A Select Collection of Old English Plays, vol 2 | Page 9

Robert Dodsley

were not sent From God, that in trouble doth no man forsake That doth
call, and trust in him for Christ's sake.
Finally, youth by God's special grace Doth earnestly repent his
abhominable living By the doctrine of good counsel, and to his solace
God's mercy entereth to him reciting God's merciful promises, as they
be in writing: He believeth and followeth, to his great consolation.[36]

And these parts ye shall see briefly played in their fashion.
Here entereth LUSTY JUVENTUS, or YOUTH, _singing as
In a herber[37] green, asleep[38] where as I lay, The birds sang sweet
in the middes of the day; I dreamed fast of mirth and play: In youth is
pleasure, in youth is pleasure.
Methought I walked still to and fro, And from her company I could not
go; But when I waked, it was not so: In youth is pleasure, in youth is
Therefore my heart is surely pight[39] Of her alone to have a sight,
Which is my joy and heart's delight: In youth is pleasure, in youth is
What, ho? Are they not here? I am disappointed, by the blessed mass! I
had thought to have found them making good cheer; But now they are
gone to some secret place. Well, seeing they are gone, I do not greatly
pass;[40] Another time I will hold them as much, Seeing they break[41]
promise, and keep not the tweche.[42]
What shall I do now to pass away the day? Is there any man here that
will go to game? At whatsoever he[43] will play, To make one I am
ready to the same: Youth full of pleasure is my proper name. To be
alone is not my appetite,[44] For of all things in the world I love merry
Who knoweth where is e'er a minstrel? By the mass, I would fain go
dance a fit[45] My companions[46] are at it, I know right well; They do
not all this while in a corner sit: Against another time they have taught
me[47] wit: I beshrew their hearts for serving me this,[48] I will go
seek them, whether I hit or miss.

Here entereth GOOD COUNSEL, to whom YOUTH yet speaketh.
Well i-met, father, well i-met: Did you hear any minstrels play, As you
came hitherward upon your way? And if you did, I pray you wish[49]
me thither, For I am going to seek them, and, in faith, I know not
GOOD COUNSEL. Sir, I will ask you a question by your favour: What
would you with the minstrel do?
JUVENTUS. Nothing but have a dance or two, To pass the time away
in pleasure.
GOOD COUNSEL. If that be the matter, I promise you sure, I am the
more sorrier that it should so be; For there is no such passing the time
appointed in the Scripture, Nor yet thereunto it doth not agree! I wish
that ye would so use your liberty, To walk as you are bound to do,
According to the vocation which God hath called you to.
JUVENTUS. Why, sir, are you angry, because I have spoken so? By
the mass, it is alone for my appetite.
GOOD COUNSEL. Show me your name, I pray you heartily, And then
I will my mind express.
JUVENTUS. My name is called Juventus, doubtless: Say what you will,
I will give you the hearing.
GOOD COUNSEL. For as much as God hath created you of nothing,
Unto his own likeness by spiritual illumination, It is unmeet that ye
should lead your living Contrary to his godly determination. Saint Paul
unto the Ephesians giveth good exhortation, Saying, walk
circumspectly, redeeming the time; That is, to spend it well, and not to
wickedness incline.
JUVENTUS. No, no, hardily none of mine; If I would live so strait,
you might count me a fool; Let them keep those rules, which are
doctors divine, And have be brought up all their days in school.

GOOD COUNSEL. Moses in the law exhorteth his people, As in the
book of Deuteronomy he doth plainly write, That they should live
obedient and thankful; For in effect[50] these words he doth recite: All
ye this day stand before the Lord's sight, Both princes, rulers, elders,
and parents, Children, wives, young, and old; therefore obey his
JUVENTUS. I am too young to understand his documents;[51]
Wherefore did all they stand before his presence?
GOOD COUNSEL. To enter with God peace and alliance, Promising
that they would him honour, fear, and serve: All kind of people were
bound in those covenants, That from his law they should never swerve;
For God useth no partiality.
JUVENTUS. What, am I bound, as well as the clergy, To learn and
follow his precepts and law?
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