A Fleece of Gold | Page 4

Charles Stewart Given
E. Gladstone had denounced the Reform Bill at
Oxford, and two years afterward became First Junior Lord of the
Treasury, and Livingstone was exploring the continent. At twenty-four
Sir Humphrey Davy was Professor of Chemistry in the Royal
Institution, Dante, Ruskin, and Browning had become famous writers.
At twenty-five Hume had written his treatise on Human Nature, Galileo
was lecturer of science at the University of Pisa, and Mark Antony was
the "hero of Rome." At twenty-six Sir Isaac Newton had made his
greatest discoveries; at twenty-seven Don John of Austria had won
Lepanto, and Napoleon was commander-in-chief of the army of Italy.
At twenty-eight Æschylus was the peer of Greek tragedy, at
twenty-nine Maurice of Saxony the greatest statesman of the age, and
at thirty Frederick the Great was the most conspicuous character of his
day. At the same age Richelieu was Secretary of State, and Cortez little
older when he gazed on the "golden Cupolas" of Mexico. These are a
few of the splendid names that illumine the pages of history across the
But the young man has been no less potent in the affairs of our own
Nation, which has always been conspicuous for its production of truly
great men. The story is told that when one of England's great men was
visiting Henry Clay, and the two were riding over the country, the
distinguished guest inquired of his host, "What do you raise on these
hills and in these beautiful valleys?" "Men," was Clay's reply; and the
English patriot declared that this was the greatest crop to enrich a
country. We boast that we have given the world a full quota of really
great young men, some of them like Jason embarking on the sea of
adventure while the dew of extreme youth is still on their brow. If we
wend our way back through the grand procession of events of but a
single century we will find extreme youth marking out the lines of
progress and directing the course of the nation in politics, in literature
and religion.
We would see William Prescott, a boy of twelve, diligently at work in
the Boston Athenaeum, or Jonathan Edwards at thirteen entering Yale
College, and while yet of a tender age shining in the horizon of

American literature; while the same age finds H. W. Longfellow
writing for the Portland Gazette. At fourteen John Quincy Adams was
private secretary to Francis H. Dana, American Minister to Russia; at
fifteen Benjamin Franklin was writing for the New England Courant,
and at an early age became a noted journalist. Benjamin West at sixteen
had painted "The Death of Socrates," at seventeen George Bancroft had
won a degree in history, Washington Irving had gained distinction as a
writer. At eighteen Alexander Hamilton was famous as an orator, and
one year later became a lieutenant-colonel under Washington. At
nineteen Washington himself was a major, Nathan Hale had
distinguished himself in the Revolution, Bryant had written
"Thanatopsis," and Bayard Taylor was engaged in writing his first book,
"Views Afoot." At twenty Richard Henry Stoddard had found a place
in the leading periodicals of his day, John Jacob Astor was in business
in New York, and Jay Gould was president and general manager of a
railroad. At twenty-one Edward Everett was professor of Greek
Literature at Harvard, and James Russell Lowell had published a whole
volume of his poems; at twenty-two Charles Sumner had attracted the
attention of some of the famous men of his day, William H. Seward
had entered upon a brilliant political career, while Ralph Waldo
Emerson and Henry D. Thoreau occupied a conspicuous place in
literature. At twenty-three James Monroe was a member of the
Executive Council, and one year later was elected to Congress; at
twenty-four Thomas A. Edison and Richard Jordan Gatling were
inventors. At twenty-five John C. Calhoun made the famous speech
that gave him a seat in the Legislature, George William Curtis had
traversed Italy, Germany, and the Orient and soon after became known
by his books of travel. At twenty-six Thomas Jefferson occupied a seat
in the House of Burgesses, John Quincy Adams was minister to The
Hague; at twenty-seven Patrick Henry was known as the "Orator of
Nature," and Robert Y. Hayne was speaker in the Legislature of South
Carolina. At twenty-eight Edward Everett Hale had found a place in the
hearts and minds of the people, and at twenty-nine John Jay, youngest
member of the Continental Congress, was chosen to draw up the
address to the British Nation.
These illustrious ones, who before their thirtieth year had written their
names on the immortal banner of their country, are only a few which

adorn the pages of our early history. Others of like purport might be
added indefinitely both from the early and the
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