Trevie Bear & Lazy Baba Go to Kathmandu | Page 2

Carolyn Smith
she was excited at the thought of seeing lots of

The ride got bumpier and bumpier as the road changed from smooth tarmac to
gravel and rocks. Trevie Bear and Lazy Baba had nothing to hold on to and as they
turned a particularly sharp corner and the rickshaw leant over on one side, they were
thrown from the bag on to the road. They sat in the dust on the side of the street and
watched the rickshaw with Mum, Dad and Becky in, drive away at great speed.

Chapter 3

Trevie Bear & Lazy Baba in Nepal by Carolyn Smith 4

Trevie Bear stood up and brushed himself down to get the dirt out of his fur. Lazy
Baba looked up at Trevie Bear in a daze. She was in shock. What had just happened?
How had she ended up on the side of the street?
“Well Lazy Baba,” said Trevie Bear, “looks like it has happened again.”
She sighed and held out her hand. Trevie Bear helped her to her feet. She quickly
brushed the dirt off her dress and looked around them.
“Yes, here we are again. Lost,” she said in a heavy voice.
“No we’re not lost this time,” Trevie Bear said confidently. “Look, the Monkey
Temple is just at the top of this hill. It’s not far and that is where Becky is. We’ll be
back with her in no time.”

Lazy Baba looked up in the direction that Trevie Bear was pointing. He was right.
At the top of the dusty hill was a tall golden tower. It was a big white dome with a
golden cube sitting on top of it. Rising up out of the cube was a very tall oval shaped
tower with black and gold stripes.
They started walking up the hill towards this strange object. They passed many houses
and little stores on the way. People were sat in the street talking, resting, buying and
selling. It was quite a busy little street.
As they got closer to the temple Lazy Baba noticed that the cube had two eyes painted
on it. When she asked Trevie Bear why this was he told her that they were peaceful
eyes providing peace and tranquility to the people.

Trevie Bear & Lazy Baba in Nepal by Carolyn Smith 5

They finally reached the bottom of the temple. The temple itself was sitting at the
top of a huge flight of steps. Lazy Baba guessed that there must be more than one
thousand steps leading to the temple.
There were lots of people at the bottom of the temple selling garlands of flowers and
necklaces with the two eyes on. They had a quick look around, but they could already
see that Mum, Dad and Becky were not down here.
“They must be in the temple at the top of these steps,” said Trevie Bear. Lazy Baba
groaned. She was already tired from walking up that big hill. She really didn’t want to
have to walk up all those steps as well.
“Don’t be so lazy Lazy Baba. We have to walk up those steps to find Becky.”
She knew he was right. She took a deep breath to prepare herself and followed him up
the steps. He was racing ahead, eager to find Becky.

Chapter 4

They had walked up what felt like more than one hundred steps and Lazy Baba
was tired. She was struggling for breath so she stopped and sat down for a rest. As she
sat she saw a family of monkeys running up and down the steps. She smiled to herself
as she watched them running, jumping and playing. There were three large brown
monkeys with four little baby monkeys. The babies were being naughty and jumping
all over each other while the adults looked on.
“Trevie Bear!” called Lazy Baba. “Come and see this.”
Trevie Bear was much further up the flight of steps than Lazy Baba because he had
not stopped for a rest. He didn’t want to go all the way back down again. He looked at
the steps above him and saw what must have been more than thirty monkeys sitting in

Trevie Bear & Lazy Baba in Nepal by Carolyn Smith 6

rows looking at him. They were blocking his way through and they were all much
bigger than him.

“Oh no!” thought Trevie Bear. One of the monkeys moved forward towards Trevie
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