that they had their nests on a great rock, standing out in the sea, called

the Bass Rock. They soon came in sight of it, and when they passed
near it they could see that its sides were all white with hundreds of
these geese that were sitting there, and great numbers were flying in the
air over it and round it. When they were able to leave off looking at all
this, they saw on the top of the high cliff opposite to the Bass Rock a
large ruined castle, called Tantallon Castle, which they thought very
"Do you remember reading about the Black Douglas in 'Tales of a
Grandfather'?" asked their papa.
"O, yes," said first one, and then another.
"Well, that was his castle," he replied.
They looked at Tantallon Castle for a long time, as long as it was in
sight. Charlotte said it was a great pity it was so ruined, and Robert
wished he could see where the drawbridge used to be.
Now there began to be a great bustle in the ship, for they were getting
near Edinburgh, where they were to land. At last Edinburgh was in
sight. It is the capital city of Scotland, just as London is of England,
and it is very beautiful. They saw it quite plain from the sea, with hills
behind it and on each side of it, of many forms; some bare and rocky,
others clothed with trees. When they came quite opposite to it, a gun
was fired in the ship. It made such a noise that everybody started, and
some of the ladies screamed. Charlotte and Helen did not like it; but
Robert did very much indeed. Very soon afterwards they came up to a
fine pier, stretching out into the sea, and there they all landed.
"So now they were in Scotland," said Willie.
They found their uncle's carriage waiting for them, and it took them to
his house in the country, about fifteen miles off.
Well, at this place they were very happy. There was plenty of green

grass to play about upon, and there were large, spreading trees, and
sheep, and cows, and horses, and ponies; and there was a nice garden,
with plenty of fruit and flowers. But what I am going to tell you most
about is a little river that ran along just outside the garden wall; because
this little river was the cause of a curious adventure, that happened in
the month of September, after they had been several weeks in this
pleasant place.
This river was narrow, and rather deep in some places; but in others it
was broader, and very shallow. It was so shallow in dry weather that
you could cross it without wetting your feet, by choosing some part
where there were large stones standing up, and where there was not
much water. But then you must go steadily. Charlotte could do it very
easily; Helen generally stopped short, after she had placed her foot on
the second stone, and turned back; but as to Robert, he jumped from
stone to stone, and a day hardly ever passed that he did not go souse
into the water, and get quite wet half up his legs. The proper way to
cross was by a long plank, laid from one bank to the other, or by a little
wooden bridge not far off.
You would hardly think that such a little gentle river as this could
suddenly swell into a foaming flood, and do all manner of mischief.
But so it was.
This river rose, or began to flow, among a range of hills at some miles
distance; and when you are older, you will understand how it is that
rivers that rise among hills or mountains are apt to overflow when there
is much rain. It happened one day, when all the family, except the
children, had gone out on a visit, that it rained from morning till night,
and when night came it still rained heavily. In the morning, when nurse
went to dress the children, she told them to look out of the window.
Their surprise was great to see the little stream, that they were used to
step across,
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