A Practical Directory for Young Christian Females | Page 3

Harvey Newcomb
Preserving Health, 131
1. Make Conscience of it, 131 2. Be Cheerful, 132 3. Be Regular in your Habits, 133 4. Exercise, 134 Delicate Training of Young Ladies, 135 5. Practise frequent Ablutions, 135 6. Pay Attention to the Quantity and Quality of Food, 136 Effects of bad or excessive Diet, 137 How to glorify God in Eating and Drinking, 138 7. Taking Medicine, 139
Mental Cultivation. Reading, 141
Object of Education, 141 Written Exercises, 142 Discipline. Perseverance, 143 Reading, 144 Hints on Reading History, 144 Biography, 147 Doctrinal and Miscellaneous Reading, 148 Newspapers and Periodicals, 148 Light Reading. English Classics, 150
Improvement of Time. Present Obligation, 151
Value of Moments, 151 How to redeem Time, 152 Systematic Arrangements, 153 Motives for being Systematic, 153 Nature of Obligation, 154
Christian Activity, 156
Female Influence, 156 May be felt in the Bible Society, 156 In the Tract Society, 158 Monthly Tract Distribution, 158 The Missionary Cause, 159 Influence in Behalf of the Poor, 160 A Plea for the Poor, 161 Example of Christ, 162 Temperance, 163 Interest of Females in the Subject, 163 Conversation, 164 Influence in bringing People under the Sound of the Gospel, 164 Influence directly on the Impenitent, 164
The Duty enjoined, 164
1. By the Example of Christ, 165 2. By Love to God, 165 3. By Love to our Neighbor, 165 4. By the Injunctions of Scripture, 166 Facts, 168 Wonderful Influence exerted by one Woman, 169
Cautions, 172
1. Avoid Ostentation, 172 2. Prudence and Discretion, 172 3. Be Resolute and Persevering, 173 4. Be much in Prayer, 173
Dress, 174
Design of Dress, 174 Things to be observed, 175 1. All you have is the Lord's, 175 2. Your Time is the Lord's, 176 3. Personal Appearance, 177 Influence of Christianity, 177 4. Regard to Health, 178 Compression of the Chest, 178 5. Do not make too much of it, 179
Social and Relative Duties, 180
The Family Relation, 180 Household Law, 181
Rules, 183
1. In Relation to the Family, 183 2. To the Church, 184 3. To Society in general, 186 4. Visiting, 187 5. Worldly Society, 188 6. Conversation, 188 7. Discussion of Absent Characters, 189 8. Speaking of one's self, 191 9. A Suspicious Disposition, 191 10. Intimate Friendships, 192 11. Before going into Company, visit your Closet, 192
Charity, 193
General Description of, 193 Long Suffering, 194 Kindness, 194 Envy, 196 Self-Conceit, 197 Description of a Self-conceited Person, 197 Self-conceited Confidence not Independence of Mind, 198 Unseemliness, 199 Forwardness, 199 Impertinence, 200 Taking the Lead in Conversation, 200 Fierce Contention for Rights, 201 Rudeness, Grossness, 201 Disinterestedness, 201 Selfishness, 201 Churlishness, 203 Good Nature, 203 Jealousy, 204 Fault Finding, 205 Telling others their Faults, 206 Christian Watch not Espionage, 206 Effects of Ruminating upon the Faults of Others, 206 Sours the Temper and leads to Misanthropy, 206 Charitable Joy, 206 Censoriousness, a Mark of an Impenitent Heart, 207 Apostates, before their Fall, noted far Censoriousness, 208 Humble Christians not Censorious, 209 Duty of Rejoicing in the Goodness of Others, 210 Charity, positively, 211 Charity beareth all Things, 211 Believeth all Things, 212 Endureth all Things, 212
Harmony of Christian Character, 214
Harmony of Sounds, Colors, and Proportions, delights the Senses, 214 Harmonious Development of the Christian Graces, 215 Effects of the Disproportionate Development of Character, 217 How Young Christiana fall into this Error, 218
Marriage, 220
Marriage Desirable, 220 Marriage not Indispensable, 221
Qualifications Indispensable in a Companion for Life, 222
1. Piety, 222 2. An Amiable Disposition, 224 3. A Well-cultivated Mind, 224 4. Congeniality of Sentiment and of Feeling, 225 5. Energy of Character, 225 6. Suitableness of Age, 226
Qualifications Desirable, 226
1. A Sound Body, 226 2. Refinement of Manners, 226 3. A Sound Judgment, 227 4. Prudence, 227 5. Similarity of Religious Sentiment and Profession, 227 Treatment of Gentlemen, 228 A Peculiar Affection necessary, 229 Social Intercourse with Gentlemen, 229 General Remarks, 230
Submission--Contentment--Dependence, 233
The Hand of God in all Things, 233 Comforting Considerations, 235 Supply of Temporal Wants, 236 Duty of Contentment, 237
Self-Examination, 238
Danger of Neglecting it, 238 Assurance Attainable, 239 Witness of the Spirit, 239
Objects, 241
1. To discover Sin, 241 Questions for Saturday Evening, 243 " for Sabbath Evening, 244 Questions for every Evening,--(several sets,) 245 (1.) When Time is limited, 245 (2.) For Ordinary Occasions, 246 (3.) Dr. Doddridge's Questions, 247 (4.) When you have more Time than usual, 248 2. To ascertain why Prayer is not answered, 251 3. As to the Cause of Afflictions, 253 4. Whether we are Christians, 253
Am I a Christian?--Questions, 255
(1.) As to Views of Sin, 255 (2.) Of the Government of God, 256 (3.) Faith in Christ, 257 (4.) Love to God, 258 (5.) Christian Character in General, 260 5. Preparation for the Lord's Table, 262 Questions, 262
Conclusion, 264
A Course of Reading, 267 I. Sacred History, 267 Profane History, 267 II. Christian
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