A Short History of the 6th Division | Page 9

Thomas Owen Marden
as far as the Division was concerned was a
failure, for of the three allotted to the 6th Division two broke down
before starting, and the third, moving off in accordance with orders
long before the infantry, had its periscope shot off, its peep-holes
blinded, was riddled by armour-piercing bullets, and had to come back
without achieving anything. This again found a parallel in the attack on
the Quadrilateral, near St. Quentin, on 18th September 1918, when the
tanks were ineffective.
To facilitate the movement of the tanks a gap of about 200 yards had
been left in the creeping barrage. This gap unfortunately coincided with
the strongest point of the Quadrilateral. The barrage, moreover, had
passed over the German trenches by the time the infantry advanced; the
latter had, consequently, to attack up the glacis-like slopes without any
artillery support except the bombardment. This, owing to the enemy's
trenches not having been accurately located, was ineffective.
The 16th Infantry Brigade attacked on a battalion front--one company
of the Bedfords bombing up the trench from Leuze Wood, and the
remainder over the open to the north against the south-west face. The
Buffs and York and Lancasters supported the attack, but in spite of the
greatest gallantry could not take the Strong Point.
The 1st Leicesters and the Norfolks, passing through the entrenched
Foresters and Suffolks, attacked the Quadrilateral from the north-west
with equal drive, but they too failed. Some ground, however, was made,
and by 10 a.m. the 16th Infantry Brigade on the south, and the 71st
Infantry Brigade on the north, were digging in close to the enemy's
wire and trenches.
During the day constant reports arrived that the Guards had gained their

objectives, and that tanks and cheering men were moving through
Lesboeufs. It was not until the following morning that this report was
proved to be incorrect, and that it was Flers which had been captured.
In the meantime it appeared to the Divisional G.O.C. (General Ross)
that the prospect of a break-through on a large scale was prejudiced
solely by the repulse of the 6th Division. He therefore ordered a night
attack on the flanks of the Quadrilateral to be executed by two
battalions of the 18th Infantry Brigade (Brig.-Gen. R. J. Bridgford).
These battalions, the 2nd Durham Light Infantry and the 11th Essex,
moved round after dark and attacked; the former from the north, the
latter from the south-east to the left of the 16th Infantry Brigade. The
11th Essex lost direction, while the 2nd D.L.I. bombed down a trench
only to find that it did not lead into the Strong Point. Except on the 6th
Divisional front and at High Wood, which was captured during the
night, the whole line had advanced, and it was a bitter blow to the
Division to think that their sacrifices had been in vain.
On the night of the 16/17th September the 18th Infantry Brigade
relieved the sorely-tried 71st Infantry Brigade, and fresh preparations
were made for an attack, on the 18th, of the Quadrilateral, which had
been strongly reinforced by the enemy through the sunken road.
The K.S.L.I. dug themselves in with their left on the railway, so as to
assault the south-west face of the Strong Point. The weather having
cleared, the trenches were now carefully located from the air and
heavily bombarded, and on the 18th September, under both a stationary
and creeping barrage, and with the York and Lancasters bombing up
the trench from Leuze Wood, and the 18th Infantry Brigade (West
Yorks and 14th Durham Light Infantry) attacking the north-west face
and the trench running north from the Quadrilateral, this redoubtable
Strong Point was at last captured with comparatively small loss after
what must be conceded as a magnificent defence, and which had cost
the Division upwards of 3,500 casualties. Nine machine-guns and 160
unwounded prisoners were taken in the Quadrilateral and many
Germans killed.
The Quadrilateral once captured, the advance was carried forward for

1,000 yards to within half a mile of Morval and Lesboeufs. These,
which were the original objectives on the 13th September, were now to
be attacked on the 25th September. Relieved for rest on the 16th, the
Division came in again on 21st September, and dug good assembly
trenches. The most forward portion of the line taken over by the
Division consisted of 250 yards of one of the main German trenches,
which was held by the Germans on both flanks for some distance.
Fortunately we were in possession of the communication trench leading
up to it, and during the three nights after taking over considerable
excitement and amusement were caused by the occasional arrival of
German ration parties at our part of the trench, having failed to hit off
the part occupied by their own troops. Uttering many guttural
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