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up driving and his friends either had their own wheels or had their sights set on something better than his rusty pickup. “Seriously?” Dick said, disbelieving that Grey would be prepared to practically write off his beloved vehicle. It was not perfect but it was his first set of wheels and he cherished it. “When I come back Im reclaiming it. Youre only borrowing it, and you have to maintain it. Nobody else wants it so its better off being used than blocking my parents view.” “Im broke at the moment, with these part-time weeks. I cant give you much for it.” Grey shook his head. “You dont need to. As I say, Im lending it to you – I want this dream machine back.” “I know. If you werent driving Id shake your hand, Mr Grey. Youre a scholar and a gent,” Dick said effervescently. “Before you get carried away, Im going to need it until I go away, so you will probably have to work with Greg for a bit. At least hes punctual.” “Yeah, Ill say that for him. Dont worry about this beast, Jimmy; Ill take good care of it. Its not quick enough for me to try and race my mates so you dont have to worry about anything like that.” “You can disrespect me, but dont talk bad about the pickup,” Grey joked. “Just be as careful as you can be.” “I cant imagine why you doubt me,” Dick said, playing the innocent, well aware that his numerous anecdotes about his escapades had given Grey good cause to worry and made his offer downright foolish. “Its probably just as well I wont be making any decisions for a while,” Grey said. Changing the subject he said, “How did it go yesterday?” “She was giving me the evil eye yesterday so I had to work without cigarette breaks. Well be finished today, easy.” “Bob said he dropped you off and picked you up. He might do that for the next fortnight. I reckon you and Greg could start again and work together without conflict but I know Id want to stand on my own two feet and go it alone and I know you feel the same.” Mrs Saunders was the kind of customer that Bob Grant had long relied on– wealthy and with no desire to be self-sufficient. With her husband away she had decided that her vast back garden, which quickly resembled wasteland, needed a complete overhaul and she came up with grand designs involving a patio and path, reducing the lawn substantially so that maintenance would be less of a problem. Her husband would hate it but he had already been gone a year and by not asking him she could pretend she thought he would like this surprise. Grey took great pride in his work and when Mrs Saunders had gone over her ideas he had been doubtful that they would look good but as it approached completion hehad to admit that her vision was coming together well. Shed trusted him when it came to which plants and flowers to plant to complete the aesthetics while she was more interested in which areas to pave, creating a spiral design. Over half of this project had been more like working on a building site rather than gardening and Grey and Dick had managed this aspect well and the end was in sight. Over the last week she had proven to be a prickly customer for Bobs workers but as she saw the project take shape and develop better than even she had envisioned she calmed down a little, though would still not invite the workers into the house. As it was the final day she brought out some tea and biscuits for them on their lunch break and left them to it. “Weak as piss,” Dick said after his first sip when she was just out of earshot. Grey repressed his laughter and said, “The biscuits are tasty. Give her credit, shes warmed to us.” “As much as an owner can to her slaves. Tell us a bit more about yesterday then.” “I think Ive given you the gist.” “In five months time Ill be getting the same treatment. Is the short arm examination a myth or do they…” “They do. I already knew about that but you still feel like saying „Back off, buddy. Its probably even less fun for the poor docs who have to process us all. Its not painful and everyone has to go through it. Just close your eyes and imagine Lynn Merrick doing...on second thoughts thats a lame idea, because if you react wrong to that youll be going nowhere.” “Thanks, thats my strategy sorted. You still as keen to get out there.” “Absolutely. Look at
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