A Narrative of Some of the Lords Dealings with George Müller | Page 9

George Müller
we were still in great need,
and when means were required for tomorrow morning, 10s. was given
to me. This money was sent off this evening to the Orphan-Houses, for

the need of tomorrow morning. About nine o'clock a sister came to my
house, who had been to Shirehampton, and had there received 1l. 10s.
6d. for the Orphans. She gave also the remaining 6d. of the change of
two sovereigns. The Lord inclined the heart of this sister to bring the
money at once, and we are thus supplied for tomorrow. At half-past
nine this evening I received another precious donation of 10s., with the
following letter:--
"Aug. 29, 1844.
"The history of this money is this. I did some work in the country some
time ago, and thought I should never get the money for it, as I had
repeatedly written about it, and could not get it. But some time ago I
was asking the Lord to incline the heart of the person who owed me the
money, to send it to me, and I told Him, that, if He would do so, I
would give 10s. for the Orphans. Three days ago I had such confidence,
that I should have the money, that I was enabled to praise the Lord for
it; and today I was going up Park Street, and met the person coming
with the money. It had been put into the party's heart the day before
yesterday to pay me the money. Now, dear brother, I fulfil my promise
to the Lord by giving you the money. Help me, dear brother, to praise
Him for it, and that I may be enabled to trust Him more than ever I
have done yet.
"Yours in Jesus,
"* * *"
This brother is a poor tradesman, himself working with his hands.
Aug. 30. Today 6s. 8d. came in by sale of Reports. This evening I met a
sister from Bath, who is staying in Bristol for two or three days. She
gave me her purse, and all that was in it, for the Orphans, being 5s.,
saying, she wanted nothing till she returned to Bath. This goes towards
tomorrow's need, which will be at least 4l., and for which we have as
yet only 1l. 6s. in hand.
Aug. 81, Saturday. There came in a few shillings besides, last evening

and this morning, so that I had 1l. 13s. 8d. to send to the
Orphan-Houses; but I find 4l. 5s. is needed.--Evening. There came in
still further, in the morning, 5s. 6d., by sale of stockings, 1l. 8s. by sale
of Reports, 15s. 1d. by sale of articles given for the purpose,5s. 5d. by
sale of ladies' bags. And in the evening was received 2l. 10s. 2d.
besides, so that I had 2l. 12s. 10d. more than was actually needed.
Sept. 3, Tuesday. Since Saturday evening there has come in, in
donations 18s. 10d., by sale of Reports 2l. 3s. 1d., and by work done by
the Orphan-girls 1l. 3s. 8d. Thus, with what was left on Saturday, we
have been supplied these two days.
Sept. 4. Only one farthing was in my hands this morning. Pause a
moment, dear reader! Only one farthing in hand when the day
commenced. Think of this, and think of nearly 140 persons to be
provided for. You, poor brethren, who have six or eight children and
small wages, think of this; and you, my brethren, who do not belong to
the working classes, but have, as it is called, very limited means, think
of this! May you not do, what we do, under your trials? Does the Lord
love you less than He loves us? Does He not love all His children with
no less love than that, with which He loves His only begotten Son,
according to John xvii. 20—23? Or are we better than you? Nay, are we
not in ourselves poor miserable sinners as you are; and have any of the
children of God any claim upon God, on account of their own
worthiness? Is not that, which alone can make us worthy to receive
anything from our Heavenly Father, the righteousness of the Lord Jesus,
which is imputed to those who believe in Him? Therefore, dear reader,
as we pray in our every need, of whatever character it may be, in
connexion with this work, to our Father in Heaven for help, and as he
does help us, so is He willing to help all His children who put their trust
in Him. Especially do not think, that because you may not be called by
God to establish Orphan-Houses and Schools for poor children,
therefore you are not warranted to rely upon God, in all your need; for
the blessedness of depending upon the living God
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