A Brief Memoir | Page 3

Eliza Southall
and I can have
meetings at home; but I do want to go." Being told that her going must
depend upon her sister's behavior, Eliza ran to her, and putting her arms
round her neck, said, most earnestly, "Do, dear R----, be a good girl and
behave well." The dear child's desire to attend meeting was soon
gratified; and that morning she selected, to commit to memory, Jane
Taylor's appropriate hymn on attending public worship, especially
noticing the stanza--
"The triflers, too, His eye can see,
Who only seem to take a part;

They move the lip, and bend the knee,
But do not seek Him with the
saying, earnestly, "Oh, I hope I shall not be like those!"
At another time, whilst amusing herself with her toys, she asked,
"Mamma, what is it that makes me feel so sorry when I have done
wrong? Directly, mamma: what is it?" On her mother's explaining that
it was the Holy Spirit put into her heart by her heavenly Father, she
replied, "But how very whispering it is, mamma! Nobody else can hear
it." "Yes, my dear," said her mother; "and thou mayst sometimes hear it
compared to a 'still small voice, and then thou wilt know what is
meant." She answered, "Yes, mamma," and then continued to amuse
herself as before.
The first remembrance of Eliza retained by one of her younger sisters is
that of sitting opposite to her in the nursery-window while she
endeavored, in a simple manner, to explain to her the source and object
of her being. To the same sister she afterwards addressed some
affectionate lines of infantile poetry urging the same subject,
"Look, precious child, to Jesus Christ."
The missionary spirit which filled her young heart was also evinced by
her desire to possess a donkey, that she might distribute Bibles in the

country places round about; and this was afterwards spoken of as the
ambition of her childhood.
Together with the cheerful sweetness of her disposition, there was an
unusual pensiveness, a tender care for others, which was most
endearing, and often touching to witness. One day, perceiving her
mother much affected on receiving intelligence of the decease of a
valued friend and minister at a distance from home, Eliza evinced her
sympathy by laying on the table before her some beautiful lines on the
death of Howard. On her mother asking if she thought the cases similar,
she said, "Not quite, mamma: J---- T---- was not without friends."
So earnest was her anxiety for the good of herself and her sisters, that,
when any thing wrong had been done, her feelings of distress seemed
equally excited, whether for their sakes or her own. After any little
trouble of this sort, her mother often observed her retire alone, and,
when she returned to the family-group, a beaming expression on her
countenance would show where she had laid her sorrows. Sometimes in
her play-hours she would endeavor to prepare her two younger sisters
for the lessons which they would receive from their father, and, when
the time came for her to join in giving them regular instruction, she
entered into it with zest and interest.
Many hours were spent during the summer in the little plots of ground
allotted to herself and sisters out of a small plantation skirting a
meadow near the house, and many others in reading under the old
elm-trees which cast their shade over the garden-walk.
The spare moments during her domestic occupations which she was
anxious not to neglect were often beguiled by learning pieces of poetry,
a book being generally open at her side while thus employed.
Earnestness of purpose and unwearied energy were characteristics of
her mind. Whatever she undertook was done thoroughly and with an
untiring industry, which often claimed the watchful care of her parents
from the fear lest she should overtax her strength. It was evidently
difficult to her to avoid an unsuitable strain on her physical powers,
whatever might be the nature of her pursuit,--whether her own private

reading or other intellectual occupation. At one period her time and
energies were closely occupied for some months in the formation of
very elaborate charts, by which she endeavored to impress historical
and scientific subjects on her mind. The collection and examination of
objects illustrating the different branches of natural history was also a
very favorite pursuit, in which she delighted to join her sisters. But the
reader will best understand how completely any pursuit in which she
became deeply interested took hold upon her, from her own account of
her experiences respecting poetry.
While deeply feeling her responsibility for the right use of all the
talents intrusted to her care, and earnestly engaged in their cultivation,
she was equally conscious of the claims of social duty, and as
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