27 Health Tips | Page 4

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chew your food properly and savor
it fully. Swallowing too much is a direct cause of aerophagy. So don’t
swallow needlessly.
Don’t drink a lot when you eat. Avoid tobacco and alcohol,
cabbage, radishes, doughy bread, strong spices and bubbly drinks.
Don’t eat food that is too hot or too cold.
And pay attention to the kinds of food you eat together: make a
note of any combination that seems to provoke an attack and avoid it
in future.

27 of the best health “tips”21
16. How to put an end to
Heartburn usually results from excess acidity in the stomach, or
from improper functioning of your digestive system.
At the point where the esophagus and stomach join, a special
muscle opens and closes the esophagus. When we swallow food this
muscle relaxes to let the food pass into the stomach after which it
closes again.
But it can happen that the muscle malfunctions. The contents of
the stomach then rise back up the esophagus, irritating the area. And
this results in the infamous feeling of heartburn.
How to stop it?
Avoid acidic foods (lemons, etc.), alcohol, fat
or fried food, food that is overcooked, coffee, juice, tomato base
products and chocolate. But don’t deprive yourself too much.
observe which foods bring on heartburn and avoid them. Also, don’t
go to sleep right after eating (you should eat supper around 7 o’clock)
and don’t smoke, especially after meals.

2227 of the best health “tips”
17. A miracle remedy
If we offered you a miracle remedy that prevents cardiac disease,
certain types of cancer, diabetes, obesity, tooth decay and varicose
veins, would you buy it? Certainly you would.
There is such a product. But it is not a recent discovery and you
won’t find it in a pharmacy but at the grocery store. We are talking
about fiber.
A study conducted in Holland on 871 men, over a period of ten
years, showed that subjects who had a low fiber diet were three
times more susceptible to mortal disease - causes notwithstanding -
than those who ate a lot of fiber (Future Youth).
This said, it cannot be confirmed at present that fiber prevents
the above mentioned diseases in all cases. But there is conclusive
proof that they occur more frequently in populations with low fiber
diets which is precisely the case in the west.
According to The Lancet (the British Medical Journal)
a diet
which contains at least 37 grams of fiber per day (the equivalent of
one cup of bran, one apple, one potato and a half cup of cooked
spinach) can effectively protect the organism against chronic illnesses
common to western society.
So fiber is useful in combatting many disorders
besides constipation.

27 of the best health “tips”23
Notably white bread (since fiber is removed in white flour),
beef, pork, chicken, milk, butter, cheese, sugar, processed meats,
desserts, fish, seafood and noodles.
· Fruits: especially apples and prunes.
· Vegetables: potatoes with their peel, spinach, artichokes,
cabbage, peas.
· Whole grains: barley, whole wheat (you should eat whole
wheat bread because of the bran it contains), oats, corn.
· Nuts: peanuts and almonds.
· Dried fruit: apricots, plums, figs, dates.
· Legumes: soy beans, lima beans, lentils, chick peas.
Note that there are numerous types of fiber, and that you should
alternate between them. For example, the fiber contained in apples
and the fiber in cereals are both essential, since they don’t have the
same digestive function.

2427 of the best health “tips”
18. Reducing your
To reduce cholesterol:
· First cut down on saturated fats. To do this:
· Eat lean meat. Select lean cuts and ask your butcher to cut off
the fat.
· Drink skim milk instead of whole milk.
Do the same for all dairy products. Note that vegetarians have a
much lower cholesterol level (almost twice as low as average) which
is perfectly understandable, since cholesterol is only found in
products derived from animals.
· Alcohol - in moderation. Not more than two glasses a day.
However, it does appear that drinking a moderate amount of alcohol
raises the number of HDL lipids (the good ones!), which break down
cholesterol. (Moderation = two 4 oz. glasses of wine or two 12 oz.
· Do regular exercise, for example walking.
· Take Vitamin E. It reduces the risk of coronary disease.
· Calcium brewer’s yeast, Vitamin C and Vitamin B-6 also
combat the accumulation of cholesterol. And don’t forget lecithin,
which helps fight excess cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, hypertension

27 of the best health “tips”25
and angina (as well as psoriasis, anxiety and diabetes - and reduces
the likelihood of contracting cancer). Losing weight is a good way to
raise your HDL level.
· Use poly-unsaturated, non-hydrogenated, cold pressed oil: corn
oil, sunflower seed oil, soy, flax etc. A mono-unsaturated oil like
olive oil can even raise your HDL level.
· Daily consumption of fish would be ideal for preventing
cardio-vascular problems, as demonstrated conclusively in a number
of studies on fish-eating populations (Eskimos for example). Ideally,
you would eat fish twice a day. And as strange as this sounds, you
should select the fattest kinds: mackerel, sardines, herring, salmon etc.
As for the oil in the fish, it is used to treat arterial disorders. Its
effects can be felt in about
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