A Half-Century of Conflict, vol 2 | Page 6

Francis Parkman Jr
his hosts that the Spanish settlements could be
reached by ascending their river; but to do this was at present
impossible. He began his backward journey, fell desperately ill of a
fever, and nearly died before reaching Natchitoches.
Having recovered, he made an attempt, two years later, to explore the
Arkansas in canoes, from its mouth, but accomplished little besides
killing a good number of buffalo, bears, deer, and wild turkeys. He was
confirmed, however, in the belief that the Comanches and the
Spaniards of New Mexico might be reached by this route.
In the year of La Harpe's first exploration, one Du Tisné went up the
Missouri to a point six leagues above Grand River, where stood the
village of the Missouris. He wished to go farther, but they would not let
him. He then returned to the Illinois, whence he set out on horseback
with a few followers across what is now the State of Missouri, till he
reached the village of the Osages, which stood on a hill high up the
river Osage. At first he was well received; but when they found him
disposed to push on to a town of their enemies, the Pawnees, forty
leagues distant, they angrily refused to let him go. His firmness and
hardihood prevailed, and at last they gave him leave. A ride of a few
days over rich prairies brought him to the Pawnees, who, coming as he
did from the hated Osages, took him for an enemy and threatened to
kill him. Twice they raised the tomahawk over his head; but when the
intrepid traveller dared them to strike, they began to treat him as a
friend. When, however, he told them that he meant to go fifteen days'

journey farther, to the Padoucas, or Comanches, their deadly enemies,
they fiercely forbade him; and after planting a French flag in their
village, he returned as he had come, guiding his way by compass, and
reaching the Illinois in November, after extreme hardships. [Footnote:
_Relation de Bénard de la Harpe. Autre Relation du même. Du Tisné à
Bienville._ Margry, VI. 309, 310, 313.]
Early in 1721 two hundred mounted Spaniards, followed by a large
body of Comanche warriors, came from New Mexico to attack the
French at the Illinois, but were met and routed on the Missouri by tribes
of that region. [Footnote: _Bienville au Conseil de Régence, 20 Juillet,
1721._] In the next year, Bienville was told that they meant to return,
punish those who had defeated them, and establish a post on the river
Kansas; whereupon he ordered Boisbriant, commandant at the Illinois,
to anticipate them by sending troops to build a French fort at or near the
same place. But the West India Company had already sent one
Bourgmont on a similar errand, the object being to trade with the
Spaniards in time of peace, and stop their incursions in time of war.
[Footnote: _Instructions au Sieur de Bourgmont, 17 Jan. 1722._ Margry,
VI. 389.] It was hoped also that, in the interest of trade, peace might be
made between the Comanches and the tribes of the Missouri. [Footnote:
The French had at this time gained a knowledge of the tribes of the
Missouri as far up as the Arickaras, who were not, it seems, many days'
journey below the Yellowstone, and who told them of "prodigiously
high mountains,"--evidently the Rocky Mountains. _Mémoire de la
Renaudière_, 1723.]
Bourgmont was a man of some education, and well acquainted with
these tribes, among whom he had traded for years. In pursuance of his
orders he built a fort, which he named Fort Orléans, and which stood
on the Missouri not far above the mouth of Grand River. Having thus
accomplished one part of his mission, he addressed himself to the other,
and prepared to march for the Comanche villages.
Leaving a sufficient garrison at the fort, he sent his ensign, Saint-Ange,
with a party of soldiers and Canadians, in wooden canoes, to the
villages of the Kansas higher up the stream, and on the 3d of July set

out by land to join him, with a hundred and nine Missouri Indians and
sixty-eight Osages in his train. A ride of five days brought him again to
the banks of the Missouri, opposite a Kansas town. Saint-Ange had not
yet arrived, the angry and turbid current, joined to fevers among his
men, having retarded his progress. Meanwhile Bourgmont drew from
the Kansas a promise that their warriors should go with him to the
Comanches. Saint-Ange at last appeared, and at daybreak of the 24th
the tents were struck and the pack-horses loaded. At six o'clock the
party drew up in battle array on a hill above the Indian town, and then,
with drum beating and flag flying, began their march. "A
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