Rain and sultry Weather
in the Neighbourhood of the Equator. Position of the Coast of Brazil.
Arrival at the Cape of Good Hope. Transactions there. Junction of the
Discovery. Mr Anderson's Journey up the Country. Astronomical
Observations. Nautical Remarks on the Passage from England to the
Cape, with regard to the Currents and the Variation,
SECT. IV. The two Ships leave the Cape of Good Hope. Two Islands,
named Prince Edward's, seen, and their Appearance described.
Kerguelen's Land visited. Arrival in Christmas Harbour. Occurrences
there. Description of it,
V. Departure from Christmas Harbour. Range along the Coast, to
discover its Position and Extent. Several Promontories and Bays, and a
Peninsula, described and named. Danger from Shoals, Another Harbour
and a Sound. Mr Anderson's Observations on the Natural Productions,
Animals, Soil, &c. of Kerguelen's Land,
VI. Passage from Kerguelen's to Van Diemen's Land. Arrival in
Adventure Bay. Incidents there. Interviews with the Natives. Their
Persons and Dress described. Account of their Behaviour. Table of the
Longitude, Latitude, and Variation. Mr Anderson's Observations on the
Natural, Productions of the Country, on the Inhabitants, and their
VII. The Passage from Van Diemen's Land to New Zealand.
Employments in Queen Charlotte's Sound. Transactions with the
Natives there. Intelligence about the Massacre of the Adventure's Boat's
Crew. Account of the Chief who headed the Party on that Occasion. Of
the two young Men who embark to attend Omai. Various Remarks on
the Inhabitants. Astronomical and Nautical Observations,
VIII. Mr Anderson's Remarks on the Country near Queen Charlotte's
Sound. The Soil. Climate. Weather. Winds. Trees. Plants. Birds. Fish.
Other Animals. Of the Inhabitants. Description of their Persons. Their
Dress. Ornaments. Habitations. Boats. Food and Cookery. Arts.
Weapons. Cruelty to Prisoners. Various Customs. Specimen of their
CHAP. II From leaving New Zealand to our Arrival at Otaheite, or the
Society Islands,
Sect. I. Prosecution of the Voyage. Behaviour of the two New
Zealanders on board. Unfavourable Winds. An Island called Mangeea
discovered. The Coast of it examined. Transactions with the Natives.
An Account of their Persons, Dress, and Canoes. Description of the
Island. A Specimen of the Language. Disposition of the Inhabitants,
II. The Discovery of an Island called Wateeoo. Its Coasts
examined.--Visits from the Natives on board the Ships. Mess, Gore,
Burney, and Anderson, with Omai, sent on Shore. Mr Anderson's
Narrative of their Reception. Omai's Expedient to prevent their being
detained. His meeting with some of his Countrymen, and their
distressful Voyage. Farther Account of Wateeoo, and of its Inhabitants,
III. Wenooa-ette, or Otokootaia, visited. Account of that Island, and of
its Produce. Hervey's Island, or Terougge mou Attooa, found to be
inhabited. Transactions with the Natives. Their Persons, Dress,
Language, Canoes. Fruitless Attempt to land there. Reason for bearing
away for the Friendly Islands. Palmerston's Island touched at.
Description of the two Places where the Boats landed. Refreshments
obtained there. Conjectures on the Formation of such low Islands.
Arrival at the Friendly Islands,
IV. Intercourse with the Natives of Komango, and other Islands.
Arrival at Annamooka. Transactions there. Feenou, a principal Chief,
from Tongataboo, comes on a Visit. The Manner of his Reception in
the Island, and on board. Instances of the pilfering Disposition of the
Natives. Some Account of Annamooka. The Passage from it to Hepaee,
V. Arrival of the Ships at Hepaee, and friendly Reception there.
Presents and Solemnities on the Occasion. Single Combats with Clubs.
Wrestling and Boxing Matches. Female Combatants. Marines exercised.
A Dance performed by Men. Fireworks exhibited. The
Night-entertainments of Singing and Dancing particularly described,
SECT. VI. Description of Lefooga. Its cultivated State. Its Extent.
Transactions there. A female Oculist. Singular Expedients for shaving
off the Hair. The Ships change their Station. A remarkable Mount and
Stone. Description of Hoolaiva. Account of Poulaho, King of the
Friendly Islands. Respectful Manner in which he is treated by his
People. Departure from the Hepaee Islands. Some Account of Kotoo.
Return of the Ships to Annamooka. Poulaho and Feenou meet Arrival
at Tongataboo,
VII. Friendly Reception at Tongataboo. Manner of distributing a baked
Hog and Kava to Poulaho's Attendants. The Observatory, &c. erected.
The Village where the Chiefs reside, and the adjoining Country,
described. Interviews with Mareewagee, and Toobou, and the King's
Son. A grand Haiva, or Entertainment of Songs and Dances, given by
Mareewagee. Exhibition of Fireworks. Manner of Wrestling and
Boxing. Distribution of the Cattle. Thefts committed by the Natives.
Poulaho, and the other Chiefs, confined on that Account. Poulaho's
Present and Haiva,
VIII. Some of the Officers plundered by the Natives. A fishing Party. A
Visit to Poulaho. A Fiatooka described. Observations on the Country
Entertainments at Poulaho's House. His Mourning Ceremony. Of the
Kava Plant, and the Manner of preparing the Liquor. Account of Onevy,
a little Island. One of the Natives wounded by a Sentinel. Messrs
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