A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder | Page 2

James De Mille
Jove! glowious! glowious! I say, Oxenden, did you hear
"What do you mean by a regatta?" asked Oxenden, lazily.
"Oh, I mean a race with these paper boats. We can bet on them, you know."
At this Featherstone sat upright, with his legs dangling out of the hammock.
"By Jove!" he exclaimed again. "Betting! So we can. Do you know, Melick, old chap, I
think that's a wegular piece of inspiration. A wegatta! and we can bet on the best boat."
"But there isn't any wind," said Oxenden.
"Well, you know, that's the fun of it," said Melick, who went solemnly on as he spoke,
folding his paper boats; "that's the fun of it. For you see if there was a wind we should be
going on ourselves, and the regatta couldn't come off; but, as it is, the water is just right.
You pick out your boat, and lay your bet on her to race to some given point."
"A given point? But how can we find any?"
"Oh, easily enough; something or anything--a bubble'll do, or we can pitch out a bit of

Upon this Featherstone descended from his perch, and came near to examine the
proceedings, while the other two, eager to take advantage of the new excitement, soon
joined him. By this time Melick had finished his paper boats. There were four of them,
and they were made of different colors, namely, red, green, yellow, and white.
"I'll put these in the water," said Melick, "and then we can lay our bets on them as we
choose. But first let us see if there is anything that can be taken as a point of arrival. If
there isn't anything, I can pitch out a bit of wood, in any direction which may seem best."
Saying this, he went to the side, followed by the others, and all looked out carefully over
the water.
"There's a black speck out there," said Oxenden.
"So there is," said Featherstone. "That'll do. I wonder what it is?"
"Oh, a bit of timber," said Melick. "Probably the spar of some ship."
"It don't look like a spar," said the doctor; "it's only a round spot, like the float of some
"Oh, it's a spar," said Melick. "It's one end of it, the rest is under water."
The spot thus chosen was a dark, circular object, about a hundred yards away, and
certainly did look very much like the extremity of some spar, the rest of which was under
water. Whatever it was, however, it served well enough for their present purpose, and no
one took any further interest in it, except as the point toward which the paper boats
should run in their eventful race.
Melick now let himself down over the side, and placed the paper boats on the water as
carefully as possible. After this the four stood watching the little fleet in silence. The
water was perfectly still, and there was no perceptible wind, but there were draughts of
air caused by the rise and fall of the yacht, and these affected the tiny boats. Gradually
they drew apart, the green one drifting astern, the yellow one remaining under the vessel,
while the red and the white were carried out in the direction where they were expected to
go, with about a foot of space between them.
"Two to one on the red!" cried Featherstone, betting on the one which had gained the
"Done," said Melick, promptly taking his offer.
Oxenden made the same bet, which was taken by Melick and the doctor.
Other bets were now made as to the direction which they would take, as to the distance
by which the red would beat the white, as to the time which would be occupied by the
race, and as to fifty other things which need not be mentioned. All took part in this; the
excitement rose high and the betting went on merrily. At length it was noticed that the

white was overhauling the red. The excitement grew intense; the betting changed its form,
but was still kept up, until at last the two paper boats seemed blended together in one dim
spot which gradually faded out of sight.
It was now necessary to determine the state of the race, so Featherstone ordered out the
boat. The four were soon embarked, and the men rowed out toward the point which had
been chosen as the end of the race. On coming near they found the paper boats stuck
together, saturated with water, and floating limp on the surface. An animated discussion
arose about this. Some of the bets were off, but others remained an open question, and
each side insisted upon a different view of the case. In the midst of this, Featherstone's
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