A Book for Kids | Page 9

C. J. Dennis
in the dark,?As brave as anyone.
Laughed, we did, and chaffed, we did,?And whistled all the way,?And we're home again! Home again!?Hip . . . . . . Hooray!
I am friendly with the sparrow?Though his mind is rather narrow
And his manners--well, the less we say the better.?But as day begins to peep,?When I hear his cheery "Cheep"
A am ready to admit I am his debtor
I delight in red-browed finches?And all birds of scanty inches.
Willie wagtail is a pleasant bird, and coy.?All the babblers, chats and wrens,?Tits and robins, and their hens,
Are my very special friends, and bring me joy.
A vase upon the mantelpiece,
A ship upon the sea,?A goat upon a mountain-top
Are much the same to me;?But when you mention melon jam,
Or picnics by the creek,?Or apple pies, or pantomimes,
I love to hear you speak.
The date of Magna Charta or
The doings of the Dutch,?Or capes, or towns, or verbs, or nouns
Do not excite me much;?But when you mention motor rides--
Down by the sea for choice?Or chasing games, or chocolates,
I love to hear your voice.
Once upon a time--it was not so very long ago, either--a little boy, named Neville, lived with his people in a house which was almost in the country. That is to say, it was just at the edge of the city; and at the back of the house was a rather large hill, which was quite bald.
Neville, who was fond of playing by himself, would often wander to the top of the bald hill; and if he stood right on top of it and looked one way, toward the East, he could see right over the city, with all its tall buildings and domes and spires and smoking chimneys. But looking the other way, to the West, he could see for miles over the beautiful country, with its green fields and orchards and white roads and little farm houses.
One evening Neville was playing alone on the top of the hill when he noticed that one of the very finest sunsets he had ever seen was just coming on. The sky in the West, away over the broad country lands, was filled with little clouds of all sorts and shapes, and they were just beginning to take on the most wonderful colours.
Neville had often before amused himself with watching clouds and the strange shapes into which they changed themselves--sometimes like great mountain ranges, sometimes like sea-waves, and very often like elephants and lions and seals and all manner of interesting things of that sort. But never before had he been able to make out so many animal shapes in the clouds. The sky was almost as good as a Zoo. There were kangaroos and elephants and a hen with chickens and wallabies and rabbits and a funny man with large ears and all sorts of other peculiar shapes.
The sun was sinking behind a distant range of hills, where a golden light shone out as if through a gateway. It was so much like a great golden gateway that Neville fell to wondering what might be found on the other side of it.
Suddenly, right in the middle of all the coloured clouds, he saw one little cloud which was perfectly white, and, as he watched it, he noticed that it seemed to be shaped like a small horse. A very small horse it seemed at that distance; but, as Neville gazed, it grew bigger and bigger, just as if it were coming toward him very fast, and he was almost certain he could see its legs moving.
That startled him a little, and so he rubbed his eyes to make sure that they were not playing him tricks.
When he looked again he was more startled than ever; for the little white cloud was no longer a cloud, but a little white horse in real earnest. Besides, it had just left the sky and was galloping down the mountain range which he could see away in the West.
In two minutes it had left the range, and was coming across the fields towards him, jumping the fences, dodging under the trees, and racing across the plain with its white mane and tail tossing as it came. It seemed to be making straight for him.
He was not really frightened--you must not think that about him--but he was just beginning to wonder if it were not nearly time to go home to dinner, when he noticed that the white horse had stopped, just at the foot of the bald hill. It was looking up at him, tossing its head and pawing the ground--the most beautiful white horse that he had ever seen, even in a circus. Then it appeared to get over its excitement and began to trot quietly up the hill toward him.
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