A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe | Page 4

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the midst of the flame there is a dark nucleus with a conical form (_c_). This is enveloped by the illuminating portion of the flame (_d_). At the exterior edge of the part d we perceive a thin, scarcely visible veil, _a, e, e_, which is broader near the apex of the flame. The action of the burning candle may be thus explained. The radiant heat from the flame melts the tallow or wax, which then passes up into the texture of the wick by capillary attraction until it reaches the glowing wick, where the heat decomposes the combustible matter into carbonated hydrogen (C^{4}H^{4}), and into carbonic oxide (CO).
While these gases are rising in hot condition, the air comes in contact with them and effects their combustion. The dark portion, c, of the flame is where the carbon and gases have not a sufficiency of air for their thorough combustion; but gradually they become mixed with air, although not then sufficient for complete combustion. The hydrogen is first oxidized or burnt, and then the carbon is attacked by the air, although particles of carbon are separated, and it is these, in a state of intense ignition, which produce the illumination. By bringing any oxidizable substance into this portion of the flame, it oxidizes very quickly in consequence of the high temperature and the free access of air. For that reason this part of the flame is termed the oxidizing flame, while the illuminating portion, by its tendency to abstract oxygen for the purpose of complete combustion, easily reduces oxidated substances brought into it, and it is, therefore, called the flame of reduction. In the oxidizing flame, on the contrary, all the carbon which exists in the interior of the flame is oxidized into carbonic acid (CO^{2}) and carbonic oxide (CO), while the blue color of the cone of the flame is caused by the complete combustion of the carbonic oxide. These two portions of the flame--the oxidizing and the reducing--are the principal agents of blowpipe analysis.
If we introduce a fine current of air into a flame, we notice the following: The air strikes first the dark nucleus, and forcing the gases beyond it, mixes with them, by which oxygen is mingled freely with them. This effects the complete combustion of the gases at a certain distance from the point of the blowpipe. At this place the flame has the highest temperature, forming there the point of a blue cone. The illuminated or reducing portion of the flame is enveloped outside and inside by a very hot flame, whereby its own temperature is so much increased that in this reduction-flame many substances will undergo fusion which would prove perfectly refractory in a common flame. The exterior scarcely visible part loses its form, is diminished, and pressed more to a point, by which its heating power is greatly increased.
_The Blast of Air._--By using the blowpipe for chemical purposes, the effect intended to be produced is an uninterrupted steady stream of air for many minutes together, if necessary, without an instant's cessation. Therefore, the blowing can only be effected with the muscles of the cheeks, and not by the exertion of the lungs. It is only by this means that a steady constant stream of air can be kept up, while the lungs will not be injured by the deprival of air. The details of the proper manner of using the blowpipe are really more difficult to describe than to acquire by practice; therefore the pupil is requested to apply himself at once to its practice, by which he will soon learn to produce a steady current of air, and to distinguish the different flames from each other. We would simply say that the tongue must be applied to the roof of the mouth, so as to interrupt the communication between the passage of the nostrils and the mouth. The operator now fills his mouth with air, which is to be passed through the pipe by compressing the muscles of the cheeks, while he breathes through the nostrils, and uses the palate as a valve. When the mouth becomes nearly empty, it is replenished by the lungs in an instant, while the tongue is momentarily withdrawn from the roof of the mouth. The stream of air can be continued for a long time, without the least fatigue or injury to the lungs. The easiest way for the student to accustom himself to the use of the blowpipe, is first to learn to fill the mouth with air, and while the lips are kept firmly closed to breathe freely through the nostrils. Having effected this much, he may introduce the mouthpiece of the blowpipe between his lips. By inflating the cheeks, and breathing through the nostrils, he will soon learn to use the instrument
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