History of the United Netherlands, 1588a

John Lothrop Motley
History of the United Netherlands, 1588a

The Project Gutenberg EBook History of The United Netherlands, 1588
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Title: History of the United Netherlands, 1588
Author: John Lothrop Motley
Release Date: January, 2004 [EBook #4855] [Yes, we are more than one year ahead of schedule] [This file was first posted on April 5, 2002]
Edition: 10
Language: English
Character set encoding: ASCII


This eBook was produced by David Widger

[NOTE: There is a short list of bookmarks, or pointers, at the end of the file for those who may wish to sample the author's ideas before making an entire meal of them. D.W.]

HISTORY OF THE UNITED NETHERLANDS From the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce--1609
By John Lothrop Motley

MOTLEY'S HISTORY OF THE NETHERLANDS, Project Gutenberg Edition, Vol. 55
History of the United Netherlands, 1588

. Part 1.
Prophecies as to the Year 1588--Distracted Condition of the Dutch Republic--Willoughby reluctantly takes Command--English Commissioners come to Ostend--Secretary Gamier and Robert Cecil-- Cecil accompanies Dale to Ghent--And finds the Desolation complete-- Interview of Dale and Cecil with Parma--His fervent Expressions in favour of Peace--Cecil makes a Tour in Flanders--And sees much that is remarkable--Interviews of Dr. Rogers with Parma--Wonderful Harangues of the Envoy--Extraordinary Amenity of Alexander--With which Rogers is much touched--The Queen not pleased with her Envoy-- Credulity of the English Commissioners--Ceremonious Meeting of all the Envoys--Consummate Art in wasting Time--Long Disputes about Commissions--The Spanish Commissions meant to deceive--Disputes about Cessation of Arms--Spanish Duplicity and Procrastination-- Pedantry and Credulity of Dr. Dale--The Papal Bull and Dr. Allen's Pamphlet--Dale sent to ask Explanations--Parma denies all Knowledge of either--Croft believes to the last in Alexander.
The year 1588 had at last arrived--that fatal year concerning which the German astrologers--more than a century before had prognosticated such dire events. As the epoch approached it was firmly believed by many that the end of the world was at hand, while the least superstitious could not doubt that great calamities were impending over the nations. Portents observed during the winter and in various parts of Europe came to increase the prevailing panic. It rained blood in Sweden, monstrous births occurred in France, and at Weimar it was gravely reported by eminent chroniclers that the sun had appeared at mid-day holding a drawn sword in his mouth--a warlike portent whose meaning could not be mistaken.
But, in truth, it needed no miracles nor prophecies to enforce the conviction that a long procession of disasters was steadily advancing. With France rent asunder by internal convulsions, with its imbecile king not even capable of commanding a petty faction among his own subjects, with Spain the dark cause of unnumbered evils, holding Italy in its grasp, firmly allied with the Pope, already having reduced and nearly absorbed France, and now, after long and patient preparation, about to hurl the concentrated vengeance and hatred of long years upon the little kingdom of England, and its only ally--the just organized commonwealth of the Netherlands--it would have been strange indeed if the dullest intellect had not dreamed of tragical events. It was not encouraging that there should be distraction in the counsels of the two States so immediately threatened; that the Queen of England should be at variance with her wisest and most faithful statesmen as to their course of action, and that deadly quarrels should exist between the leading men of the Dutch republic and the English governor, who had assumed the responsibility of directing its energies against the common enemy.
The blackest night that ever descended upon the Netherlands--more disappointing because succeeding a period of comparative prosperity and triumph--was the winter of 1587-8, when Leicester had terminated his career by his abrupt departure for England, after his second brief attempt at administration. For it was exactly at this moment of anxious expectation, when dangers were rolling up from the south till not a ray of light or hope could pierce the universal darkness, that the little commonwealth was left
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