fable, allegory
Allegiad, n. allegorizing
Allegu, v. allegorize
Alleiriad, n. a paraphraaing
Alleirio, v. to paraphrase
Allor, n. altar
Allt, n. cliff
Alltrem, n. a wild stare
Alltremiad, n. a wild gazing
Alltrodiaeth, n. estrangement
Alltud, n. alien another land
Alltudaeth, n. banishment
Alltudedd, n. a state of exile
Alltudes, n. female exile
Alltudo, v. to banish
Alltudol, a. banishing
Alltudwr, n. exiler
Allwedd, n. key
Am, prep. about, round: conj. for, because. A prefix answering to Circum
Amaethiad, n. husbandry
Amaethiaeth, n. tillage
Amaethol, a. husbandry
Amaethu, v. to husband
Amaethwriaeth, n. husbandry
Amaethwr, Ainaethydd, n. cultivator, agriculturist
Amaethyddol, a. agricultural
Amaethyddiaeth, n. agriculture
Ambeil, a. scarce, few
Amcan, n. intent, a purpose
Amcaniad, a. intention
Amcanioeth, n. conjecture
Amcanol, a. intentional
Amcansuil, n. hypothesis
Amcanu, v. to guess, to design, to purpose
Amcanus, a. inventive
Amcanwr, n. tnroator
Amchwyl, n. circumvolution
Amdan, n. a treyet
Amdo, n. m. shroud
Amdoedig, a. shrouded; enveloped
Amdoi, v. to enwrap, to shroud
Amdorch, n. encircling wreath
Amdori, v. to amputate, to cut about
Amdorchi, v. to clasp
Amdraill, n. circumvolution
Amdramwy, v. to wander about
Amdraul, a. corrosion
Amddifad, a. orphan, destitude
Amddifadu, v. to render destitude
Amddiffyn, n. defence: v. to defend
Amddiffynedig, a. defended
Amddiffynfa, n. a strong hold
Amddiffyniad, n. a defending
Amddiffynwr, n. a defender
Amddilladu, v. to clothe all round
Amddrych, a. shewy on all sides
Amfordwyad, n. circumnavigation
Amforddwyol, a. circumnavigating
Amfrwys, a. branching about
Amfylchu, v. to notch again
Amgadarnhau, au, v. to strengthen round
Amgaer, n. a fortification
Amgaeru, v. to immure on every side
Amgall, a. circumspect, wary
Amgan, n. minstrelsy
Amgau, v. to shut round
Amgauad, n. a hemming in
Amgauedig, a. hemmed in
Amgeiniad, n. minstrel
Amgeledd, n. solicitude; care
Amgeleddiad, n. a succouring
Amgeleddol, a. succouring
Amgeleddu, v. to cherish, to succour
Amgeldoddus, a succouring, fostering
Amgeleddwr, n. a cherisher
Amgelog, a. circumspect
Amgelwch, n. solidtude
Amgen, ad. also; but; otherwise
Amgenach, ad. better; rather
Amgenaeth, n. difference
Amgeneirio, v. to paraphrase
Amgenu, v. to differ, to alter
Amglawdd, n. an entrenchment
Amgloddiad, n. entrenchment
Amgledru, v. to rail round
Amgludo, v. to carry about
Amglwm, n. a clasper
Amglywed, v. to apprehend
Amgasifio, r. to clip round
Amgnoi, v. to bite round, to correde
Amgreiaio, v. to roll about
Amgrom, a. convex
Amgron, a. globular
Amgud, n. a curly lock
Amgudyn, n. a ringlet of hair
Amgudd, n. treasure: a. hidden on all sides
Amguddio, v. to inwrap
Amgudd, a. a choice rarity
Amguddfa, n. a museum
Amgyff, a. support on everyside
Amgyffrawd, n. imagination
Amgyffred, n. comprehension
Amgyffrediad, n. comprehending
Amgyffredol, a. comprehensible
Amgyffredu, v. to comprehend
Amgyffroad, thorough agitation
Amgyffroi, v. to agitate all round
Amgylch, n. a circuit; an environ; a. round about
Amgylchedd, n. circumference
Amgylchiad, n. a surrounding
Amgylchiadol, a. circumscribing
Amgylchu, v. to surround
Amglchyn, n. circumferentor
Amgylchyniad, n. encompassing
Amgylchynu, v. to surround
Amgylchynol, a. encompassing
Amgylchynwr, n. circumscriber
Amgyaniwair, v. to hover round
Amgynull, v. to collect again
Amgynnulliad, sub. a collection from all sides
Amgyrhaeddu, v. to extend
Amgywain, v. to carry round
Amhad, n. mixed seed
Amhafal, a. parallel
Amherawdr, n. an emperor
Amhir, a. lengthened round
Amhwedd, sub. intreaty: v. to crave
Amias, n. a sensation round
Amig, n. greediness
Aml, a. often; plentiful
Amlhad, n. an increasing
Amlhau, v. to multiply
Amlbriod, n. a polygamist
Amlbriodas, n. polygamy
Amlder, n. frequency
Amldroed, n. polypui
Amlddull, a. multiform
Amldduw, n. polytheist
Amlediad, n. expansion
Amledd, n. abundance; store
Amleglwys, n. pluralist
Amleiriog, a. loquacious
Amlenw, a. multinomial
Amlenwi, v. to fill around
Amlew, a. devouring on all sides
Amlewyrchiad, n. a shining on every side
Amlgell, a. having many cells
Amliaith, a. polyglot
Amlieithog, a. of many languages
Amlifeiriant, n. circumfluence
Amlifiad, n. circulation
Amlifo, v. to flow about
Amlinell, n. surrounding line
Amliw, n. a stain: a. stained
Amliwiad, n. discolouring
Amliwiog, a. motley, coloured
Amlochrog, a. multilateral
Amlosgi, v. to burn round
Amlran, n. many shares
Amlryw, n. miscellany: multifarious
Amlsill, a. polysyllabical
Amlwedd, a. of divert forms
Amlwg, a. apparent, evident
Amlygder, n. conspiciousness
Amlygedig, a. manifested
Amlygedd, n. apparentness
Amlygiad, n. manifestation
Amlygiadol, a. explanatory
Amlygol, a. demonstrative
Amlygrwydd, n. obviousness
Amlygu, v. to manifest
Amlynu, v. to adhere around
Ammaeth, n. dainty
Ammau, Ammheu, v. to doubt
Ammawr, v. placidity
Ammeuthu, v. to make dainty
Ammeuthyn, a. rare, dainty
Ammheuad, n. a doubting
Ammheuaeth, n. doubt
Ammheugar, a. hesitating
Ammheuus, a. doubting
Amheuol, a. doubtful
Amheuwr, n. a sceptic
Ammod, n. a contract
Ammodi, v. to corenant
Ammodiad, n. a contracting
Ammodol, a. conditional
Ammodwr, n. a contractor
Ammwyth, n. a carousal
Amnaid, n. a beck
Amneidiad, n. a beckoning
Amner, n. a purse
Amnerydd, n. a purser
Amorchudd, n. a cover around
Amrafael, n. contention
Amrafaelgar, a. contentious
Amrafaeliad, n. a bickering
Amrafaelio, v. to contend
Amrafaelus, a. contentious
Amran, n. circular division
Amraniad, n. division round
Amrant, n. the eye-lid
Amrant-hun, n. a short nap
Amrantu, v. to wink, to blink
Amranu, v. to divide round
Amrentyn, n. close of the eye
Amrith, a. of various aspects
Amrosgo, a. vast, unwieldy
Amrwygiad, n. dilapidation
Amrwym, a. a bandage round
Amrwymo, v. to bind round about
Amryallu, v. multipotent
Amrydwll, a. full of holes, porous
Amrydyb, n. a parados
Amryddarn, a. of various pieces
Amryddull, a. multiform
Amryfal, a. divers, sundry
Amrafaeledd, n. diversity
Amryfaliad, n. diversifying
Amryfalu, v. to diversify
Amryfath, a. miscellaneous
Amryfawl, a. arrogant, haughty
Amryfeiliad, n. variation
Amryfiad, n. excessiveness
Amryfodd, a. of various modes
Amryfoldeb, n. arrogance
Amryfu, v. to commit excess
Amryfus, a. faulty; excessive
Amryfusedd, n. excess; over sight; a falling out
Amryfuseddu, v. to fall out
Amryfwyd, n. variety of viands
Amrygant, n. a circling rim
Amrygar, a. loved on all sides
Amrygasgliad, n. a complex
Amrygoll, n. loss every way
Amrygur, n. plain in every way
Amrygwyn, n. great tribulation
Amryhollt, a. having many clefts
Amrylais, a. of divers sounds
Amrylaw, a. of various hands
Amrylawr, a. of several floors
Amrylef, a. of many tones
Amryliw, a. of various colours
Ararylon, a. pleased various ways
Amrylun, a. of divers forms
Amrylys, n. mixt herbage
Amrynerth, a. multipotent
Amrysedd, n. excess on all sides
Amryson, n. contention, v. content, to debate
Amrysongar, a. contentious
Amrysongarwch, n. contentiousness
Amrysoniad, n. a contending
Amrysonol, a. contending
Amryw, a.
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