A Complete Grammar of Esperanto | Page 3

Ivy Kellerman
Preposition "Por".--"La Sezonoj kaj la Mondo". XXII. Clauses Expressing Duration of
Time.--Clauses Expressing Anticipation.--The Infinitive with "Anstataux", "Por",
"Antaux ol".--The Expression of a Part of the Whole.-- "Diogeno kaj Aleksandro
Granda". XXIII. Adverbs Expressing a Part of the Whole.--The Demonstrative Adverb of
Quantity.--Result Clauses.--"En la Butiko". XXIV. The Interrogative Pronoun.--The
Present Active Participle.--Compound Tenses.--The Progressive Present Tense.--The
Suffix "-Ej-".--"En Nia Domo". XXV. The Interrogative Adjective.--The Imperfect
Tense.-- Salutations and Exclamations.--Word Formation.--"Koni" and "Scii".--"La Nepo
Vizitas la Avinon". XXVI. The Interrogative Adverb of Place.--The Past Active
Participle.--Adverb Derivation from Prepositions.--Adverbs Expressing Direction of

Motion.--The Suffix "-Eg-".--"La Pluvego". XXVII. The Interrogative Temporal
Adverb.--The Perfect Tense.--The Preposition "Cxe".--The Suffix "-Ar-".--"Tempo" and
"Fojo".-- The Orthography of Proper Names.--"Roberto Bruce kaj la Araneo". XXVIII.
The Interrogative Adverb of Motive or Reason.-- The Infinitive as Subject.--Present
Action with Past Inception.--The Suffix "-Ul-".--"Logxi" and "Vivi".--"Pri la Avo kaj la
Avino". XXIX. The Interrogative Adverb of Manner and Degree.--The Pluperfect
Tense.--Cardinal Numbers.--The Accusative of Measure.--"Nia Familio". XXX. The
Interrogative Adverb of Quantity.--Modifiers of Impersonally Used Verbs.--Formation of
Cardinal Numerals.--The Suffix "-An-".--"Leciono Pri Aritmetiko". XXXI. The Relative
Pronoun.--The Future Perfect Tense.--Ordinal Numerals.--"Alfredo Granda kaj la Libro".
XXXII. "Kia" as a Relative Adjective.--"Kie" as a Relative Adverb.--The Future Active
Participle.--The Periphrastic Future Tenses.--The Suffix "-Ind-".--"Alfredo Granda kaj la
Kukoj". XXXIII. "Kiam" as a Relative Adverb.--"Kiel" as a Relative Adverb.--Numeral
Nouns and Adverbs.--Word Derivation from Prepositions.--"La Invito". XXXIV.
Prepositions as Prefixes.--The Suffix "-Ebl-".--Expression of the Highest Degree
Possible.--Titles and Terms of Address.--"Cxe la Festo". XXXV. "Kiom" as a Relative
Adverb.--The Present Passive Participle.--Fractions.--Descriptive Compounds.--"La
Hxinoj". XXXVI. The Present Passive Tense.--The Use of "De" to Express Agency.--The
General Meaning of "De".--Word Derivation from Primary Adverbs.--The Suffix
"-Ist-".--"Antikva Respubliko". XXXVII. The Distributive Pronoun.--The Preposition
"Po".-- Dependent Compounds.--"La Cxapelo sur la Stango". XXXVIII. The Distributive
Adjective.--The Imperfect Passive Tense.-- Compound Tenses of Impersonal
Verbs.--Reciprocal Expressions.--The Suffix "-Uj-".--"Vilhelmo Tell kaj la Pomo".
XXXIX. The Distributive Adverb of Place.--The Future Passive Tense.--Possessive
Compounds.--The Time of Day.--The Suffix "-Obl-".--"En la Stacidomo". XL. The
Distributive Temporal Adverb.--The Distributive Adverb "Cxial".--The Past Passive
Participle.--The Perfect Passive Tense.--The Preposition "Laux".--The Suffix
"-Em-".--"La Perdita Infano". XLI. The Distributive Adverb "Cxiel".--The Distributive
Adverb "Cxiom".--The Pluperfect Passive Tense.--The Future Perfect Passive
Tense.--The Expression of Material.--The Suffix "-Et-".--"La Donaco". XLII. The Future
Passive Participle.--The Passive Periphrastic Future Tenses.--The Generic Article.--The
Suffix "-Ec-".--"Sur la Vaporsxipo". XLIII. The Indefinite Pronoun.--Participial
Nouns.--The Prefix "Ek-".--The Suffix "-Id-".--"La Nesto sur la Tendo". XLIV. The
Indefinite Adjective.--The Indefinite Adverb of Place.-- Predicate Nominatives.--"La
Cxevalo kaj la Sonorilo". XLV. The Indefinite Temporal Adverb.--The Indefinite Adverb
"Ial".--Causative Verbs.--Emphasis by Means of "Ja".-- "Cxe la Malnova Ponto". XLVI.
The Indefinite Adverb "Iel".--The Indefinite Adverb "Iom".-- The Suffix "-Ad-".--The
Use of "Mem".--"Arhximedo kaj la Kronoj". XLVII. The Negative Pronoun.--The
Adverbial Participle.--The Prefix "Re-".--"La Filozofo Arhximedo". XLVIII. The
Negative Adjective.--The Negative Adverb of Place.--The Negative Temporal
Adverb.--The Suffix "-Ajx-".--The Adverb "Jen".--"Du Artkonkursoj". XLIX. The
Negative Adverbs "Nenial", "Neniel", "Neniom".--The Suffix "-Igx-".--"La Krepusko". L.
The Pronouns ending in "-O".--Correlative Words.--The Use of "Ajn".--The Suffix
"-Ing-".--"La Gordia Ligajxo". LI. The Pronoun "Ambaux".--Formations with "-Ig-" and
"-Igx-".-- Factual Conditions.--"La Monahxoj kaj la Azeno". LII. The Conditional
Mood.--Compound Tenses of the Conditional Mood.--Less Vivid

Conditions.--Independent Use of the Conditional Mood.--The Prefix "Dis-".--"Pri la
Gravitado". LIII. Conditions Contrary to Fact.--The Verb "Devi".--The Preposition
"Sen".--"La Filozofo Sokrato". LIV. Summary of Conditions.--Clauses of Imaginative
Comparison.--The Use of "Al" to Express Reference.--The Suffix "-Estr-".--"La
Ostracismo de Aristejdo". LV. The Imperative Mood.--Resolve and
Exhortation.--Commands and Prohibitions.--Less Peremptory Uses of the
Imperative.--The Use of "Mosxto".--"La Glavo de Damoklo". LVI. The Imperative in
Subordinate Clauses.--The Preposition "Je".--The Suffix "-Op-".--"La Marsxado de la
Dekmil Grekoj". LVII. Clauses Expressing Purpose.--Further Uses of the
Accusative.--Synopsis of the Conjugation of the Verb.--The Suffix "-Um-".--"La Reirado
de la Dekmilo". LVIII. Permission and Possibility.--The Prefix "Ge-".--The Suffix
"-Acx-".--Interjections.--"Aleksandro Granda". LIX. The Position of Unemphatic
Pronouns.--Some Intransitive Verbs.--The Suffix "-Er-".--The Prefixes "Bo-" and
"Duon-".--Correspondence.--"Kelkaj Leteroj". LX. Some Transitive
Verbs.--Elision.--The Prefix "Eks-".--The Prefix "Pra-".--The Suffixes "-Cxj-" and
"-Nj-".--Weights and Measures.--The International Money System.--Abbreviations.-- "Pri
La Kamero".
* * * * *
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1. The Esperanto alphabet contains the following letters: a, b, c, cx, d, e, f, g, gx, h, hx, i,
j, jx, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, sx, t, u, ux, v, z.
2. The vowels of the alphabet are pronounced as follows:
"a" as in "far".
"e" as in "fiance", like "a" in "fate".
[Footnote: This "long a" sound in English frequently ends with a vanish,--a brief terminal
sound of "short i" which makes the vowel slightly diphthongal, as in "day", "aye". Such a
vanish must not be given to any of the Esperanto vowels.]
"i" as in "machine".
"o" as in "toll", "for".
"u" as in "rude", "rural".
3. The consonants "b", "d", "f", "h", "k", "l", "m",
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