A March on London | Page 9

G.A. Henty
his skill with
Edgar in a bout with swords--and he recognized that with his gifts of
manner, strength and enthusiasm for deeds of arms, he was likely one
day to make a name for himself.
Whenever, therefore, Edgar rode over to Sir Ralph's he was certain of a
hearty welcome from all. As to the lad's opinions as to the condition of
the peasantry--opinions which he would have scouted as monstrous on
the part of a gentleman--Sir Ralph knew nothing, Albert having been
wise enough to remain silent on the subject, the custom of the times
being wholly opposed to anything like a free expression of opinion on
any subject from a lad to his elders.
"It is quite a time since you were here last, Master Ormskirk," Lady De
Courcy said when he entered. "Albert so often goes up for a talk with
you when he has finished his studies at the monastery that you are

forgetting us here."
"I crave your pardon, Mistress De Courcy," Edgar said; "but, indeed, I
have been working hard, for my father has obtained for me a good
master for the sword--a Frenchman skilled in many devices of which
my English teachers were wholly ignorant. He has been teaching some
of the young nobles in London, and my father, hearing of his skill, has
had him down here, at a heavy cost, for the last month, as he was for
the moment without engagements in London. It was but yesterday that
he returned. Naturally, I have desired to make the utmost of the
opportunity, and most of my time has been spent in the fencing-room."
"And have you gained much by his instruction?" Sir Ralph asked.
"I hope so, Sir Ralph. I have tried my best, and he has been good
enough to commend me warmly, and even told my father that I was the
aptest pupil that he had."
"I will try a bout with you presently," the knight said. "It is nigh two
years since we had one together, and my arm is growing stiff for want
of practice, though every day I endeavour to keep myself in order for
any opportunity or chance that may occur, by practising against an
imaginary foe by hammering with a mace at a corn-sack swinging from
a beam. Methinks I hit it as hard as of old, but in truth I know but little
of the tricks of these Frenchmen. They availed nothing at Poictiers
against our crushing downright blows. Still, I would gladly see what
their tricks are like."

After he had talked for a short time with Mistress De Courcy, Edgar
went to the fencing-room with Sir Ralph, and they there put on helmets
and quilted leather jerkins, with chains sewn on at the shoulders.

"Now, you are to do your best," Sir Ralph said, as he handed a sword to
Edgar, and took one himself.
So long as they played gently Edgar had all the advantage.
"You have learned your tricks well," Sir Ralph said, good-temperedly,
"and, in truth, your quick returns puzzle me greatly, and I admit that
were we both unprotected I should have no chance with you, but let us
see what you could do were we fighting in earnest," and he took down
a couple of suits of complete body armour from the wall.
Albert, who was looking on, fastened the buckles for both of them.
"Ah, you know how the straps go," Sir Ralph said, in a tone of
satisfaction. "Well, it is something to know that, even if you don't know
what to do with it when you have got it on. Now, Master Edgar, have at
Edgar stood on the defence, but, strong as his arm was from constant
exercise, he had some difficulty to save his head from the sweeping
blows that Sir Ralph rained upon it.
"By my faith, young fellow," Sir Ralph said as, after three or four
minutes, he drew back breathless from his exertions, "your muscles
seem to be made of iron, and you are fit to hold your own in a serious
_mêlée_. You were wrong not to strike, for I know that more than once
there was an opening had you been quick."
Edgar was well aware of the fact, but he had not taken advantage of it,
for he felt that at his age it was best to abstain from trying to gain a
success that could not be pleasant for the good knight.
"Well, well, we will fight no more," the latter said.
When Albert had unbuckled his father's armour and hung it up, Edgar
said: "Now, Albert, let us have a bout."
The lad coloured hotly, and the knight burst into a hearty laugh.

"You might as soon challenge my
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