A Country Doctor | Page 5

Sarah Orne Jewett
assent, having already taken a sufficient first bite.
"There's only one little bough that bears any great," said Mrs. Thacher,
"but it's come to that once before, and another branch has shot up and
been likely as if it was a young tree."
The good souls sat comfortably in their splint-bottomed,
straight-backed chairs, and enjoyed this mild attempt at a festival. Mrs.
Thacher even grew cheerful and responsive, for her guests seemed so
light-hearted and free from care that the sunshine of their presence
warmed her own chilled and fearful heart. They embarked upon a wide
sea of neighborhood gossip and parish opinions, and at last some one
happened to speak again of Thanksgiving, which at once turned the tide

of conversation, and it seemed to ebb suddenly, while the gray, dreary
look once more overspread Mrs. Thacher's face.
"I don't see why you won't keep with our folks this year; you and
John," once more suggested Mrs. Martin. "'T ain't wuth while to be
making yourselves dismal here to home; the day'll be lonesome for you
at best, and you shall have whatever we've got and welcome."
"'T won't be lonesomer this year than it was last, nor the year before
that, and we've stood it somehow or 'nother," answered Mrs. Thacher
for the second time, while she rose to put more wood in the stove.
"Seems to me 't is growing cold; I felt a draught acrost my shoulders.
These nights is dreadful chill; you feel the damp right through your
bones. I never saw it darker than 't was last evenin'. I thought it seemed
kind o' stived up here in the kitchen, and I opened the door and looked
out, and I declare I couldn't see my hand before me."
"It always kind of scares me these black nights," said Mrs. Jake Dyer.
"I expect something to clutch at me every minute, and I feel as if some
sort of a creatur' was travelin' right behind me when I am out door in
the dark. It makes it bad havin' a wanin' moon just now when the fogs
hangs so low. It al'ays seems to me as if 't was darker when she rises
late towards mornin' than when she's gone altogether. I do' know why't
"I rec'lect once," Mrs. Thacher resumed, "when Ad'line was a baby and
John was just turned four year old, their father had gone down river in
the packet, and I was expectin' on him home at supper time, but he
didn't come; 't was late in the fall, and a black night as I ever see.
Ad'line was taken with something like croup, and I had an end o' candle
in the candlestick that I lighted, and 't wa'n't long afore it was burnt
down, and I went down cellar to the box where I kep' 'em, and if you
will believe it, the rats had got to it, and there wasn't a week o' one left.
I was near out anyway. We didn't have this cook-stove then, and I
cal'lated I could make up a good lively blaze, so I come up full o' scold
as I could be, and then I found I'd burnt up all my dry wood. You see, I
thought certain he'd be home and I was tendin' to the child'n, but I
started to go out o' the door and found it had come on to rain hard, and I

said to myself I wouldn't go out to the woodpile and get my clothes all
damp, 'count o' Ad'line, and the candle end would last a spell longer,
and he'd be home by that time. I hadn't a least o' suspicion but what he
was dallying round up to the Corners, 'long o' the rest o' the men, bein'
't was Saturday night, and I was some put out about it, for he knew the
baby was sick, and I hadn't nobody with me. I set down and waited, but
he never come, and it rained hard as I ever see it, and I left his supper
standin' right in the floor, and then I begun to be distressed for fear
somethin' had happened to Dan'l, and I set to work and cried, and the
candle end give a flare and went out, and by 'n' by the fire begun to get
low and I took the child'n and went to bed to keep warm; 't was an
awful cold night, considerin' 't was such a heavy rain, and there I laid
awake and thought I heard things steppin' about the room, and it
seemed to me as if 't was a week long before mornin' come, and as if I'd
got to be an old woman. I did go through with everything that night.
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