A Concise Dictionary of Middle English | Page 9

A. L. Mayhew and Walter W. Skeat
Eu-bruche~, Eche.
~??dmod~, adj. humble, gentle, MD; see Admod.
~??dmodli3*~, adv. humbly, S; see Admodliche.
~??dmodnisse~, sb. humility, MD; ~?|ddmodnesse~, S; see Admodnesse.
~??hte~, num. eight, MD; see Eighte.
~??htene~, num. eighteen, S; see Eightene.
~??n~, num. and _indef. art_. one, S; ~?|nne~, S; see Oon. [Addition]
~??ness~, adv. once, S; see Oones. [Addition]
~??oure~, pron. your, S; see ~3*oure~.
~??rd~, sb. native land, home, S; see Erd.
~??rfe?°-telle~, adj. difficult to count, S. See ~Arfe?°~.
~??rnde~, sb. errand, MD; see Erende.
~??rnd-race~, sb. messenger, S; ~??rndraches~, pl., S.--AS. _*?|rend-raca_.
~??rnen~, v. to run, S; see Rennen.
~??-uez~, adj. pious, fast in the law, S.--AS. _*?|-fest_. See ??.
~Afaiten~, v. to affect, to prepare, array, dress, to train, tame, subdue, NED, PP; ~affaiten~,P; ~fayten~, S2, PP; ~faiten~, PP.--OF. _afaiter_, _afeiter_; Lat. _affectare_, freq. of _afficere_; _ad+facere_. (~A-~7.)
~A-fallen~, v. to fall, MD; ~auallen~, MD; ~afeol~, _pt. s_., MD; ~afallen~, pp., MD.--AS. _??-feallan_. (~A-~1.)
~A-fallen~, v. to fell, NED; ~afal~, imp., S; ~aual~, S.
~A-felde~, adv. a-field, to the field, PP. (~A-~ 2).
~A-fellen~, v. to fell, NED; ~auellen~, MD.--AS. _??-fellan_, _??-fyllan_. (~A-~ 1.)
~A-fer~, adv. afar, W, W2; ~afeer~, NED; ~of feor~, S (s.v. _feor_). (~A-~ 3.) Cf. ~A-ferre~.
~Afere~, _sb_, affair, bustle, appearance, demeanour, S2, NED; ~effere~, S2; ~effeir~, S2, S3; ~effer~, S2; ~afferes~, pl., PP.--OF. _afere=a+fere_; Lat. _facere_, to do. (~A-~7.)
~A-feren~, v. to frighten, terrify, S, PP; ~afferen~, MD; ~affeare~, 2 _pr. s. subj_., S; ~afered~, pp. afraid, S, C, P; ~aferd~, S, C, P, W2; ~afeerd~, W; ~afert~, PP; ~aferde~, S3, P, W; ~afferde~, S3.--AS. _??-f??ran_. (~A-~ 1)
~A-ferre~, adv. afar, Prompt.; ~oferrum~, S2; ~onferrum~, S2; ~onferre~, NED; ~on-*ferr~, NED. (~A-~ 2). Cf. Afer.
~Aff~-; see ~Af-~.
~Affamysit~, pp. famished, S3, NED. Cp. OF. _afamer_; Late Lat. affamare.
~Affectuosly~, adv. passionately, HD, NED.
~Affectuouse~, adj. hearty, affectionate, NED, H; ~affectuse~, NED.--Lat. affectuosus.
~Affray~, sb. terror, S3, C2, C3. Cf. Effray.
~Affrayen~, v. to frighten, C2; ~affrayed~, pp. S2, C, C3, W; see Afrayen.
~Afile~, v. to file down, NED; ~affyle~, C.--OF. afiler.
~Afingret~, pp. an-hungered, NED, HD; see ~Of-hungred~. [Addition]
~A-flemen~, v. to drive away, MD; ~aulem~, _imp, s_., S.--AS. _??-fl??man (??-fl??man)_. (~A-~1.)
~Afolen~, v. to befool; ~afoled~, pp., S; ~afoild~, NED, HD.--OF. afoler (Bartsch); Low Lat. *_adfolare_, to make foolish. (~A-~ 7.)
~A-fon~, v. to receive, S; ~afeoh~, imp., S; ~avo??~, _pr. pl_., S; ~auenge~, _pt. pl_., S2.--AS. _??-f?3n, on-f?3n_ (for _ond-f?3n_), see Sievers, 198, 5. 1. (~A-~ 4.) Cf. Onfon.
~Aforce~, v. to force, constrain, NED, H; ~afforce~, H; ~aforsed~, _pt. pl_., H.--OF. _aforcer, efforcer, esforcier_; Late Lat. _exfortiare_, from Lat. _fortis_, strong. (~A-~ 9.)
~A-fore~, _adv. prep_., before, PP, WW; ~affore~, PP; ~afor~, PP; ~affor~, PP; ~aforn~, NED.--AS. _on-foran_. (~A-~ 2.)
~A-forthen~, v. to further, promote, to achieve, to manage to do, to manage to give, to afford; P, NED, SkD, HD; ~a-*forde~, NED.--AS. _ge+for?°ian_. (~A-~ 6.)
~A-fote~, adv. on foot, PP; ~afoote~, S3, W; ~auote~, S2. (~A-~ 2.)
~Afrayen~, v. to disturb from peace and quiet, to frighten, NED; ~affraye~, C2 (E. 455); ~afreyd~, pp. alarmed, afraid, NED; ~affrayed~, W, S2, C, C3; ~affrayd~, S3; ~affrayt~, S3; ~frayd~, S3, ~fraid~, S3.--AF. _afrayer, effrayer_, OF. _esfreer_: Prov. _esfredar_; Low Lat. _ex-fridare_, from _fridum_; cp. OS. _fri?°u_, peace. (~A-~ 9.) See Affrayen.
~A-fright~, pp. terrified, C; ~afri3*t~, NED, HD; ~afry3*te~, HD.--AS. _??-fyrht, ??-fyrhted_. (~A-~I.)
~After~, _prep_, and adv. after, according to, S, HD,S2, C3; ~efter~, S, S2; ~eftir~, S3; ~eafter~,MD; ~aftir~, S2.--_??f-ter_ is a comp. form, see SkD.
~After-clap~, sb. an evil consequence or result, HD; ~after-clappys~, pl., MD.
~After-del~, sb. disadvantage, MD; ~after-dele~, HD.
~A-fure~, adv. on fire, S2; ~auere~, S2; ~afiere~, W2. (~A-~2.)
~Afyngred~; see Ahungerd.
~Afyrst~, pp. athirst, PP; ~afurst~, PP; ~afrust~, PP; see ~Of-??urst~. [Addition]
~A-gasten~, v. to terrify, MD, PP; ~agesten~, S; ~agaste~, _pt. s_., C2, C; ~agast~, pp., PP, S2, S3, C2, C3, G; ~agazed~, S3; ~agaste~, pl., S2, W.--AS. _??+g?|*stan_, to frighten. (~A-~I.)
~A-gen~, _prep_, and adv. towards, back, again, S; see ~A-3*ein~.
~Agenes~, _prep_, against, S; see ~A3*eines~.
~Agenst~, _prep_, against, NED; see ~A-3*einst~.
~Agenst-Christ~, sb. Antichrist, S3.
~A-gessen~, v. to reckon, calculate, S. (~A-~I.)
~Aghe~, sb. awe, H; ~agh~, NED; see Awe.
~Aghe-ful~, adj. awful, H; ~aghful~, H.
~A-gon~, v. to obtain, PP.--AS. _of-gangan_, to require. (~A-~3.)
~A-gon~, pp. and adv. gone away, ago, S2, C3; ~agoon~, C2, C3; ~agone~, S3; ~agoo~, PP; ~ago~, C2.--AS. _a-g??n_, pp. of _??-g??n_, to go forth. (~A-~I.)
~A-graythen~, v. to make ready, to dress, NED; ~agre??ed~, pp., S2; ~agray??ed~, NED.--From Icel. _grei?°a_: Goth, _ga-raidjan_. (~A-~I.)
~A-graythinge~, sb. apparel, S2, NED.
~Agreable~, adj. pleasant, NED; ~aggreable~, favourable, S3.--AF. agreable.(~A-~7.)
~A-gref~, in grief, NED; ~agrief~, C; ~ogrefe~, NED. Phr.: ~takes not agreve~, takes it not unkindly, NED. (~A-~2.)
~Agreggen~, v. to make heavy, to be heavy, to aggravate, HD; ~agreggid~, pp., W2--OF. _agregier_: Prov. _agreujar_; Late Lat. _aggreuiare_, from *greuis for Lat. grauis. (~A-~7.)
~Agre??ed~, pp. made ready, S2; see ~A-graythen~. [Addition]
~Agreuen~, v. to bear heavily on, to grieve, oppress, HD; ~agreued~, pp., C2, PP.--OF. _agrever_; Lat. _aggrauare_; _ad_+ _grauare_, from grauis. (~A-~7.)
~Agrimony~, sb. agrimony, Prompt.; ~agremoine~, Voc.; ~egrimony~, Prompt.; ~egremoin~, C3; ~egremounde~, NED; ~ogremoyne~, Voc.--Lat. _agrimonia_; Gr. [Greek: agremonae] cp. F. aigremoine.
~A-grisen~, v. to be horrified, to terrify, to loathe, HD, MD,

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