ABCs of Science | Page 4

Charles Oliver
a small and large body come in collision the small body will
bury itself in the greater. Bodies thrown into atoms, the atoms may
continue to be carried by its respective current (as rings around Saturn),
or the atoms may be forced beyond its current and pass as shooting
stars to other bodies or milky ways.
11. Nebula is the suck current in the process of condensing material
into bodies. Can be seen in Milky Way with naked eve.

[Figures: two line drawings, captioned as follows. "The solar system."
"The sun."]

1. The Solar System is better known to us, as the earth on which we
flourish belongs to it.
2. The System is comprised of one sun (star), eight major planets,
Mercury, Venus, Earth, and one satellite, Mars and two satellites,
Jupiter and seven satellites, Saturn, its rings and ten satellites, Uranus
and four satellites, Neptune and one satellite, and some 600 planetoids,
varying in size from 600 miles in diameter to mere rocks.
3. The sun's diameter is 866,000 miles. Rotates every 606 hours. The
length of time its current carries the sun over its orbit is unknown. The
sun remains a melted mass; its vibration is maintained; has but little
vapor and its theme reflected on the surface of its obsequious attendants
which gives them heat and light.
Dark spots caused by vapor becoming concentrated to the sun's surface;
these spots change.
4. Mercury, the smallest major planet, also the closest to the sun. It is
carried over its orbit about 36,000,000 miles from the sun, which
requires 88 days to complete its course, and rotates once every 24 hours
and 5 minutes. Its diameter is 3,000 miles and it has a suitable amount
of vapor for animals and vegetables to flourish.
5. Venus has the brightest lustre of our planets which is caused from
enormous amount of vapor. It is carried over its orbit at about
67,000,000 miles from the sun, which requires 224 7/10 days to
complete its course. Rotates once every 23 hours and 21 minutes.
Diameter, 7,700 miles.

6. The earth is carried over its orbit; main distance being 93,000,000
miles from the sun, which requires one year to complete its course,
which is 680,000,000 miles:
MILES Earth's diameter 8,000 Greater or equatorial 7,925 Less or polar
7,899 Difference on comparison 26
The earth rotates once every 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds; has
one satellite, which is carried over its orbit at a distance of 238,850
miles from the earth. Its diameter is 2,160 miles. The moon completes
its orbit in 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, and 2 seconds. Its currents
touch the earth and cause the tide; also affects some plants of the
phenomena verita; these plants are also affected by the sun.
Many years after the earth's material began to flourish, a small body
(whose crust was cooled) came in contact with the earth; this caused
the earth's crust to crack almost from pole to pole and formed North
and South America. The eruptions in Europe, Asia, and Africa were
greatly scattered. Australian soil is deficient in phosphorus, which
shows it is foreign and represents the small body which did not entirely
bury itself. This caused some of the earth's land surface to be below the
sea level; also caused the earth's axis to change at a very slow rate of
about 77 yards per year. This will require many thousands of years for
the North Pole to become the South Pole. For many years the Polar star
appeared "fixed" at the earth's north axis.
7. Mars is carried around the sun by its planet current at a distance of
140,000,000 miles, which requires 687 days, and rotates every 24 hours,
37 minutes, and 22 1/2 seconds. Diameter, 4,200 miles. Mars has two
satellites and is not abundant in vapor which causes its reddish
appearance, therefore vegetation and animals are scanty.
8. Jupiter is the largest major planet. It makes a great jump from the sun
of 483,000,000 miles, carried by its planet current to complete its orbit
in 12 years. Rotates every 9 hours, 55 minutes, and 37 seconds.
Diameter, 88,000 miles; has seven satellites. The climate has a very
even temperature due to its fast rotation.

9. Saturn, the beauty of the skies, carried by its planet current around
the sun at its main distance of 883,000,000 miles (a greater distance of
400,000,000 miles than Jupiter) which requires about 29 1/2 years.
Rotates once every 10 hours, 14 minutes, and 23 seconds. Diameter,
75,000 miles. It has ten satellites and three rings of unconcentrated
material. The cape ring is about 9,000 miles across, the other two about
16,000 each. Diameter of rings about 170,000 miles, which makes the
rings very close to the
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