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A Treatise of Witchcraft
The Project Gutenberg EBook of A Treatise of Witchcraft, by Alexander Roberts This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.net
Title: A Treatise of Witchcraft
Author: Alexander Roberts
Release Date: December 3, 2005 [EBook #17209]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
Produced by Louise Hope, Feorag Nicbhride and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net
[Transcriber's Note:
Spelling and punctuation are as in the original text, except for clear typographic errors. These are noted at the end of the e-text, along with problems in Greek transcription.
Characters that could not be represented in the latin-1 character set are shown as: [oe] oe ligature [e,] "e caudata": equivalent to ? or ae [~u] [~e] vowel with circumflex (also ? and ?) = following m or n
Greek has been transliterated and shown between +marks+.]
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A Treatise of Witchcraft.
Wherein sundry Propositions are laid downe, plainely discouering the wickednesse of that damnable Art, with diuerse other speciall points annexed, not impertinent to the same, such as ought diligently of euery Christian to be considered.
_With a true Narration of the Witch-crafts_ which Mary Smith, wife of Henry Smith Glouer, did practise: Of her contract vocally made between the Deuill and her, in solemne termes, by whose meanes she hurt sundry persons whom she enuied: Which is confirmed by her owne confession, and also from the publique Records of the Examination of diuerse vpon their oathes: And _lastly, of her death and execution, for the same;_ which was on the twelfth day of Ianuarie last past.
By ALEXANDER ROBERTS B.D. and Preacher of Gods Word at _Kings-Linne_ in Norffolke.
EXOD. 22. 18. _Thou shalt not suffer a Witch to liue._
Impium est a nos illis esse Remissos, quos c[oe]lestis Pietas, Non Patitur impunitos: Alarus Rex apud Cassiodorum.
Printed by N.O. for SAMVEL MAN, and are to be sold at his Shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Ball. 1616.
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? To the right Worshipful Maister _Iohn Atkin Maior, the Recorder_ and Aldermen, and to the Common Counsaile, Burgesses and Inhabitants of Kings Linne in Norffolke, Grace and Peace.
_Right Worshipfull_:
In these last dayes, and perillous times, among the rest of those dreadfull euills, which are fore-told should abound[a] in them, a close & disguised contempt of religion may be iustly accounted as chiefe, which causeth and bringeth vpon men all disastrous effects, when although it be shadowed with a beautifull Maske of holines, faire tongued: yet false-harted,[b] _professing they know God, but in works deny him_. And among these there be two especiall sorts; the one, who entertaining a stubborne, and curious rash boldnes, striue by the iudgem[~e]t of reason, to search ouer-deeply into the knowledge of those things which are farre aboue the reach of any humane capacitie. And so making shipwracke in this deep and vnfoundable Sea, ouerwhelme themselues in the gulfe thereof. The other kind is more sottish, dull, and of a slow wit, and therefore ouer-credulous, beleeuing euerie thing, especially when they be carried by the violent tempest of their desires, and other vngouerned affections; and among these the diuell vsually spreadeth his netts, as assured of a prey, wayting closely if hee can espie any, who either grow discontented and desperate, through want and pouerty, or be exasperated with a wrathfull and vnruly passion of reuenge, or transported by vnsatiable loue to obtaine some thing they desire; and these hee taking aduantage, assaulteth with golden and glorious promises, to performe vnto them the wishes of their owne hearts; the drift whereof is (hee being as at the first incased in a subtile Serpents skinne) onely to enthrall and invassall them slaues to himselfe. The first of these mentioned, are slie and masked Atheists, who ouer-shadow their secret impiety, loose and dissolute behauiour with some outward conformitie and shew of religion, snatching (as they thinke) a sufficient warrantize thereof from those disorders they obserue among men, and therfore passe vncensured, hauing a ciuill, but dissembled carriage. The second be Sorcerers, Wisards, Witches, and the rest of that ranke and kindred: no small multitude swarming now in the world, yet supposed of many, rather worthy pitty then punishment, as deluded by fantasies, and mis-led, not effecting those harmes wherewith they bee charged, or themselues acknowledge. But considering they be ioyned and linked together with Satan in a league (the common and professed enemy of mankinde) and by his helpe performe many subtile mischieuous actions, and hurtfull designes, it

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