A Young Folks History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Page 7

Nephi Anderson
also helped Joseph in getting out the work. The first edition of five thousand copies was printed in Palmyra, in 1830. Since then the book has been printed in many languages and read by many thousands of people. It is called THE BOOK OF MORMON. The next chapter will tell you why it is so called, and a little of what it contains.
Topics.--1. Joseph's visits to Cumorah. 2. Joseph in Pennsylvania. 3. Description of the plates and Urim and Thummim. 4. The translation.
Questions and Review.--1. Where is the hill Cumorah? 2. What did Joseph find there? 3. Why did not Joseph carry away the plates the first time? 4. How many visits did he make to Cumorah? 5. Where did Joseph go to work? 6. Whom did he marry? 7. When did Joseph get the plates? 8. Describe the plates. 9. What was the Urim and Thummim? 10. Who first helped Joseph to translate? 11. Who was Oliver Cowdery? 12. What help did the Whitmers give Joseph? 13. When was the Book of Mormon published?
You will all be interested in knowing what was written on the plates which the prophet Joseph Smith received from the angel Moroni, so in this chapter I will tell you very briefly. Some time you will want to read the whole book, which of course is the better way.
You have read in your histories and geographies that ruins of great cities have been found in many places in America, showing that at one time there were people here more civilized than the Indians. The writings on these plates told the history of these peoples.
Six hundred years before Christ was born, there lived in the city of Jerusalem a prophet by the name of Lehi. He had at that time four sons, Laman, Lemuel, Sam, and Nephi. The Lord told Lehi that because of the wickedness of the city, it would soon be destroyed, and if he wished to be saved he must take his family and travel into the wilderness. This Lehi did. They went south-eastward until they got to the sea where they built a ship in which to cross to a promised land. While camping in the wilderness Lehi sent his sons back to Jerusalem to get some records of their forefathers, and it was through the faithfulness of Nephi that this was done.
After many days of sailing, they at last landed on the west coast of South America in what is now called Chili.
The two older boys, Laman and Lemuel were often disobedient to their father, and many times they brought trouble to the little company. They also treated their younger brother, Nephi, badly because he would not agree with them but tried to do as his father told him.
When Lehi died, Nephi was chosen their leader, but soon Laman and Lemuel became dissatisfied and again began making trouble. The Lord then told Nephi to take all who would listen to him and leave the other brothers and those who upheld them in their evil deeds.
In this way there became two peoples in the land. Those who went with Nephi were called Nephites, and those who remained with Laman became Lamanites. The Nephites built houses, planted fields, and lived as civilized people, and the Lord often revealed his will to them through prophets and holy men. The Lamanites became lazy, lived in tents in the forests, and killed wild animals for their food. Their skins also became dark.
The greater part of the Book of Mormon is about these two peoples, their wars with each other, etc. The Nephites ought to have remained a good people, because the Lord blessed them so much: yet they often did wrong. The Lord would prosper them until they became rich; then they would become proud and at last wicked. Then the Lord would allow the Lamanites to come upon them, and there would be bloody wars. So the story goes for hundreds of years.
Both nations became very large and occupied the greater part of North and South America.
At times the Lord would raise up prophets who would preach to the wicked. Usually these teachers were Nephites, but sometimes they were Lamanites. Sometimes great numbers of Lamanites were converted to the Lord, and when they once accepted the truth, they did not fall away so easily as their Nephite brethren. At one time two thousand young men whose parents were converted Lamanites did valiant service for their country and their religion. There isn't room to tell you about the story here; but you may read about it in the Book of Mormon, beginning with the 53rd chapter of Alma.
When Nephi separated from his brethren, he went north and settled in a place they called the Land of Nephi; but after a time the
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