A Svmmarie and Trve Discovrse
of Sir
by Richard Field
The Project Gutenberg EBook of A Svmmarie and Trve Discovrse of
Frances Drakes VVest Indian Voyage, by Richard Field This eBook is
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Title: A Svmmarie and Trve Discovrse of Sir Frances Drakes VVest
Indian Voyage Wherein were taken, the townes of Saint Iago, Sancto
Domingo, Cartagena & Saint Augustine.
Author: Richard Field
Release Date: October 20, 2006 [EBook #19589]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1
Produced by Irma Špehar, Louise Pryor, The Kraus Collection of Sir
Francis Drake and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at
{Transcriber's note:
The spelling and punctuation in the original are inconsistent. No
corrections have been made except those that have been noted
explicitly at the end of the etext.
The maps referred to on the title page and after the Dedication were not
present in the original.}
DRAKES VVest Indian Voyage.
VVherein were taken, the Townes of Saint Iago, Sancto Domingo,
Cartagena, and Saint Augustine.
With Geographicall Mappes exactly describing each of the Tovvnes
vvith their scituations, and the maner of the Armies approching to the
vvinning of them: diligently made by
Printed at London by Roger Ward dvvelling vpon Lambard Hill, neere
olde Fish-streete.
[Illustration: decorative page header]
ESSEX AND EVVE, VISCOVNT of Hereford and Bourchier, Lord
Ferrers of Chartley, Bourchier, and Louaine, Maister of the Queenes
Maiesties horse, and knight of the most honorable order of the Garter.
T. C. vvisheth increase of all honour and happinesse.
Right Honorable, hauing by chaunce recouered of late into my handes
(after I had once lost the same) a copie of the Discourse of our late
West Indian Voyage, which was begun by Captaine Bigges; who ended
his life in the said voyage after our departure from Cartagena, the same
being afterwardes finished (as I thinke) by his Lieutenant Maister
Croftes, or some other, I know not well who. Now finding therein a
most true report of the seruices and other matters which happened in
the said voyage, the sight whereof is wonderfully desired of manie
honest and well disposed persons. I haue presumed to recommend the
publishing thereof, vnto your Lordships protection and fauour, for
these two causes. The one, for that your Lordships honourable
disposition is in the knowledge of all men that know your selfe, most
thirstingly affected to embrace in your owne person, the brauest
enterprises, if the time would once afford anie such fit occasion, as
might be agreeable to her Maiesties resolution: who wisely (and long
may she do it) gouerneth all thinges to the greatest aduantage of her
selfe and people. The other, because my selfe hauing bene a member in
the said actions, and was Lieutenant of Maister Carleils owne
companie, whereby I can well assure the truth of this report: I thought
it my bounden duetie, hauing professed my seruice to your Lordship
before all men, to dedicate the same rather vnto your Lordship then
vnto any other. And although it be now a yeare and a halfe sithence the
voyage ended, whereby some man will say, that it is now no new matter:
yet the present time considered, how doubtfull some of our meaner sort
of people are of the Spanish preparations, I thinke this Discourse a
verie fit thing to be published, that they may see what great victories a
fewe English men haue made vpon great numbers of the Spaniardes,
euen at home in their owne Countries. The beholding whereof will
much encourage those, who by fame and bare wordes are made to
doubt much more then there is cause why they should. Vpon which
point, as there may be much said: so my selfe being no Discourser, do
desire to be held excused therein; and therefore doe onely commend the
trueth of this report vnto your Lordship: which will be also auowed by
diuers Captaines that were in the said voyage. And so in all
humblenesse do take my leaue, readie to do your Lordship all faithfull
Your Lordships souldier and humble seruant
[Illustration: decorative page header]
¶ The Reader must vnderstand, that this Discourse was dedicated, and
intended to haue bene Imprinted somewhat before the comming of the
Spanish Fleete vpon our coast of England: but by casualtie the same
was forgotten and slacked for a time of some better leasure.
The Order and

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