_and_-, _ond_-, _on_-(proclitic). Cf. ~On-~ (2.)
~A-~, prefix (5), standing for ~At~, prep., and Icel. _at_, used with the infin. See ~At-~ (1).
~A-~, prefix (6), standing for AS. _ge_-; see ~3*e-~.
~A-~, prefix (7), standing for OF. _a_-and Lat. _ad_-.
~A-~, prefix (8), standing for OF. _a_- and Lat. _ab_-.
~A-~, prefix (9), standing for AF. _a_, OF. _e_-, _es_- from Lat. _ex_-, _e_-.
~A-~, prefix (10), standing for AF. _an_-, OF. _en_- from Lat. _in_-. See ~In-~.
~A-~, prefix (11), standing for Gr. [Greek: a]- privative.
~A~, interj. O! Ah! expressing surprise, pain, S, MD.
~A~, _prep_, on, in, PP, S, S2,C2; see On.
~A~, _prep_, of, S2, S3, PP; see Of. [Addition]
~A~, adv. ever, S; ~aa~, S; ~a buten~, ever without, S; see O. [Addition]
~A-bac~, adv. backwards, S, W2; ~abec~, S; ~abak~, C2, W; ~obak~, S2.--AS. _on-b?|c_. (~A-~ 2.)
~Abasshen~, v. to abash, S3; ~abasshed~, pp. abashed, ashamed, alarmed, C3, PP; ~abashed~, S2; ~abasshid~, S3; ~abasched~, PP; ~abaisshed~, PP; ~abaischid~, W; ~abaischt~, S2; ~abaissed~, PP; ~abaist~, S3; ~abayste~, S2, C2.--OF. _esbahiss_- stem of pr. p. of _esbahir_, to astonish; Lat. ex + *badire for _badare_, to open the mouth. (~A-~ 9.)
~Abate~, v. to beat down, bring down, calm down, P, NED.--AF. abatre (pr. p. _abatant_); Late Lat. *adbatere. (~A-~7.)
~Abaue~, v. to put to confusion, to be confounded, NED, HD, JD; ~abawed~, pp. HD; ~abaued~, HD.--OF. *_abavir_: esbahir (with v in place of lost _h_, see Brachet, s.v. _glaive_). (~A-~9). See Abasshen.
~Abaye~, sb. barking; phr. ~at ??e abaie, at abaye~, at bay, S2.--OF. _abai_, barking, from _abaier_; cp. F. aboi in phr.: _?atre aux abois_.
~Abbay~, sb. abbey, C2; ~abbeis~, pl., S2.--AF. abbeie (_abeie_); Church Lat. _abba*dia, abba*tia_, from _abba*tem_. See Abbod.
~Abbesse~, sb. abbess, PP.--OF. _abbesse_; Church Lat. abbatissa.
~Abbod~, sb. abbot, MD, S2; ~abbot~, S, PP; ~abbodes~, pl. S2.--Church Lat. _abba*tem_ (pronounced _abba*dem_), nom. _abbas_; Gr. [Greek: abbas]; Syriac, _abba_, father.
~Abbodesse~, sb. abbess, PP.
~Abbot-rice~, sb. abbacy, S.--AS. _abbod-r?-ce_, the rule of an abbot.
~A-B-C~, the alphabet, P; ~abcy~, Cath.; ~abce~, Cath. (n.), PP; ~abcee~, Cotg.; ~abece~, Cath. (n.); ~apece~, Prompt.--Cp. OF. _abece_, the crosse rowe (Cotg.).
~Abeah, Abeh~.; see ~Abu3*en~.
~Abeggen, Abeien~; see Abyen.
~A-bernen~, v. to burn; ~abern?°~, _pr. s_. S.--AS. _??-beornan_. (~A-~ 1.)
~Abhominacioun~, sb. abomination, NED, C2.
~Abhomynable~, adj. abominable, S3, C3.--AF. _abhominable_; Lat. abominabilem.
~A-biden~, v. to abide, remain, await, endure, S, S2, W2; ~habide~, S2; ~abyde~, C2; ~abid~, imp., S, S2; ~abid~, _pr. s_., S; ~abit~, S, S2, C3; ~abod~, _pt. s_., S; ~abood~, W2; ~abide~, _pt. pl_., S2; ~abididen~, W2; ~abide~, pp., G.--AS. _??-b?-dan_. (~A-~ 1.)
~A-biding~, sb. expectation, W2.
~Abiggen~; see Abven.
~Abil~, adj. able, CM; ~able~, C; ~hable~, S3, MD.--OF. _able_, hable (mod. F. _habile_); Lat. habilem.
~Abilite~, sb. ability, NED; ~habilitie~, S3.--OF. _habilit??_.
~Abil3*eit~, pp. apparelled, S3.--OF. habiller.
~Abil3*ement~, sb. clothing, S3.--OF. habillement.
~Abit~, sb. dress, a monk's clothing, habit, PP, CM, HD; ~abite~, W.--AF. abit (_habit_); Lat. habitum (acc.).
~A-biten~, v. to bite, S.--AS. _??-b?-tan_. (~A-I~).
~Abject~, pp. and adj. cast out, NED.
~Abjecte~, v. to cast aside, S3.
~A-blawen~, v. to blow, MD; ~ableow~, _pt. s_., S.--AS. _??-bl??wan_. (~A-I~.)
~A-blenden~, v. to blind, MD; ~ablent~, _pr. s_., S; pl., S; ~ablende~, _pt. s_., MD; ~a-blend~, pp. MD.--AS. _??-blendan_. (~A-I~.)
~A-bouten~, adv. and prep. about, C2, P, MD; ~abuten~, S; ~abuuten~, S; ~abuton~, S; ~abute~, S; ~aboute~, S, G; ~oboute~, MD; ~obout~, S2.--AS. _on-b?otan_ (=_on-be-?otan_). (~A-2~.)
~A-bouen~, adv. and _prep_, above, C2, PP, MD; ~aboue~, PP; ~abufen~, S; ~abuuen~, MD; ~abowen~, MD; ~abone~, S3, JD; ~oboven~, MD; ~obowen~, MD; ~oboune~, MD. Phr.: ~at here aboue~, S2.--AS. on + bufan (=be + _ufan_). (~A-2~.)
~Abregge~, v. to abridge, shorten, C; ~abreggide~, pp., W; ~breggid~, W.--OF. _abreger_, _abregier_: Prov. _abrevjar_; Lat. abbreviare. (~A-8~.)
~A-breiden~, v. to start up, to draw (sword), to thrust out, to blame, S; ~abreyden~, NED; ~abraid~, _pt. s_.,S; ~abreyde~, C2; ~abrayde~, C; ~abroden~, pp., S; ~abruden~, S.--AS. _??_ + bregdan. (~A-I~.)
~A-brode~, adv. abroad, PP; ~abrood~, C2; ~abrod~, widely apart, PP. (~A-2~.)
~Abusioun~, sb. deceit, S2, C3.--OF. abusion (Cotg.).
~Abute, Abuton, Abuten~; see ~A-bouten~.
~A-bu3*en~, v. to bow, MD; ~abuen~, MD; ~abouwen~, MD; ~abowe~, NED; ~abeah~, _pt. s_., MD; ~abeh~, S.--AS. _??-bugan_. (~A-I~.)
~A-byen, Abye~, v. to buy, to pay for, S3, C2, C3, PP; ~abygge~, PP; ~abiggen~, PP; ~abuggen~, S, PP; ~abeggen~, MD, G; ~abeien~, S; ~abie~, PP; ~abui??~, _pr. s_., S; ~abuge?°~, _pr. pl_., S; ~abouhte~, _pt. s_., S; ~aboughte~, G; ~abought~, pp. 63.--AS. _??-* bycgan_. (~A-~ 1.)
~Abyme~, sb. abyss, S2, HD.--OF. _abime, abisme_; Low Lat. *_abyssimum_, superl. of Lat. _abyssus_; Gr. [Greek:abussos], bottomless. (~A-~ 11.)
~Ac~, conj. but, S, S2, P; ~acc~, S; ~ah~, S, S2; ~ak~, S2, PP; ~hac~, S; ~ach~, MD; ~auh~, MD, S; ~auch~, MD; ~oc~, S; ~occ~, S.--AS. ac.
~Acc-~; see ~Ac-~.
~Accident~, sb. accident (a term of the schoolmen), C3.--Lat. accidentem.
~Accidie~, sb. sloth, indolence, S, CM, PP.--AF. accidie (NED); Low Lat. _accidia, acedia_; Gr. [Greek:akaedia], heedlessness, torpor. (~A-~ 11.)
~Accompt~, sb. account, S3; see Acounte. [Addition]
~Accompted~, pp. accounted, S3; see Acounte. [Addition]
~Ace~, sb. a jot, S3; see As. [Addition]
~A-cennen~, v. to bring forth, to beget, MD; ~acenned~, pp. MD; ~accenned~, S; ~akenned~,
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