A March on London | Page 5

G.A. Henty
energy with which Edgar worked with his instructors in arms--who
had been already twice changed, so as to give him a greater opportunity
of attaining skill with his weapons--and the interest with which the lad
listened to tales of adventure, showed the direction in which his bent
lay. For the last two years his father had frequently read to him the
records of Sir Walter Manny and other chroniclers of war and warlike
adventure, and impressed upon him the virtues necessary to render a

man at once a great soldier and a great man.
"If, my boy," he said, "you should some day go to Court and mingle in
public affairs, above all things keep yourself clear of any party. Those
who cling to a party may rise with its success, but such rises are ever
followed by reverses; then comes great suffering to those upon the
fallen side. The duty of an English gentleman is simple: he must work
for his country, regardless altogether of personal interest. Such a man
may never rise to high rank, but he will be respected. Personal honours
are little to be desired; it is upon those who stand higher than their
neighbours that the blow falls the heaviest; while the rank and file may
escape unscathed, it is the nobles and the leaders whose heads fall upon
the block. I think that there are troubles in store for England. The Duke
of Gloucester overshadows the boy king, but as the latter grows older
he will probably shake off his tutelage, though it may be at the cost of a
civil war.
"Then, too, there are the exactions of the tax-gatherers. Some day the
people will rise against them as they did in France at the time of the
Jacquerie, and as they have done again and again in Flanders. At
present the condition of the common people, who are but villeins and
serfs, is well-nigh unbearable. Altogether the future seems to me to be
dark. I confess that, being a student, the storm when it bursts will affect
me but slightly, but as it is clear to me that this is not the life that you
will choose it may affect you greatly; for, however little you may wish
it, if civil strife comes, you, like everyone else, may be involved in it.
In such an event, Edgar, act as your conscience dictates. There is
always much to be said for both sides of any question, and it cannot but
be so in this. I wish to lay no stress on you in any way. You cannot
make a good monk out of a man who longs to be a man-at-arms, nor a
warrior of a weakling who longs for the shelter of a cloister.
"Let, however, each man strive to do his best in the line he has chosen
for himself. A good monk is as worthy of admiration as a good
man-at-arms. I would fain have seen you a great scholar, but as it is
clear that this is out of the question, seeing that your nature does not
incline to study, I would that you should become a brave knight. It was

with that view when I sent you to be instructed at the convent I also
gave you an instructor in arms, so that, whichever way your
inclinations might finally point, you should be properly fitted for it."
At fifteen all lessons were given up, Edgar having by that time learnt as
much as was considered necessary in those days. He continued his
exercises with his weapons, but without any strong idea that beyond
defence against personal attacks they would be of any use to him. The
army was not in those days a career. When the king had need of a force
to fight in France or to carry fire and sword into Scotland, the levies
were called out, the nobles and barons supplied their contingent, and
archers and men-at-arms were enrolled and paid by the king. The levies,
however, were only liable to service for a restricted time, and beyond
their personal retainers the barons in time followed the royal example
of hiring men-at-arms and archers for the campaign; these being partly
paid from the royal treasury, and partly from their own revenue.
At the end of the campaign, however, the army speedily dispersed, each
man returning to his former avocation; save therefore for the retainers,
who formed the garrisons of the castles of the nobles, there was no
military career such as that which came into existence with the
formation of standing armies. Nevertheless, there was honour and rank
to be won in the foreign wars, and it was to these the young men of
gentle blood looked to make their way. But since the death of the
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