A Years Journey through France and Part of Spain | Page 4

Philip Thicknesse
The Amphitheatre of Arles was of an oval form, composed of three
stages; each stage containing sixty arches; the whole was built of hewn
stone of an immense size, without mortar, and of a prodigious thickness:
the circumference above, exclusive of the projection of the architecture,
was 194 toises three feet, the frontispiece 17 toises high and the area 71
toises long and 52 wide; the walls were 17 toises thick, which were
pierced round and round with a gallery, for a convenience of passing in
and out of the seats, which would conveniently contain 30,000 men,
allowing each person three feet in depth and two in width; and yet,
there remain at this day only a few arches quite complete from top to
bottom, which are of themselves a noble monument. Indeed one would
be inclined to think that it never had been compleated, did we not know
that the Romans left nothing unfinished of that kind; and read, that the
Emperor Gallus gave some superb spectacles in the Amphiteatre of
Arles, and that the same amusements were continued by following
Emperors. Nothing can be a stronger proof than these ruins, of the
certain destruction and corruption of all earthly things; for one would
think that the small parts which now remain of this once mighty
building would, endure as long as the earth itself; but what is very
singular is, that this very Amphitheatre was built upon the ruins of a
more mighty building, and perhaps one of a more substantial structure.
_Tempus edax rerum, tuque invidiosa vetustas omnia destruis_. In the

street called _St. Claude_, stood a triumphal arch which was called
_L'Arche admirable_; it is therefore natural to conclude, that the town
contained many others of less beauty. There are also within the walls
large remains of the palace of Constantine. A beautiful antique statue
of Venus was found here also, about an hundred and twenty years
ago.--That a veritable fine woman should set all the beaux and
connoisseurs of a whole town in a flame, I do not much wonder; but
you will be surprized when I tell you that this cold trunk of marble, (for
the arms were never found) put the whole town of Arles together by the
ears; one _Sçavant_ said it was the goddess Diana, and wrote a book to
prove it; another insisted upon it, that it was the true image of _Venus_;
then starts up an Ecclesiastic, who you know has nothing to do with
women, and he pronounced in dogmatical terms, it was neither one nor
the other; at length the wiser magistrates of the town agreed to send it
as a present to their august monarch Lewis the XIVth; and if you have a
mind to see an inanimate woman who has made such a noise in the
world, you will find her at Versailles, without any other notice taken of
her or the quarrels about her, than the following words written (I think)
upon her pedestal, _La Venus d'Arles_. This ended the dispute, as I
must my letter.

I have not half done with Arles. The more I saw and heard in this town,
the more I found was to be seen. The remains of the Roman theatre
here would of itself be a sufficient proof that it was a town of great
riches and importance. Among the refuse of this building they found
several large vases of baked earth, which were open on one side, and
which were fixed properly near the seats of the audience to receive and
convey the sounds of the instruments and voices of the actors distinctly
throughout the theatre, which had forty-eight arches, eleven behind the
scenes of ten feet wide, three grand arches of fourteen feet wide, and
thirty-one of twelve feet; the diameter was thirty-one canes, and the
circumference seventy-nine; and from the infinite number of beautiful
pieces of sculpture, frizes, architraves, pillars of granite, &c. which
have been dug up, it is very evident that this theatre was a most

magnificent building, and perhaps would have stood firm to this day,
had not a Bishop of Arles, from a principle of more piety than wisdom,
stript it of the finest ornaments and marble pillars, to adorn the
churches. Near the theatre stood also the famous temple of _Diana_;
and, as the famous statue mentioned in my former letter was found
beneath some noble marble pillars near that spot, it is most likely _La
Venus d'Arles_ is nevertheless the Goddess Diana.
I never wish more for your company than when I walk, (and I walk
every day) in the Elysian fields. The spot is beautiful, the prospect far
and near equally so: in the middle of this ancient Cimetiere stands a
motly building, from the middle
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