A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels | Page 4

Robert Kerr
in Strength. Commendation of the Natives of
Owhyhee. The Resolution gets to Windward of the Island. Her Progress
down the South-East Coast. Views of the Country, and Visits from the
Natives. The Discovery joins. Slow Progress Westward. Karakakooa
Bay examined by Mr Bligh. Vast Concourse of the Natives. The Ships
anchor in the Bay, 402
CHAP. V. Captain King's Journal of the Transactions on Returning to
the Sandwich Islands, 421
I. Description of Karakakooa Bay. Vast Concourse of the Natives.
Power of the Chiefs over the Inferior People. Visit from Koah, a Priest
and Warrior. The Morai at Kakooa described. Ceremonies at the
Landing of Captain Cook. Observatories erected. Powerful Operation
of the Taboo. Method of Salting Pork in Tropical Climates. Society of
Priests discovered. Their Hospitality and Munificence. Reception of
Captain Cook. Artifice of Koah. Arrival of Terreeoboo, King of the
Island. Returned by Captain Cook, 421

II. Farther Account of Transactions with the Natives. Their Hospitality.
Propensity to Theft. Description of a Boxing Match. Death of one of
our Seamen. Behaviour of the Priests at his Funeral. The Wood Work
and Images on the Morai purchased. The Natives inquisitive about our
Departure. Their Opinion about the Design of our Voyage. Magnificent
Presents of Terreeoboo to Captain Cook. The Ships leave the Island.
The Resolution damaged in a Gale, and obliged to return, 434
III. Suspicious Behaviour of the Natives, on our Return to Karakakooa
Bay. Theft on Board the Discovery, and its Consequences. The Pinnace
attacked, and the Crew obliged to quit her. Captain Cook's
Observations on the Occasion. Attempt at the Observatory. The Cutter
of the Discovery stolen. Measures taken by Captain Cook for its
Recovery. Goes on Shore to invite the King on Board. The King being
stopped by his Wife and the Chiefs, a Contest arises. News arrives of
one of the Chiefs being killed by one of our People. Ferment on this
Occasion. One of the Chiefs threatens Captain Cook, and is shot by him.
General Attack by the Natives. Death of Captain Cook. Account of the
Captain's Services, and a Sketch of his Character, 446
IV. Transactions at Owhyhee subsequent to the Death of Captain Cook.
Gallant Behaviour of the Lieutenant of Marines. Dangerous Situation
of the Party at the Morai. Bravery of one of the Natives. Consultation
respecting future Measures. Demand of the Body of Captain Cook.
Evasive and insidious Conduct of Koah and the Chiefs. Insolent
Behaviour of the Natives. Promotion of Officers. Arrival of two Priests
with Part of the Body. Extraordinary Behaviour of two Boys. Burning
of the Village of Kakooa. Unfortunate Destruction of the Dwellings of
the Priests. Recovery of the Bones of Captain Cook. Departure from
Karakakooa Bay, 460
V. Departure from Karakakooa in Search of a Harbour on the
South-East Side of Mowee. Driven to Leeward by the Easterly Winds
and Current. Pass the Island of Tahoorowha. Description of the
South-West Side of Mowee. Run along the Coasts of Ranai and
Morotoi to Woahoo. Description of the North-East Coast of Woahoo.
Unsuccessful Attempt to Water. Passage to Atooi. Anchor in Wymoa

Bay. Dangerous Situation of the Watering Party on Shore. Civil
Dissensions in the Islands. Visit from the contending Chiefs. Anchor
off Oneeheow. Final Departure from the Sandwich Islands, 492

* * * * *

* * * * *
_An Eclipse of the Moon observed.--The Island Toobouai
discovered.--Its Situation, Extent, and Appearance.--Intercourse with
its Inhabitants.--Their Persons, Dresses, and Canoes described.--Arrival
at Oheitepeha Bay, at Otaheite.--Omai's Reception and imprudent
Conduct.--Account of Spanish Ships twice visiting the

Island.--Interview with the Chief of this District.--The Olla, or God, of
Bolabola.--A mad Prophet.--Arrival in Matavai Bay._
Having, as before related,[1] taken our final leave of the Friendly
Islands, I now resume my narrative of the voyage. In the evening of the
17th of July, at eight o'clock, the body of Eaoo bore N.E. by N., distant
three or four leagues. The wind was now at E., and blew a fresh gale.
With it I stood to the S., till half an hour past six o'clock the next
morning, when a sudden squall, from the same direction, took our ship
aback; and, before the sails could be trimmed on the other tack, the
main-sail and the top-gallant sails were much torn.
[Footnote 1: See the conclusion of Sect. IX. Chap. II.]
The wind kept between the S.W. and S.E., on the 19th and 20th,
afterward, it veered to the E., N.E., and N. The night between the 20th
and 21st, an eclipse of the moon was observed as follows, being then in
the latitude
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