apt scollars, not to' lern from parental exampel, to' show dhemselvs
hwat dhey ar; widhout wondering, dhat won tung iz not anoddher, or
dhat each must hav her own essence and semblance; and dhat in ours,
az in oddher picturage, an open vowel must not appear a shut won.
Indispensabel dhen az dhe servile (_i_) in dhe three last exampels, iz it
in aingel, dho inadmissibel in _angellic_; in evvery ainge and ainger,
like rainge and _rainger_; az wel az in caimbric and _Caimbridge_;
dho nedher in Cam nor Cambray.
If a slender, open, must hav in such case its gardian; a slender, even
shut, hwen protracted, requires its protracting aspiracion (_h_): az in
_ah! Mahlah_; so in Pahtric, fahdher, pappah, mammah, and _ahnt_;
so distinct (dho safe enuf ungarded) from ant dhe emmet. But gahp,
herd, iz dhus no longuer seen gape. Hant, hanch, and dheir fellows,
admit not dhe braudener; hwich iz indispensabel to' _wrauth, wauter_,
and _vauz_; nor need dhe protracting aspirer, more dhan doo chant and
O must hav its own medial servant, to' ascertain its opennes; in poark,
poart, spoart, foart, foard, goard, soard, (wonce _sword_), foarth,
foarce, _foarge_; boast, coast, goast, moast, poast, and _boath_; justly
az in dhe annimal boar, in board, boast
, and dheir fellows; dho slow
gender slowth, reggularly, az _grow, growth_. Widh poart and poast,
poartal, _poarter_; poastage, and dhe like.
Better no attendant, dhan a false won. O direct (dhe common _o_) can
nedher assume o, dhe servile ov o depressive (_oo_); nor u, hwich
wood seem its partner in a dipthong. Doar, floar, and moar, ar dhus
reggular and safe; dore, flore, and more, widh equivvalent servile, leve
more coincident; yet compounds prefer dhe final servile: az
batteldore,[1] Blacmore, _Hwitmore_; and Strathmore, scottishly
strong on dhe latter syllabel.
Soll, spirrit, avoids occular union widh sole, alike, and _soal_: by
adopting dhe servile ov poll, boll, toll, roll (widh controll,) scroll, and
droll. Like dipthongal dainger precludes u from dhe servile funccion,
duly undertaken by a in soar, moarn, boarn, distinct from boren or
_bor'n_, dhe compannion ov woren or _wor'n_, sworen or _swor'n_,
toren or _tor'n_, shoren or _shor'n_, and clear, az open and shut, ov
_born_; in coart, goard, coarse, and soarce. Coarce, dhe ded boddy,
dies no more in _corpse_; hwen dhus boren decently to' interment. Dhis
precaution suffers o open, to' understand or omit, dhe servile before l
and anny oddher consonant: az in old colt, wonce seen and herd ould
coult. If old colt now suffice, oald coalt iz understood. For dhis rezon,
goald must no longuer be robbed ov its depressive servile, wonce
legally seen in gould. Au, widh les plea, suppresses its servile in like
sittuacion; az salt and _alder_; except in dhe singuel assault! saut and
vaut being, now, duly out ov dhe question.
If ou cannot now paint o direct, much les can it picture o depressive
(_oo_); in you, youth, _uncouth_; should, would, or _could_: for yoo,
yooth, _uncooth_; shood, wood, or cood. Hwen ou Inglish transferred
its equivvalence from dhe French ou to' dhe German au, hwich
compounds a braud, widh o depressive (au widh _oo_); az itself cood
no more be frenchly interchaingeabel widh _oo_; nedher ov its parts
waz more likely to' becom so. Do or who can no more dhan doe or hoe,
(boath better employed!) or dhan
shoe, canoe, lose, move, prove,
_behove_; Rome, Coke, Pole, or simmilar; prezent dhe prezzent doo,
hoo, shoo, canoo, looz, moov, proov, behoov, Room, Cook, Pool, or dhe
like: for truith fears notthing from coincidence ov sound, and falsehood
always leads astray. B may distinctively open dhe vowel, in climb and
_comb_; but cannot render it also depressive in comb, tomb, bomb, and
_womb_; for coomb, toomb, boomb, and woomb. Hwatevver u may hav
been in Lattin vocallity, dhat figgure cannot guiv oo, even open, in
Inglish; far les oo shut, in pull, bull, _full_; butcher, put, pudding, puss,
push, _bush_; bushel, _cushion_; for pool, bool, fool, bootcher, poot,
poodding, poose, poosh, boosh
, booshel, and _coossion_: in all ov
hwich, dhe oo iz doutles short az shut; and distinct az foolling and
fooling. If u cannot prommise oo shut, no more can oo proxy u shut, in
dhe singuel foot for fut. No servile can attend a shut vowel; and truith
must hav her own, like suit and _fruit_: in dhe French bruit it iz also
distinctive. Alreddy hav we seen o direct disguized, no les dhan o
depressive; and can we longuer bair dhe Gallic beau, for dhe Brittish
_boe_; more dhan dhe dubble falsifier beauty, for dhe Inglish buty, dhe
sweet compannion ov _duty_?
Sew, shew, and strew, wer dhe preddecessors, so cannot be dhe
identities, ov soe, show, and _strow_: dhe first dhus occularly clear
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